Custom plexiglass headphone stand - what do you think?
Sep 27, 2006 at 5:10 PM Post #31 of 45
I'm thinking that blue lights would make it look better!
although, that's just personal preference... and the blue would match my computer... hmm... lol

That looks awsome man!
Sep 27, 2006 at 6:08 PM Post #32 of 45
Actually, I can oblige... Over the summer when I was working on this, I had initially ordered 4 sets of 4" lights, 2 in blue and 2 in white. I bought the blue ones to sell to a friend, but before I did so, I checked to see what it would look like. Ultimately, my friend put them in his VW R32 to add some ambience lighting to the cabin. In hindsight, I'm still not sure which I like better. I definitely like the contrast between the hd650s and the white light. I don't think it would be quite the same in blue, though that looks pretty good too. If I ever change my mind, just need to shell out 10 bucks or so to get some of the blues.

- Chris
Sep 27, 2006 at 6:43 PM Post #33 of 45
holy crap that is an awesome stand! Great work there! I definitely love the finish and the lighting. keep up the good work!
Sep 27, 2006 at 7:20 PM Post #34 of 45
Okay, I am usually a lurker / noob-question poster, and nothing more.

But I gotta give it up to this "project" (more like MASTERPIECE).

Bad@ss dude. Bad@ss.

The white plexi/light on glossy-black stand is absolutely phenomenal looking. The blue looks cool too, but man oh man...that black/white is pure high-tech art.

Congrats, kudos, big-ups, props...however you want it. Great stuff. I salute you.

p.s. and yeah, it DOES remind of Darth Vader! Probably part of why I think it's so cool looking.
Sep 28, 2006 at 12:57 PM Post #37 of 45
Awsome job. Did you get the sound activated switch with your cold cathodes? You could hook it up so that the stand flashes to the beat of your music LOL.
Sep 29, 2006 at 1:19 AM Post #40 of 45
Wow. Thats amazing. Mustve taken you hours to sand those corners to look like that! The thing looks as smooth as plastic! Simply amazining. Just, wow. Keep up the great work!

EDIT: Did you make a plastic mold of it? If not, why does the stand look like wood in one pic, then in the next kind of greyish?

Also, the white lights look much better than the blue, much better.
Sep 29, 2006 at 4:06 AM Post #41 of 45
Well, I'll answer your question with another picture...

Long story short, my mom runs an antique shop and so I was blessed with a garage full of woodworking tools, especially in the area of sanders. That one particular belt sander has been more useful than half of the other tools I own. And all I can say is that my garage has seen more mdf dust than I'd care to remember. I was sure to use a respirator while I was sanding this stand and I had to blow out the whole garage a couple of times before it was anywhere near clean enough to do some painting.

As for the transformation of the stand, the gray that you see is the mdf after it was primered. At the time when I was looking for materials, walmart didn't have the high build primer that I usually use. (I usually try to use high build primer on my mdf projects because the cut surfaces of mdf wick up moisture really quickly, so it takes a lot of coats of regular primer to build up a smooth finish on the cut surfaces, whereas high build primer does so more quickly.) I believe I ended up using a rustoleum brand of automotive primer. As expected, it took a lot to coat all of the cut surfaces of mdf (~2 cans overall). I can elaborate further on the process I went through if anyone's interested, but mostly it was sanding, touch up, more sanding, more touching up... There were definitely times though when I just wanted to drop kick the thing.
Sep 29, 2006 at 11:13 PM Post #42 of 45

Originally Posted by Chris4891
Well, I'll answer your question with another picture...


Wow. Thats lots of sanding!

Any specific reason why you chose MDF over something that could be maybe a little easier to work with, such as plywood?
Oct 2, 2006 at 4:51 AM Post #43 of 45

Originally Posted by XFxGeforced
oh man thats too sweet

**hook up some leds to the bottum of the stand pointing up and light it up. itd look amazing in the dark

what did i say man?! looks awesome with those lights on it, but you dont listen to headphones while driving do you?
seems dangerous for some reason.
Oct 3, 2006 at 9:32 PM Post #45 of 45
Just read through the posts with the "stand stand" :p I LOVE the black base with the white lights and plexiglass stand. It's just really great man - simple and striking. I have the HD 590's and I can just picture them hanging on that with the white light nice
Anyways, keep up the good work and keep me posted on if you build another/more. Take care and good listening Chris

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