Damn foamies on er6i's!
May 18, 2006 at 5:43 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


Headphoneus Supremus
May 30, 2005
A few days ago i was happily listening to some music through my er6i's. Now i normally use the flange tips but thought i'd use the foamies for a change.
Oh how i regretted that. After an hour or so of listening i took the phones out to find that the foamie in my right ear was still in there

It had come away from the stalk which was still attached to the earphone.

Anyway couldnt get it back out and had to go to my local minor injuries unit where a nice nurse removed the offending foamie for me. was getting uncomfortable by this time!

not had the courage to try foamies so far this week!
May 18, 2006 at 6:49 PM Post #2 of 9
I've used the ety foamies on my er-6i without problem. Though I've noticed them start to sperate from the stalk after washing. I also use the comply tips on my UM1 (which are basically the same tip as the etys), and did have one stay in my ear. It actually came off the sound tube. Very disturbing fealing. I got lucky and was able to pick it out myself with a tweasers, and a very steady hand. Guess all those years of playing Operation as a kid finally paid off.

Anyway, that was the decision maker, to go and get custom molds. My follow up visit to check the fit on them is next week.

good luck
May 18, 2006 at 7:24 PM Post #3 of 9
What - most un-head-fi-like not to have a gf on hand to remove tips left in the ear (that IS why you have a gf around, isn't it?)
Really, it's not a big deal when it happens. Personally I have never had an Ety foamy behave as you described. I know it's not impossible, it just never happened....
May 18, 2006 at 8:17 PM Post #4 of 9
Wasnt a big deal really just sharing with you all! GF wasnt around to pick out the foamie.

i had noticed the foam coming away from the stalk slightly but didnt expect it to come away completely.
May 19, 2006 at 4:40 AM Post #5 of 9
wasnt there a post awhile back about a guy who had one lodged huge deep in his ear canal and it was bleeding or somesuch, but he came on here and posted? I just remember the comment from that thread, something along the lines of "Hows the soundstage?"
May 19, 2006 at 5:42 AM Post #6 of 9
Wow... I have been wondering if that would happen with IEMs... ever since i heard about IEMs and foam tips i though to myself "what if thoes got stuck in someones ear?" i guess it isn't that common, but it does happen... fun listening hope it doesnt happen again
May 19, 2006 at 7:16 AM Post #9 of 9
"yikes, how far in there was it??"

Yeah -- I can imagine Ety flanged tips getting stuck, but one of the things I noticed when I switched to the foamies is how much less deep insertion is. I hope you have a laugh about it and chalk it up to another Head-Fi story ...

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