Craft Ears - The Official Thread
Feb 14, 2023 at 2:57 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 136

Craft Ears

Member of the Trade: Craft Ears
Feb 5, 2023
Poznan, Poland
It's our pleasure to announce that we, Craft Ears, have become an official Sponsor of this fantastic forum. It feels incredible to support the community that has welcomed us with arms wide open. Many of You already know us, but a small introduction is in order for those who don't.


What is Craft Ears?
Craft Ears is a passion project of musician and audiophile Jędrzej Nowicki: @Jedrula1 . His adventure with IEMs started 10 years ago when he built his first earphones. More and more experiments have followed. The experience accumulated over that time manifested as Craft Ears. The company was founded in Poznań, Poland. Tomorrow, we are celebrating our 4th birthday! Stay tuned for the celebrations 😊


What do we stand for?
- Technology – we use the latest CAD software, tools, and materials to cross the boundaries of what can be achieved. If we can try something new, we will. If we like it, then you will hear it 😊Through research, Jędrzej came up with some fantastic, proprietary solutions like SES™, True Load™, and RASEN Bass™. We will explain those technologies in detail in the upcoming future. We also have some new tech loaded in the chamber. All are coming soon in this thread!
- Quality – You expect the best, and we offer nothing less. All of our IEMs are handcrafted to perfection, so You get the best experience possible. Whether you are shredding it in front of thousands or enjoying music after a long day, you can count on our earphones to be there for You!
- Customization – whether it's UIEM or CIEM, we give You a plethora of options to choose from. Colors, additions, and materials are all ready to go. Express yourself with Your IEMs!
- Customer service – we are here for You. Whether You have trouble selecting the best model, or have a concern that needs solving – message us, and we will do our best to help. We got your back!


My name is Mike, and I am pleased to be Your contact person on the forum. And yes, I'm an audio nerd! I'm also excited to be a part of the community. If You want to say "Hi", You are more than welcome to 😊 If you want to share Your experience with Craft Ears, please do! Any questions? Hit me up!

Visit us:
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Feb 14, 2023 at 5:11 PM Post #2 of 136
Glad to see you guys here more often :) following.
Feb 14, 2023 at 6:05 PM Post #3 of 136
Happy to see more EU IEM makers !
I see that your official website only lists CIEMs and also the Configurator is not up yet.

Any plans for UIEMS ?
I’d love to see some musical ones with a good thump in the lows, not all reference and analytical :)
Feb 15, 2023 at 12:48 PM Post #4 of 136
Can you believe, that it's been already 4 years since Craft Ears exists? Time flies...
Only last year we were celebrating a few milestones:
- we extended our Team Craft Ears and got a bigger office

- our Genesis series made us proud with its success

- and for the first (and definitely not the last) time we were able to attend Audio Video Show in Warsaw!

And that's only the beginning!

To celebrate - we want you, who made this possible, to have a piece of our birthday cake!

4x4 deals just for you!

For the next 4 days you get -14% off all our products!
From 19th till 22nd - free designs!
From 23rd till 26th - AURUM in a special price!
And to finish it all off - from 27th till 2nd od March - our Craft FOUR with a 14% discount + a free design!
Thank you everyone, many years to come!


We do have UIEMs in the offer :) I think you would love the Genesis series. It's our fun, and musical series. They still deliver excellent resolution, and sound staging, but the tuning is more relaxed, and forgiving. Argentum, and Aurum fit your description the best :)
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Feb 16, 2023 at 4:48 AM Post #5 of 136
Congrats! Happy Aurum user here. :gs1000smile:
Feb 16, 2023 at 10:16 PM Post #8 of 136
Feb 19, 2023 at 10:20 PM Post #10 of 136
Feb 20, 2023 at 5:38 PM Post #12 of 136
Did you take advantage of our recent -14% off sale and score some amazing deals?

If not, don't worry - we've got something just as amazing, especially for you!
Introducing the second part of our 4x4 deal - get free designs until February 22nd!

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to take your style to the next level. Act now and enjoy the best designs that money can't buy, completely free of charge!

Feb 20, 2023 at 10:08 PM Post #13 of 136
The convenience of a smaller one, or..?
Shame that EU models were hampered so hard. Sony is an icon in the audio world.

The convenience of a smaller one - Definitely, the aesthetics and the smaller footprint really makes it more enjoyable.

But it's also on SQ somehow............I found the ZX507 more neutral even with the DSP all on............the new WM1 (both AM2 and ZM2) sounds a tad too warm, too euphonic to me even if played direct. Still incredibly good sounding and less coloured than the likes of AK etc. but when all things add up the ZX507 is a winner.
Feb 21, 2023 at 1:06 PM Post #14 of 136
The convenience of a smaller one - Definitely, the aesthetics and the smaller footprint really makes it more enjoyable.

But it's also on SQ somehow............I found the ZX507 more neutral even with the DSP all on............the new WM1 (both AM2 and ZM2) sounds a tad too warm, too euphonic to me even if played direct. Still incredibly good sounding and less coloured than the likes of AK etc. but when all things add up the ZX507 is a winner.
Thanks for sharing your experience! Certainly, more expensive is not always better. We think that it is always about the synergy between the gear. How long have you been searching for your end player?

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