Darkest Desires Part V
Jan 21, 2006 at 3:03 PM Post #826 of 2,645
also is there any such band with Female Death Vocals and Male Operatic vocals ?? that would be quite cool
Jan 21, 2006 at 5:40 PM Post #827 of 2,645
has anyone here heard Fredrik Thordendal’s Special Defects - Sol Niger Within?

Fredrik Thordendal is the guitarist from Meshuggah, and this album is similar to something Meshuggah might do, only more melodic, and featuring some more jazzy parts featuring saxophones, keyboards etc. Vocals are performed by Tomas Haake, who is normally the drummer for Meshuggah. It's definitely a very cool and interesting album IMO, but if you hate Meshuggah, you'll probably hate this too. And of course, no female operatic vocals
Jan 21, 2006 at 10:40 PM Post #828 of 2,645
Coming out soon from Prophecy Productons :


Tenhi - Maaäet

Tenhi is a finnish neo-folk band, or more accurate description would be semi-acoustic dark folk music with themes about nature mysticism. Their two previous albums have become really popular among dark metal listeners and have had tons of rave reviews. Now, I have heard only one track from Maaäet, the opening track "Varpuspäivä", but it was so great... I was almost hypnotized by it. If you're into more experimental, acoustic and moody stuff, you have to check Tenhi out. If rest of Maaäet is as good as Varpuspäivä, Maaäet could be one of the top albums of 2006.

Now, if you are not into this kind of music, you most likely won't like Tenhi either, but on the other hand, Tenhi simply is by _far_ the best band in it's genre. It's mellow, yes, but also some of the songs are darker and more melancholic than almost anything I have found in dark metal. Some short and uninformative samples can be found from www.tenhi.com.

I would like to promote Throes of Dawn once again. I just listened to their older album, Dreams of the Black Earth, and it was even better than I remembered. Their older stuff, DotBE and Binding the Spirit are really good, and not too experimental to lose the dark metal edge at all (DarkAngel take notice, hehe). Throes of Dawn is a bit hard to describe, and they categorize theirself as "dark metal". Very melodic, very atmospheric and a bit over mid tempo. The new album, Quicksilver Clouds, is far more in the experimental territory. Some of the songs sound quite Pink Floydish with their floating, long guitar solos and synths. I like both the old and new stuff a lot. Check out samples from www.throesofdawn.com. Full song samples available from every album (!)

Enverxis : I find Ram-Zet - Intra to have insane amounts of depth. It just never seems to get boring, and the tracks take tons of listening to get familar with. First you get into the easiest tracks, like the two first, then 3,4,6 and once you have listened the album 20 times through, you start to get into the last three. The thing I really like about this album is that even though it's very prog, it doesn't overdo it. Nothing sounds like "let's try this weird trick here, just to make the song more obscure". Everything seems to be thought out, and with every listen, you find something new.

Also worth checking out :


Thyrfing - Farsotstider

I didn't really like Vansinnesvisor. Somehow it's production was too bad and some tracks just didn't do it. It had some good folk melodies, yes, but the metal part just didn't seem to work. Now, after a lot of listening I can say that I like Farsotstider way better. It's very guitar driven, and darkest Thyrfing album so far. However, this time around it sounds dark and vicious, not a bit blunt like Vansinnesvisor. There was a full sample track at www.thyrfing.com

Also, I heard a very interesting track in a metal show from radio. It was some experimental metal with female operatic vocals, and the band was from Portugal and is called Ava Inferi. It was from their upcoming album, which should be out next week. First of all, the metal parts were cool and unique, but the female vocals were something really original. Hard to describe, but the vocals seemed to smoothly change from Liv Kristine-styled mellow singing to full operatic style and back. I'm not sure if it was good or not, but it sure caught my attention. I'll post more once the album comes out.

Edit : I just found the same Ava Inferi track from net. This time around it sounds like dark metal Björk. I like it! Check for youselves : http://www.season-of-mist.com/common...f%20Sanity.mp3
Jan 21, 2006 at 10:57 PM Post #829 of 2,645
From samples, Elegion sounds interesting. For some weird reason, my favourite metal netshop doesn't store it

However, it does have Galadriel and Artrosis, but neither of those have samples anywhere. I'm a bit too broke to do blind purchases right now...
Jan 22, 2006 at 1:55 AM Post #830 of 2,645

Originally Posted by Enverxis
Well I have come to some conclusions on most of the CDs I have bought lately.

Wow what a mother lode of great dark metal.......yes I do need some Artrosis it seems
Jan 22, 2006 at 4:04 AM Post #831 of 2,645
Nacher: do you have anything by Lumsk?

Also worked out my Sonic Cathedral Order #6

edited: dropped some cds

After Forever - Invisible Circles
Delight - Eternity
Opera IX - the Black Opera
Jan 22, 2006 at 4:08 AM Post #832 of 2,645

Originally Posted by Nacher
From samples, Elegion sounds interesting. For some weird reason, my favourite metal netshop doesn't store it

However, it does have Galadriel and Artrosis, but neither of those have samples anywhere. I'm a bit too broke to do blind purchases right now...

Blackmetal.com and Sonic Cathedral stocks the latest album
and Dark Symphonies has both releases, although it may be a tad hard finding them in Finland.
Jan 22, 2006 at 11:17 AM Post #833 of 2,645
I find it really weird that there really is a dark metal band not available in Finland... It could be that they are just out of stock and due to lack of interest, more haven't been ordered. I could mail Firebox and ask them, once I have enough cash to start a new dark metal purchasing spree.

Enverxis, you really seem to keep Sonic Cathedral in business
. No, I don't have anything by Lumsk. I seem to be quite fallen behind from all kinds of new dark metal from east/south Europe, and also from a lot of scandinavian bands. I have heard the name of Lumsk though, but never heard any albums from them. Are they worthy? My area of expertise seems to be all kinds of progressive/experimental dark metal and some dark, but non-metal sinister music like Elend, Tenhi, Nest, Jääportit, Aarni, Arcana, Dargaard, Karl Sanders, Peccatum, Ulver and so on. Maybe I have to start and extensive B&B purchasing spree, hehe.

btw, Amorphis - Eclipse is coming out next month, now with a new vocalist and stylistically back to Elegy-era.

Did anyone check out the Ava Inferi sample?
Jan 22, 2006 at 11:32 AM Post #834 of 2,645
Lumsk is actually a Folk Metal band with female vocals, Finnish (Suomi) lyrics. Midnattsol are really crap in comparison hahah.

I think you need to check some stuff from Atrox (Prog Metal although nothing really comes into mind to compare with), Artrosis (reminds me of The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet?), Naamah (in the vein of Atrox but less experimental (these guys are all from Poland too) and Autumn Tears which is similar to Elend.

All female vocals (well it is me recommending them), as I rarely run into Male vocalists that I actually like ...

Will start searching for a band with Female Growls and Male Operatic Vocals, reverse B&B haha, but I doubt I will find anything

I see you like Arcana I havent got any CDs of theirs as of yet, but Le Serpent Rogue is on the list
Jan 22, 2006 at 11:51 AM Post #835 of 2,645

Originally Posted by Mr.PD
This would be very interesting, if the DVD would play on my US spec DVD player. I have the Peaceville albums that include the interviews as enhanced CDs. So basically, I would be paying around 30 bucks for the the bonus tracks and the DVD.

Yeah that's THE question as the DVD of performances whilst in prime is my motivation. As for B-sides...well I think there's something funny about the very idea of a Darkthrone B-side!


Originally Posted by Enverxis
Tristania - World of Glass alot more Symphonic than previous releases, havent decided whether I like World of Glass or Beyond the Veil better, probably Beyond the Veil because the new extreme vocalist is slightly annoying whereas Morten is excellent.

You mean the really high pitched strangulating sounding vocalist who accompanies Morten? I love those vocals. I also hate World of Glass, well hate is too strong a word.


Am I the only one who finds too much similarity between bands, as in no one breaking out into new territory?


Originally Posted by Nacher
Eyeteeth : Just check out the Stormblåst remake when it comes available for you. Original stormblåst does have a very lush and soft sound compared to the usual Blackmetal chainsaws, and the tracks are quite mellow as well. Anyways, the remake makes the original sound like a demo.

First pic translated : That's all for the news tonight. Next up, weather forecast performed by Immortal.

"the remake makes the original sound like a demo". Do you mean there has been artistic rearrangement? Or sonic improvement?

Stormblast (Century Media 7875-2) is a sonic treat, sounds great. Artistically? I'd have to listen to it a few more times to verify but it reminded me of the Opethian characteristic of musical jigsaw puzzle making where things are put together sheerly because they fit well. There is no passion, no conviction, no belief. It's too much about fashion, too little heart.

I love that cartoon!
Jan 22, 2006 at 1:11 PM Post #836 of 2,645

Originally Posted by eyeteeth
You mean the really high pitched strangulating sounding vocalist who accompanies Morten? I love those vocals. I also hate World of Glass, well hate is too strong a word.

As far as I know, no other male vocalist besides the clean vocalist Østen Bergøy (sounds kind of baritone too) accompanied Morten on Widow's Weeds or Beyond the Veil. Kjetil Ingebrethsen (the new extreme vocalist) is the one I mean, Im quite picky with Black Metal rasping and I prefer the vocals of Zet (Ram-Zet), Anthony Kwan (Elegeion), Morten Veland (Sirenia), Mark Jansen (Epica) over anyone else I have heard so far. As well as Cadaveria (female rasper) although I dont like the music her band produces behind her voice.
Jan 22, 2006 at 1:25 PM Post #837 of 2,645

Originally Posted by Enverxis
As far as I know, no other male vocalist besides the clean vocalist Østen Bergøy (sounds kind of baritone too) accompanied Morten on Widow's Weeds or Beyond the Veil. Kjetil Ingebrethsen (the new extreme vocalist) is the one I mean, Im quite picky with Black Metal rasping and I prefer the vocals of Zet (Ram-Zet), Anthony Kwan (Elegeion), Morten Veland (Sirenia), Mark Jansen (Epica) over anyone else I have heard so far. As well as Cadaveria (female rasper) although I dont like the music her band produces behind her voice.

I don't know who doing it on Beyond the Veil. I'm talking about the Dani/COF like vocals. I agree It's a very personal thing vocal likes and dislikes. Ihsahn is still my fav and I like his timing.
Jan 22, 2006 at 1:28 PM Post #838 of 2,645

Originally Posted by eyeteeth
I don't know who doing it on Beyond the Veil. I'm talking about the Dani/COF like vocals. I agree It's a very personal thing vocal likes and dislikes. Ihsahn is still my fav and I like his timing.

Morten is doing it on Beyond the Veil
[FYI i think Dani Filth sucks

Ihsahn, I have heard a little bit of him on the Peccatum - Lost in Reverie CD, although not enough to give an opinion, but yes from what I remember he was good (although I doubt I would be interested in Emperor)
Jan 22, 2006 at 1:36 PM Post #839 of 2,645

Originally Posted by Enverxis
As far as I know, no other male vocalist besides the clean vocalist Østen Bergøy (sounds kind of baritone too) accompanied Morten on Widow's Weeds or Beyond the Veil. Kjetil Ingebrethsen (the new extreme vocalist) is the one I mean, Im quite picky with Black Metal rasping and I prefer the vocals of Zet (Ram-Zet), Anthony Kwan (Elegeion), Morten Veland (Sirenia), Mark Jansen (Epica) over anyone else I have heard so far. As well as Cadaveria (female rasper) although I dont like the music her band produces behind her voice.

Check out Cadaveria's former group Opera IX, they have great album called "black opera" which was her last with this group.

Jan 22, 2006 at 1:38 PM Post #840 of 2,645
Enverxis : Lumsk having finnish lyrics? Uhm? The band is norwegian and I can't see anyone with a finnish name in the band. Also by looking at the darklyrics, the language is definetly norwegian. I have heard a lot of good about Lumks, so maybe I have to check them out.

About the scandinavian languages : While swedish and norwegian are very close to each other, not much further from each other than american and british english, finnish (suomi) is totally different. Danish and Icelandic (?) are also quite close to swedish/norwegian, and definetly from the same scandinavian origin. Finnish has only similarities with estonian and (distantly) hungarian. Contrary to common belief, finnish or estonian don't have any similarities with russian either. Scandinavian languages, except finnish, are clearly from the same origin as english. A lot of similar words and the grammar is quite close to english, while finnish is completely different. In example, finnish really doesn't have preposition words like for, from, to etc. Often these meanings are made by altering the words. examples : From hell = helvetistä, to hell = helvettiin. However, expressions "like" and "for the sake of" etc have words. It was like hell = Se oli _kuin_ helvettiä and so on. Even without knowing any scandinavian languages, it should be possible and even fairly easy to see from a text wether it's finnish or swedish/norwegian/danish. Finntroll, for some bizarre reason, actually has lyrics in swedish, though the band is finnish. Only major metal band with finnish lyrics would be Moonsorrow. There are tons of lesser known ones though.

Some metal related examples :

English / Swedish&Norwegian / Finnish
For all time / För All Tid / Kaikeksi aikaa
Midnight's Beast / Midnattens Widunder / Keskiyön peto
Stormwind / Stormblåst / Mysrytuuli
Nightfeed / Nattfödd / Yöruokinta

Edit : Damn, formatting didn't work. Now it's easier to read.

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