Darkest Desires PART IV
Sep 4, 2004 at 1:52 AM Post #526 of 1,001
Tangorodrim - black metal from Israel!

Hailing from Israel (!!!) Tangorodrim unleash Alcoholica fueled black metal that raises its whiskey drenched goblet to the ETERNAL ATMOSPHERE OF UNHOLY BLACK METAL!
And think about it!!: To play Black Metal in Israel, you have to be ****ing insane or possessed! Tangorodrim is both! While they have the undeniable black blood of fellow brethren: Dark Throne coursing through their veins,

The blasphemous desecrations of satanic elders such as: BATHORY, VENOM, and HELLHAMMER are also a obvious influence on Tangorodrim. This special vinyl only release from Southern Lord is limited to 666 copies on black vinyl!
Sep 4, 2004 at 2:03 AM Post #527 of 1,001
I am feeling retro now

old Celtic Frost pic:

Sep 4, 2004 at 2:05 AM Post #528 of 1,001
Yea those are great prices 3 for $25 with shipping included! Of course inventory is limited, this place reminds me a bit of Dark Symphonies.


Leviathan and Xasthur. Both one man band bands from California. Lots of great write-ups all over the net about these guys

Another one man band they are selling there is Judas Iscariot, but I wasn't too impressed with CDs I tried by him and sold them.


And a few other sent are the basics like Burzum and Dark Throne. I'm slowing going through them all and starting to buy some of their other releases.

Yes, start with the building blocks and build out from there.
Sep 4, 2004 at 12:38 PM Post #529 of 1,001
New Danzig album just released called "circle of snakes" , looks like new guitarist is Tommy Victor from Prong, qucik listen to samples and you can instantly recognize Victor's riffing style. This may be a return to former glory for Danzig???? (or too late to teach old dog new tricks, he he)

Sep 4, 2004 at 12:48 PM Post #530 of 1,001

Originally Posted by DarkAngel
New Danzig album just released called "circle of snakes" , looks like new guitarist is Tommy Victor from Prong, qucik listen to samples and you can instantly recognize Victor's riffing style. This may be a return to former glory for Danzig???? (or too late to teach old dog new tricks, he he)


I've heard a bit of this, and while it's better than some of his more recetn efforts, I don't think it's a complete return. Unless it's a must, I think I'll just spin up Danzig I and be happy.
Sep 4, 2004 at 2:41 PM Post #531 of 1,001

Originally Posted by DarkAngel
New Danzig album just released called "circle of snakes" , looks like new guitarist is Tommy Victor from Prong, qucik listen to samples and you can instantly recognize Victor's riffing style. This may be a return to former glory for Danzig???? (or too late to teach old dog new tricks, he he)


When John Christ 1st left way back after 4p, it was Tommy Victor who took over for awhile and went on tour (Ozzfest) with them back in 1996.
Sep 4, 2004 at 2:49 PM Post #532 of 1,001
An amazon review:

2 out of 5 Stars
Reviewer: king wolf (TN)

Everybody has some theory about what the problem with Danzig is, when the truth is obvious and staring everyone right in the face.
The problem with Danzig isn't his vocals, which are better on this album than on any Danzig album since 4 -- and in any event, 75 percent of Glenn Danzig, which is all he has left as a singer, is still more than the vast majority of singers ever have to start with.
The problem with Danzig isn't the production. Danzig is an excellent producer, far better, in fact, than Rubin, who stripped everything down way too much and eliminated mood. Anyway, Danzig has been producing himself, for all practical purposes, since Danzig 3, even if Rubin was still getting credit, and the sudden dropoff in the quality of his records didn't start until Danzig 5.
The problem isn't the fact that the sound suffers from the lack of John Christ on guitar. It does suffer, but remember: Danzig made a lot of great stuff long before he had ever even heard of John Christ.
The problem with Danzig is simply the fact that Glenn Danzig hasn't written a single good tune in a ten years. For some reason, people tend to forget that it all begins and ends with songwriting, just like moviemaking begins and ends with a good script. It doesn't matter what the singers or the actors or the producters or the directors do, if the songs or the script are no good. And Danzig's songs have ranged from terrible to barely acceptable for four consecutive albums, and anybody with ears knows it.
Make all the excuses you want, Danzig's inspiration is gone. His muse just got up and left town one day, and never came back. Remember all those irresistably catchy melodies in the Misfits catalog? All the sinister riffs you couldn't get out of your head from the first four Danzig albums? They all disappeared, seemingly overnight, between the fourth and fifth albums. Danzig and his supporters have used every trick in the book to detract attention from this fact, but that's the reality, plain and simple. Maybe two or three songs per album for the last decade have been listenable, and every one of them is some kind of recycle from his past glories. It's the same old story on this album. "When we were dead" in particular is okay, sounds like classic Danzig -- but a little too much, like something we've heard before.
While I'm not one who thinks that Danzig's martial arts skills have anything to do with Danzig as an artist, there's something about that internet video of Danzig getting punched out that seemed to click with a lot of people. It's like it symbolized his "fall". But really, the fall took place ten years ago. It's just taken this long for him to hit the ground.

Danzig still has great skill in the studio, and who knows -- maybe if he gets outside the rock format, he might still have some of the old magic left as a composer of music. Black Aria 2 has been written for years, all he has to do is record it, and now that he has stopped touring, maybe he'll finally get around to doing so. Since the original Black Aria is rightfully considered by many to be THE classic goth-ambient album, I for one sure hope so. The ambient/soundtrack, synth stuff seems to me the only way for him to reclaim his artistic legitimacy, because he is obviously long done as a rock star. "Circle of Snakes" is just the latest in a long string of records that do nothing but tarnish the memory of his great legacy.
Sep 5, 2004 at 12:37 AM Post #533 of 1,001

Originally Posted by DarkAngel
Waiting for you to compare classic era "dom sathanas" to new "Chimera"

You asked for it.

Idiosyncratic personal taste warning!

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

I have not listened enough to know it thoroughly inside and out, while everyone else on the planet has long ago, so I won't waste too much of anyones time writing too much about it.

This isn't nearly as bad quality a recording as I've been led to believe, I was expecting hideous, and these guys aren't as unaccomplished or roughhewn as expected either.

'Funeral Fog' is just absolutely beautiful. 'Life Eternal' is sweet and playful, especially the bass. During 'Buried by time and Dust' & 'De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas' my attention starts to wander. 'De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas' the song, the singing has me wonder if the there shouldn't have been another shotgun handy. J/K!!!, but seriously...what the hell...stop it already opera clown! Well maybe in time I'll be more forgiving.

Anyways, A pillow stuffed with black feathers, an alltogether lovable, cozy dark listen, more relaxing than invigorating.

As the entire catalogue will eventually arrive I'll have a greater sense of perspective and insight later. As for a comparison to Chimera, Somewhere I read where a writer described Euronymous' guitar on DMDS to be like a ghost roaming around a grave yard, which is a pretty cool description; on Chimera, Blasphemer's guitar would be a hungry ghost looking to devour. Chimera is all bone and muscle, nothing elaborate or excessive and has superseded MDB's Songs of Darkness as my favorite release of 2004 (limited purchases need to be taken into account?). Maniac is just great and track #3 is close to perfection for my personal taste.

OK, OK...I'll shut up about Chimera from now on as much as possible.

================================================== ==========================
I came across an entertaining/informative personal Black Metal interpretation that's a good read for "newcomers and veterans alike".
I'll copy the intro only as it's quite long. Cheers!


The Black Metal FAQ

1.Who are you?
2.What is black metal?
3.What does black metal sound like?
4.Why is it called “black metal”?
5.Who invented black metal?
6.What’s the second wave?
7.What about the murders and church burnings?
8.Is there a third wave?
9.What makes black metal different?
10.So why is it so anti-Christian?
11.Why isn’t a band like Immolation black metal?
12.So is all black metal satanic?
13.So what is “pagan” black metal?
14.Where does the “folk” influence come from?
15.Why are there Nazis in black metal?
16.Why is there misanthropy in black metal?
17.What is Viking Metal then?
18.Isn’t this just an image to sell records?
19.Why is black metal so raw?
20.Why can’t he just sing?
21.What’s with the “corpsepaint?”
22.Why are Mercyful Fate black metal?
23.Why aren’t Cradle Of Filth black metal?
24.Why aren’t Dimmu Borgir black metal?
25.What does “true” and “untrue” mean?
26.What does “norsecore” mean?
27.What is “unblack” metal?
28.What does “kvlt” mean?
29.Why do some folks call black metal “neoclassical?”
30.Is black metal dead?
31.Recommend me some first-time black metal.
32.What are the best black metal albums?
33.Where can I buy black metal?
34.Where can I download black metal?
Special Thanks

1. Who the hell are you, and why do you think you're qualified to tell me about black metal?

On the message forum at www.metal-rules.com I post under the handle "Grishnak;" at www.metal-archives.com I post in their forum under the name "Berserker;" and on www.anus.com's messageboard I post as "Fenris." I've been an active black metal listener for several years now, having progressed to black and death metal (and beyond)from a traditional metal and thrash metal foundation. Many times I've written about black metal's ideological and instrumental implications; I know enough about them to write this FAQ. Lastly, I'm a co-creator of the American black metal band Wraith, so I can write from a participant's point of view.

This list of frequently asked questions was written to explain black metal music in a thorough (but not too bloated) manner, and it can be read by newcomers and veterans alike. Naturally, many segments of this FAQ are editorial in nature, however, the opinions expressed within aren't mine alone; I'd go so far as to claim that the majority of avid black metal patrons would agree with most of the statements in this article. Also, although I've edited this FAQ to a fairly satisfying point, don't be surprised if you find an occasional error.
Sep 5, 2004 at 9:05 AM Post #534 of 1,001

Originally Posted by eyeteeth
You asked for it.

'Funeral Fog' is just absolutely beautiful. 'Life Eternal' is sweet and playful, especially the bass.......

Maybe you are more twisted than we all thought.

Life Eternal
A dream of another existence
you wish to die
A dream of another world
you pray for death
to release the soul. One must die
to find peace inside, you must get
I am mortal but am I human?
How beautiful life is now when
my time has come. A human destiny
but nothing human inside. What'll
be left of me when I'm dead, there
was nothing when I lived.
What you found was eternal
death no one will ever miss you.

These lyrics are sweet and playful????

I kind of question how beautiful Funeral Fog is also.

To be honest, I never know which song is which. I had to play the CD and find the songs you mentioned. Which means I had to get up from the computer so I could see the front of the CD player.
Sep 5, 2004 at 2:14 PM Post #535 of 1,001
Had two guest groups last night I am not really interested in:
-Lamb of God

Saw new video " no W" from Ministry's new album, every song has negative reference to George W Bush, sounds like vintage Ministry (great industrial rock) so will buy this album.

Also want to closely check new Papa Roach album "getting away with murder" saw title song video on HBB last night and it was cool, sound no long the standard nu-metal style of 1st two albums (although song "last resort" is catchy) but straight rock style now. Can't find any short samples to check, so may delay purchase till I check out more fully.

Next week studio guest - Megadeth!
Sep 5, 2004 at 7:20 PM Post #536 of 1,001
I'd like to have seen Mastodon on HbB, don't have that station though. I saw Mastodon last year, and thought they were great live. Heard the new CD and will definitely pick it up. The drummer is amazing ( he played in Today is the Day, on the "Eyes of God" disc).
Not sure if I could seat though Dave Mustaine. The new remixed and remastered "Peace sells" is a tragedy, why ruin a great record.
Sep 5, 2004 at 7:40 PM Post #537 of 1,001

Originally Posted by duff138
I'd like to have seen Mastodon on HbB, don't have that station though. I saw Mastodon last year, and thought they were great live. Heard the new CD and will definitely pick it up. The drummer is amazing ( he played in Today is the Day, on the "Eyes of God" disc).
Not sure if I could seat though Dave Mustaine. The new remixed and remastered "Peace sells" is a tragedy, why ruin a great record.

Ha Ha..........I felt the same way about Megadeth remasters, sound like some kinda bass heavy disco record now.

Fortunately I was able to quickly resell the Peace Sells & Rust in Peace CDs I bought at Amazon for little final cost to me since I got them on sale at Best Buy.
Sep 5, 2004 at 7:46 PM Post #538 of 1,001

Originally Posted by DarkAngel
Ha Ha..........I felt the same way about Megadeth remasters, sound like some kinda bass heavy disco record now.

Fortunately I was able to quickly resell the Peace Sells & Rust in Peace CDs I bought at Amazon for little final cost to me since I got them on sale at Best Buy.

someone actually sent me "peace sells" and "Killing is my business" he was going to burn them for me, but could not get to a burner, so he sent the actual disc so I could burn them, then send them back to him. He actually told me to keep the "peace sells" because he would never listen to it again. I actually brought it to the records store, they said they'd give my $3.50 for it, I just kept it because the bonus tracks are worth keeping it I guess.
"Killing is my business" actually sounds good, but I had to throw my vinyl copy on after just to hear "these boots". The cd version is censored and just has all the vocals bleeped out. ridiculous.
Sep 6, 2004 at 2:05 AM Post #539 of 1,001
(Apologies to the Darkest Desires crew for going off topic sort of; indulge me in one of my few passions...but hey the Darkest Desires thread should include a post with the great, great grandfather of all Darkest Desires, The Original Grand King of Doom).

I was also a super poetry fanatic from 16-19 and read everything. I loved masters like Yeats and Whitman, explored quasi-mysticals like German Rainer Maria Rilke and in the end was fascinated by and stayed with the French Symbolists of the end of the 19th century, Mallarmé, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Stéphane. Rimbaud's 'Le Illuminations' and 'Une Saison En Enfer' (A Season In Hell) are classics (and the genius was like 18 years old at the time).

So pop/rock lyrics have always been under-rewarding for me anyway. There are exceptions, Joy Division is poetry.

Metal folks often point to Black Sabbath as the fathers of metal but I go back further to 1857 with the publication of French poet Charles Baudelaire's 'Les Fleurs du mal' (The Flowers of Evil) although 6 poems were ordered by the courts removed 'Lethe', 'jewels', 'Lesbos', 'Damned Women', 'Against Her Levity' and 'Metamorphoses of the Vampire'.

I mean Dark Metal doesn't seem quite so lyrically daring when considering some selected titles and verses of Baudelaire.
'The Happy Corpse'
'Craving For Oblivion'
'Satan's Litanies'
'Alchemy of Suffering'

Dance of Death
"the universal throb of the Dance of Death
drags you down to Whereabouts Unknown!"

Sympathetic Horror
"The canyons of bloody cloud
accommodate my pride,
their nebulous shapes become
a splendid hearse for my dreams,
their red glow the reflection
of the Hell where my heart's at home."

"--And giant hearses, without dirge or drums,
parade at half-step in my soul, where Hope,
defeated, weeps, and the oppressor Dread
plants his black flag on my assenting skull."

Against Her Levity
"and in your unsuspecting side
to gash a gaping wound
where in a final ecstasy
between those lovelier
new lips, my sister, I'll inject
my venom into you!"

Top that COF/Mayhem/Dimmu/MDB

And in 1857!!! Amazing.

If wanting a copy, some care must be taken as to the translation.
Some are lamer than others and the differences are major; like different audio
equipment, some translations have more impact.
The best I came across was by Richard Howard.
compare-The Fountain of Blood
translated by Rachel Hadas
"Love led me to a thicket of IVs
Where bristling needles thirsted for each vein."

Translated by Richard Howard
"Love to me is a pallet of pins
that drains away my blood for whores to drink!"

I love Baudelaire, he's the great, great grandfather of darkness in modern written art IMHO, especially dark erotic.
'Lethe' may be the darkest, most erotic poem ever written, depending on the translation, even taken out of the context of the time and place it was written.
Sep 6, 2004 at 12:43 PM Post #540 of 1,001
ET..........seems to be really getting into this dark metal stuff

That long BM FAQ posted above I guess have some intersesting general info but those TR00 BM definition geeks only like to get into arguments about what is Tr00 and what isn't, never discussing any useful info about music......they just like to start arguments about whether a group is BM or not. These idiots routinely trash COF, Dimmu etc for not being Tr00.

He was smart enough to mention my two recent early BM purchases:
Sodom (1st album)

Guess I will pass on new Danzig for now, maybe next year pick it up for $3-4 used.

NP: GRAVELAND - 1000 Swords

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