damn it! the enclosure i wanted for my Ear+ will cost me $200+!!
May 21, 2004 at 12:51 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


Headphoneus Supremus
Feb 15, 2003
well... after seeing countless pictures of The Stealth and found the company that makes enclosures for the stealth by accident, i have decided to build a fully maxed-out, custom "wannabe-Stealth" Ear+ with muti-input+switch, all silver wire, and stepped switchand ect ect...
i even did some 3D before i ordered the kit to "pre-view" how it's going to look like..


of course the tubes on Ear+ are much smaller, i have re-scaled everything and it still looked awsome, so the plan went on.

*just a quick rendering, notice the box is still a block and the rings lack screws and color*

today, after the mailman handed me the last part from the Ear+ kit (due to parts backorder) and double-checked all my calculation, i finally gave the company a call to order the enclosures. i was very excited untill the saleswomen told me since it will be a costom order size, each enclosure will cost over $100!!
that's over $200 without shipping just for the enclosure itself!! i sware i almost fainted...

so now, here i am, with all the parts i need looking for new enclosure ideas.. please help!
May 21, 2004 at 6:37 AM Post #4 of 18
was ist los? - their website is http://www.consite.com/ their online customer service is horrible, i have emailed them about 8 times and never got a reply, however their phone serive seems to connect pretty fast.

myself, aka me - i love wood working, took wood-tech 2 years ago in middle school. i was going to take it this year in highschool too, but guess what? California school bugget cut
!!! wood tech class closed -_____-

right now im in welding class though, maybe i should weld some pipes togather and screw the tubes on top

i had been searching everywhere for enclosure ideas, but nothing i want/like.
i dont want to use those hammand cases either, i think they are over used in the DIY community, and i really dont see what soo attractive about them either.

right now i am looking for enclosures bigger in size that matches with full size cd player. i will be buying a new cd player soon and dont want a tiny amp ontop of a full size source.

if i dont find any enclosures im intersted, i might just sell off the Ear+ kit here and buy some other pre-made amp like PPX3 or something...we'll see
May 21, 2004 at 7:52 AM Post #5 of 18
Hey there's nothing too difficult about a sander and a dremel. Hell, even a hammer and a chisel would do quite well..

In fact rather than using all that stuff, you could build something with a few pieces of wood and use your metal skills to get a plate [under which, you point to point] which covers the wooden frame.

How are your glass working skills? Add a new meaning to 'glass amplifier'. Weld up a metal frame and insert fancy glass panels [blue would look nice with the orange tube glow]. Maybe a metal front panel.

Hey, i should stop giving myself ideas. I don't really want to build a Stax amp, 'cause then i'll have to buy Stax. And I don't wanna build another Dynamic amp 'cause then I have to decide which headphone to buy and then have to buy a headphone. Gargle. I need something else to build..
May 21, 2004 at 11:09 AM Post #6 of 18
Those *are* nice looking enclosures (and renderings).

Did they give you any idea what pricing was like for stocked items? I'm working on a PPA and don't want to use a Hammond enclosure either.
May 21, 2004 at 1:31 PM Post #7 of 18
Did you take a look at the Par Metals cases, or look at the ones from THL audio? I know you pay out the nose for shipping from THL, so it might not end up any cheaper.
May 22, 2004 at 3:32 PM Post #9 of 18

Did they give you any idea what pricing was like for stocked items? I'm working on a PPA and don't want to use a Hammond enclosure either

they dont have any desktop serise in stock, all desktop are custom order

Did you take a look at the Par Metals cases, or look at the ones from THL audio? I know you pay out the nose for shipping from THL, so it might not end up any cheaper.

i check out Par Metals, but they're not exactly what im looking for.
can you please link me to the THL enclosure page?

What are the dimensions of those cases?


thanks to lucky Stealth owners darkclouds and rickfri who provided me with the dimensions

I asked this before but I forgot now. What did you use for doing the 3D renderings? They look great BTW.

Cinema 4D XL7
May 22, 2004 at 4:08 PM Post #10 of 18
Thanks for the dimensions. I was looking for a case for my SDS but I think I'll hold off for now. I think I am going to get one of those HP-100A hybrid amps they are talking about in the amp forum. That seems like a wicked-good deal.

Here is THL audio. The cases are under Plugs/Sockets/Accessories.

May 22, 2004 at 8:26 PM Post #11 of 18
Go with the $200 skater and get the enclosures you want..... well worth it in the long run and $200 isn't too bad a price for such stylish cabinets.

May 23, 2004 at 2:35 AM Post #12 of 18
thanks for the link Lil_JV, somehow i missed that link when i was looking for knobs. some of those cases look sweet, but they look heavy as well, and shipping from china? oh man...


Go with the $200 skater and get the enclosures you want..... well worth it in the long run and $200 isn't too bad a price for such stylish cabinets.

$200 wouldnt be too bad if im as rich as you guys
, im just a poor student, IMO $200 is too much for just two aluminum boxes. also, the sales lady said around $100 each, it might even cost more.. oh, and that price dosent include shipping

the price really took away my excitement, the feeling of wanting something you cant afford is horrible.

i put up a interest-check for the kit, if someone's intersted ill let it go and look for something else. if not ill just have to think/search more.

for those intersted:
May 23, 2004 at 3:42 AM Post #13 of 18
It would be a shame for you to pass up on this kit. The Ear+ with upgrades is an extremely fine sounding amp. I have not listened to my other amps for the last six weeks, my Ear+ Purist HD is a wonderful amp. A very strong, dynamic amp that works well with my Grados, Sennheisers and AKG's. While I agree that the case the amp comes in is not the greatest, it is quite functional and small. It does look better in real life than in photos. You could easily spruce it up by building a wood sleeve to slip over the main case then get the transfo cover chromed.

Your case design has two boxes. I assume one for the power supply and one for the rest of the amp. Two cases are not really required. This amp is very, very quiet and the design is compact and can fit in a relatively small case. Even if you want a wider case to match a cd player, you can easily fit everything into one case. Even if that case cost you $100 with the $350 you paid for the parts you will have a stunning amp both in sound and in looks. Hell, after listening to this amp, I would build it in a cardboard box and be happy.

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