Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!
Apr 21, 2021 at 2:06 PM Post #3,903 of 7,750
I ordered the Diana v2 sight unseen from Abyss, and I'm a bit hesitant about the purchase. I've read all the rave reviews on this thread and online about the sound, but I'm worried that this headphone is going to be uncomfortable to wear (didn't really enjoy the smallness and the pads-pressed-against-ears feel of the Oppo PM-3 headphones). I have a smaller-sized head and small ears, so I won't be stretching out the headband, but the other headphones I own are much larger and have thicker ear pads, so I'm concerned.
Apr 21, 2021 at 2:27 PM Post #3,904 of 7,750
I ordered the Diana v2 sight unseen from Abyss, and I'm a bit hesitant about the purchase. I've read all the rave reviews on this thread and online about the sound, but I'm worried that this headphone is going to be uncomfortable to wear (didn't really enjoy the smallness and the pads-pressed-against-ears feel of the Oppo PM-3 headphones). I have a smaller-sized head and small ears, so I won't be stretching out the headband, but the other headphones I own are much larger and have thicker ear pads, so I'm concerned.
I think you'll be ok comfort wise. I'm very fussy when it comes to comfort and when first putting them on I have to move them around a little but after a short time I forget they're on. I was worried myself as they were also a blind purchase but was surprised how comfortable they are.
Apr 21, 2021 at 2:37 PM Post #3,905 of 7,750
I ordered the Diana v2 sight unseen from Abyss, and I'm a bit hesitant about the purchase. I've read all the rave reviews on this thread and online about the sound, but I'm worried that this headphone is going to be uncomfortable to wear (didn't really enjoy the smallness and the pads-pressed-against-ears feel of the Oppo PM-3 headphones). I have a smaller-sized head and small ears, so I won't be stretching out the headband, but the other headphones I own are much larger and have thicker ear pads, so I'm concerned.
You will be ok. I feel the fit on the V2 is better that the Oppo PM-3. I have more ear clearance. I gave my PM-3s to my step son.
Apr 21, 2021 at 8:52 PM Post #3,906 of 7,750
I’ve pretty much JPS’d out my system.

I have a Kaptovator cable from the wall to my conditioner
JPS Digital X for my DAC/streamer
JPS Superconductor V XLRs to XI Broadway
Superconductor pentaconn to my V2.

Also some Ultraconductor RCAs to my iFi Zen Can.

The pentaconn Superconductor made the most immediate discernible difference.
The V2 sound smoother, rounder and fuller in the mid and lower treble. Very nice.

I tested between an AQ Tornado vs Kaptovator and noticed the Kaptovator had a more forward and livelier sound with extension to the upper mids and treble but in a very sweet, smooth manner.

Overall the term “liquid” comes immediately to mind.
As in the musical presentations flow so effortlessly into your ear canal and materialize out of the blue.

ie my iFi Diablo doesn’t sound this good. It’s not as deep and spacious in terms of stage and separation. More “boxed” in.

The Tornado had a fuller low mid range/body but not as much clarity or liveliness in the treble.
Still very good but brings more warmth to the Broadway which is already warm.

Put up my Tornado cord and stock Diana cables for sale.

I wasn’t planning on buying all of these cables especially at once but I figured I should (would) buy them at a discount now than full MSRP later.

PS Currently listening to
Mr. Pastorius by Miles Davis
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Apr 22, 2021 at 1:44 AM Post #3,907 of 7,750
To be fair DMS was referring to the Diana V2 - it might be a different mechanism from my V1 (although highly doubt it....)
This has occurred on my V2. I hadn't tried fixing it as it's sitting in my preferred setting. But I'm inclined to remove the cup and take a look.
Apr 22, 2021 at 1:49 AM Post #3,908 of 7,750
I ordered the Diana v2 sight unseen from Abyss, and I'm a bit hesitant about the purchase. I've read all the rave reviews on this thread and online about the sound, but I'm worried that this headphone is going to be uncomfortable to wear (didn't really enjoy the smallness and the pads-pressed-against-ears feel of the Oppo PM-3 headphones). I have a smaller-sized head and small ears, so I won't be stretching out the headband, but the other headphones I own are much larger and have thicker ear pads, so I'm concerned.
I was concerned about this too, but after adding a $10 headband pad I've had zero complaints about the comfort. At first I didn't think I'd like it over longer listening sessions. Reason being that I've got rather big ears and the pad did rub on a pointy part of my mid-ear. The thing is, they're so light and sit lightly over you ears as opposed to clamping, that I've had no issues.

Well, I have had a little bit of pain in the aforementioned spot, but that was at the end of a long day doing a few hours of OT. They had been on my head for at least 10 hours that day. So, pretty great in my book.
Apr 22, 2021 at 5:23 AM Post #3,909 of 7,750
This has occurred on my V2. I hadn't tried fixing it as it's sitting in my preferred setting. But I'm inclined to remove the cup and take a look.
I would say opening it to look is fine, but once you start moving the small magnets behind the plastic cover, they get hard to put back into place as they are very strong and start sticking to rest of the unit
Apr 23, 2021 at 2:05 PM Post #3,910 of 7,750
I was concerned about this too, but after adding a $10 headband pad I've had zero complaints about the comfort. At first I didn't think I'd like it over longer listening sessions. Reason being that I've got rather big ears and the pad did rub on a pointy part of my mid-ear. The thing is, they're so light and sit lightly over you ears as opposed to clamping, that I've had no issues.

Well, I have had a little bit of pain in the aforementioned spot, but that was at the end of a long day doing a few hours of OT. They had been on my head for at least 10 hours that day. So, pretty great in my book.
You're right. I just received the Diana v2s today, and they are pretty comfortable (and light!), save for the thin headband. I have a headband pad arriving tomorrow from Musicteck that should take care of that.

What a relief! They're fairly comfortable and they sound pretty good out of the box. I've got my iCan Pro set on high gain burning them in now, and I plan to do some quality listening tonight after work.
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Apr 23, 2021 at 7:29 PM Post #3,911 of 7,750
I’ve found most comfort issues are exaggerated.

Some reviews make it seem like the worst thing ever and totally unusable. Then you wear them and it’s like that’s fine... not the best but definitely tolerable.

For example like the LCD 2 closed, Verite LTD, Campfire Cascade, Diana V2, HD6XX so far IME.

Since I put on the Diana’s sometimes I forget I’m wearing them they’re so light.
Apr 23, 2021 at 7:47 PM Post #3,912 of 7,750
I’ve found most comfort issues are exaggerated.

Some reviews make it seem like the worst thing ever and totally unusable. Then you wear them and it’s like that’s fine... not the best but definitely tolerable.

For example like the LCD 2 closed, Verite LTD, Campfire Cascade, Diana V2, HD6XX so far IME.

Since I put on the Diana’s sometimes I forget I’m wearing them they’re so light.
That’s why it got my full attention lately. I’m tired of heavy headphones.
Apr 23, 2021 at 8:00 PM Post #3,913 of 7,750
That’s why it got my full attention lately. I’m tired of heavy headphones.

I feel you and I hope you’ll enjoy the Diana’s like I am.
The V2s aren’t as comfortable and plushy as say the DCA Aeon (hands down the most ergonomic headphones I’ve tried so far) but the sound, weight and feel to me are a great balance.

I was initially underwhelmed by the sonic performance until I laid my hands on the XI Broadway Balanced.
All my other amps made it sound limp and flat.

Looking forward to your impressions if you end up with them.
Apr 23, 2021 at 9:39 PM Post #3,914 of 7,750
I feel you and I hope you’ll enjoy the Diana’s like I am.
The V2s aren’t as comfortable and plushy as say the DCA Aeon (hands down the most ergonomic headphones I’ve tried so far) but the sound, weight and feel to me are a great balance.

I was initially underwhelmed by the sonic performance until I laid my hands on the XI Broadway Balanced.
All my other amps made it sound limp and flat.

Looking forward to your impressions if you end up with them.
I’m still trying to buy my Diana’s. Hoping to find a good second hand to start with.
Fun fact... I had the DCa Aeons and sold because of the comfort. I didn’t like it.
Apr 23, 2021 at 9:58 PM Post #3,915 of 7,750
I’m still trying to buy my Diana’s. Hoping to find a good second hand to start with.
Fun fact... I had the DCa Aeons and sold because of the comfort. I didn’t like it.

Interesting, what was your experience with the Aeons?
I’ve heard some found it too clampy but compared to a 6xx it’s quite loose 😅

They felt really nice to me.
I’m actually looking for a used Noire.

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