Debating whether I should get the E2.
Jul 19, 2005 at 5:30 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


May 2, 2005
Hi, I am new here and sorry to be a bother but I have a question I like to ask.

I am planning to buy the Shure E2 and I am just wondering if it is a good choice for an upgrade in earphones? My previous headphones where EX-71 and MD33. I found both of them to be missing alot of details in the music. Which is the main reason I want an upgrade. I ususally listen to vocal, rock, and techno, will this earphone provide sufficient bass, detail, and clarity for my choice of music?
Jul 19, 2005 at 5:37 AM Post #2 of 16
The E2c's are missing a lot of detail in the music also. I went from the E2c's to $15 Koss KSC75 and I was shocked with how much more detailed and clear they sounded then the E2c's.

Jul 19, 2005 at 5:40 AM Post #3 of 16
yea. the md33 will beat the e2c for highs and details. if you want a real upgrade, try the er6i. you will have a lot of details, but bass will be lessened compared to the phones that you were using.
Jul 19, 2005 at 5:44 AM Post #4 of 16
I would skip over the e2'c, as they have some serious flaws, i.e. rolled off highs, not very accurate bass. you'll always want better. I'd save up for the Shure E4s or Ety ER4s depending on your music preferences.
Jul 19, 2005 at 5:58 AM Post #5 of 16
yeah, detail has never been the E2's strong point. If that's your thing, check out the E3, E4 or maybe the new Super.Fi 3 Studio. The Ety line is another option, but personally I don't care for their house sound. It's a bit to thin in my opinion and the ER4s is just sibilant and harsh to me.

Detail is one of the major strong points of the Shure E4, so if you can spring for it I'd definately recommend it.
Jul 19, 2005 at 6:06 AM Post #6 of 16
IMHO the only reason to get the e2c is if you NEED isolation.

Severely rolled off highs, compressed soundstage, muddy and conjested (although not as bad as the EX51/71).

Burn in makes a big difference.
Amping makes a big difference.... especially with an open sounding amp (cmoy or govibe).
EQ'ing helps a lot too.

It takes a lot to get a lot out of em'.... only to still have them fall short of an amped KSC75. They lack the big open soundstage of the KSC75.

IMHO they should only be a consideration if you need isolation and are on a budget.


A/B'ing my e2c and KSC75 as I type this, amped by my govibe, source T40 laptop. god theres no comparison... KSC75 blow these things outta the water in every way... except isolation.

Jul 19, 2005 at 5:58 PM Post #7 of 16
Thanks for the oppinion guys, I guess I will save up for E4s. If I am getting an upgrade, might aswell be a good one

Also, does anybody know any good shops in Canada or online stores that sells E4s to Canada for less than $340 US ($412 CDN including tax).
Jul 19, 2005 at 11:37 PM Post #8 of 16
Try or, I think they're around $200usd.
Jul 19, 2005 at 11:39 PM Post #9 of 16
KSC 75s do beat up a lot of bigger headphones both in price and driver size IMO, they are just a killer pair of cheap boney headphones
Jul 20, 2005 at 1:30 AM Post #10 of 16
I was in your position before, coming up from the Sony ex71's and my first impressions didn't go too well. The shures take a while to get used to but if your looking for a "wow" factor coming up from the Sony's, I'd look else where. My recommendations would be the e4c's.
Jul 20, 2005 at 1:48 AM Post #11 of 16
EQ'ing helps immensely, it literally transforms the e2c's. With the my Karma, my e2c's sound pretty damn good for the money.
Jul 20, 2005 at 3:33 AM Post #12 of 16

Originally Posted by gloco
EQ'ing helps immensely, it literally transforms the e2c's. With the my Karma, my e2c's sound pretty damn good for the money.

I TOTALLY AGREE!!! I too have a Karma and with a little EQ the e2's sound darn right GREAT in my opinon~!
Jul 20, 2005 at 3:37 AM Post #13 of 16
jsut wondering, what eq settings do you use for the e2cs? I'm getting them this week or next week, and I wonder what settings I should use with my player. My DAP has a 5 band EQ, BTW.
Jul 20, 2005 at 4:39 AM Post #14 of 16

Originally Posted by gloco
EQ'ing helps immensely, it literally transforms the e2c's. With the my Karma, my e2c's sound pretty damn good for the money.

x2... and amping
Jul 20, 2005 at 5:10 AM Post #15 of 16
I am settled with the E4, I believe this upgrade will satisfy me for awhile. I ordered it from a store in Buffalo for around 200. Next week, I am going to drive there and pick it up.

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