Cost Effectiveness of buying "albums:" CDs vs. MP3s
May 31, 2007 at 11:42 PM Post #32 of 56

Originally Posted by Redo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The one thing I should mention, is the quality of your equipment judges how much you hear the compression. Looking at your setup Digitalbath, it seems as if you found a good balanced system for your mp3 downloads. But later on, if you upgrade to a nice source, amp, and a very nice pair of headphones, you may find the older lame compiled mp3's and the bitrate to leave something to be desired.

Why would I commit to LAME mp3 without first abxing on the best equipment I could get my hands on. The set up in my sig isn't the only equipment I've abxed on and it's foolish to assume so. It's just the set up I liked the best. It doesn't have to be all flag ship, exotic or expensive to sound good. I find that the higher up you go the more boring the sound. I'm happy where I'm at. I may add an amp (iBasso T2) in the future just for an extra bump in SQ.


Originally Posted by Redo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Or you could be like the many who are just happy throwing music on their iPod and listening through their ear buds. Which is perfectly fine too. But it's just far from my tastes.

Yes I'm happy with my current set up. Remember they are my ears not yours. I'll take my mp3s, throw them on my iPod, stick in my E500s and enjoy my life and my music.
Jun 1, 2007 at 12:53 AM Post #33 of 56

Originally Posted by Digitalbath3737 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Why would I commit to LAME mp3 without first abxing on the best equipment I could get my hands on. The set up in my sig isn't the only equipment I've abxed on and it's foolish to assume so. It's just the set up I liked the best. It doesn't have to be all flag ship, exotic or expensive to sound good. I find that the higher up you go the more boring the sound. I'm happy where I'm at. I may add an amp (iBasso T2) in the future just for an extra bump in SQ.

Yes I'm happy with my current set up. Remember they are my ears not yours. I'll take my mp3s, throw them on my iPod, stick in my E500s and enjoy my life and my music.

Yes, it's all our ears and all our preferences. This is why I'll never download music until I get good lossless, gapless, and cuesheet options and they reveal their ripping techniques. Even then, I'm more tempted for the physical copy.
Jun 1, 2007 at 3:00 AM Post #34 of 56

Originally Posted by Digitalbath3737 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Explain to me how I have less of a choice. I DL in the format of my choice (mp3) and it plays on every player I want and on any speaker setup I want. So where am I limited? CDs I can only play on things that play CDs. I'm have yet to meet an audio playing device that won't play my MP3s of my iPod. So really explain to me how I'm limited?

It's easy. People with your preferences (downloading) will only get digital files. Who knows how much care was taken when converted from .WAV to .mp3. Do you? Hey, if it sounds good to you, it should be good enough for everyone, right? WRONG. As it is now, CD's are the highest quality mainstream product of music. Why would you forgo that in favor of convenience? I also find it funny that it takes you 10 minutes to rip a CD. I have a burned CD copy in my hands in half that time, and that is using secure mode in EAC. I can convert my .WAV files to any music format I want, all you have is a lossy .mp3. Yeah, I think you are limiting your choices.


Originally Posted by Digitalbath3737 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
CDs are not invincible and I think it's so laughable that you guys are trying to make it seem like that are and that mp3s will self destruct at any second! Each format has it's pros and cons. The cons for CDS and the pros for mp3s lead me to the conclusion that mp3s are the right choice for me and I'm happy with my decision. You guys make it seem like leaving the cult of CDs is a personal attack against you all. Just listen to your CDs and don't worry about what us Digital lovers do.

Ummm, I have CD's that are older than I am. Do you have DAP's older than you? In the hands of someone with 8 functioning fingers and 2 thumbs, CDs are NOT susceptible to damage. Don't give me that CD rot nonsense, it is actually very rare. I rip my CDs and store them. Your choice based on convenience is leaving us people who have made the choice based on tangible product and sound quality with nowhere to go. I'd hate to see you in the 70's with vinyl. If you knew how to use a computer better, you'd realize that ripping CDs is no biggie and that it is no less convenient than downloading a song or album and syncing it to your DAP. EAC even has the option to rip into .mp3 in one shot, all you have to do is sync them to your DAP. Kinda easy, huh?


Originally Posted by Digitalbath3737 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
BTW if you're smart then you never have to worry about data corruption, because you'll have multiple backups. You should also have multiple backups of your CDs as well... if you're smart.

Preaching to the choir, bud...
Jun 1, 2007 at 3:55 AM Post #36 of 56

Originally Posted by trains are bad /img/forum/go_quote.gif
CDs are obsolete. I don't care if they go away. I only buy them when I have too.

Vinyl lives.

I have yet to see a DAP that plays vinyl
Jun 1, 2007 at 4:42 PM Post #39 of 56
Downloading is here to stay, unfortunately. But what I cant fathom is why people still use mp3 or aac. The ONLY purpose is less space on a hard disk. But hard disk prices are constantly falling, while the space is soaring. To invest in mp3 is to wake up one day and realize you could have had much better, for not much (if any) more money in the first place.

CDs and E.A.C. FTW.
Jun 2, 2007 at 4:13 AM Post #40 of 56

Originally Posted by roadtonowhere08 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It's easy. People with your preferences (downloading) will only get digital files. Who knows how much care was taken when converted from .WAV to .mp3. Do you?

I could see if I was Downloading from P2P then I could question the quality. but I'm DLing from a respectable company. How do you know that recording studios aren't taking mp3s converting them to WAV and then selling them to you in CD form. You don't know that for a fact unless you watch the process from start to finish. So we are in the same boat. We just have to trust what these companies tell us. I still run all my mp3s through EncSpot. I'm not a fool and I didn't get this far in life by blindly trusting others.


Originally Posted by roadtonowhere08 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey, if it sounds good to you, it should be good enough for everyone, right? WRONG.

If it sounds good to me then that's all that matters. Why should I care what things sound like to others? It's my ears, not theirs or yours. I'm not subjecting anyone else to my rig or format choice. Why do you feel the need to try and convince others that your way is the best. You should know that everything is subjective and about personal preference, if you haven't realized this yet then you need to leave this hobby.


Originally Posted by roadtonowhere08 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As it is now, CD's are the highest quality mainstream product of music. Why would you forgo that in favor of convenience? I also find it funny that it takes you 10 minutes to rip a CD. I have a burned CD copy in my hands in half that time, and that is using secure mode in EAC. I can convert my .WAV files to any music format I want, all you have is a lossy .mp3. Yeah, I think you are limiting your choices.

Obviously you haven't paid attention to anything that I said. Then you'd know why I wouldn't care to have a CD. And I don't care to repeat myself. Maybe you're not using EAC right because 10 minutes is about the norm to rip a CD in secure mode. Or maybe your CD burner and PC is better than mine. Who knows.... And I already explained my preference for lossy format... again I won't repeat myself.


Originally Posted by roadtonowhere08 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ummm, I have CD's that are older than I am. Do you have DAP's older than you? In the hands of someone with 8 functioning fingers and 2 thumbs, CDs are NOT susceptible to damage. Don't give me that CD rot nonsense, it is actually very rare. I rip my CDs and store them. Your choice based on convenience is leaving us people who have made the choice based on tangible product and sound quality with nowhere to go. I'd hate to see you in the 70's with vinyl. If you knew how to use a computer better, you'd realize that ripping CDs is no biggie and that it is no less convenient than downloading a song or album and syncing it to your DAP. EAC even has the option to rip into .mp3 in one shot, all you have to do is sync them to your DAP. Kinda easy, huh?

lol it's funny that you are taking this so personal. Look man, it's my preference and I'm happy with it. I really don't care if you approve or not. If you take care of your digital files and back them up correctly they will last a lifetime. Same as any other format. If you don't take care of them then you won't have them. Same as any other format. So stop trying to deny the truth.

I'm pretty much done with you because you're stuck in your ways, can't see anything from others point of view and you're making very dumb assumptions at this point. I have better things to do with my time, like DL some great tunes and get ready for my camping trip for this weekend. Enjoy your CDs and I'll go rock out to some mp3s in the woods.
Jun 2, 2007 at 4:44 AM Post #41 of 56
I used to just buy MP3s, and owned only about 20 CDs. However, ever since I joined the Head-Fi community I started buying CDs. I found MP3s to be more convenient when I'm working on the computer or browsing the internet and wanted some background music. CDs, on the hand, are better for relaxation, and it does a better job of pulling me into the music.
Jun 2, 2007 at 4:51 AM Post #42 of 56

Originally Posted by Digitalbath3737 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
First off if you took the time to notice my sig you'd see I own a portable rig. Not computer as a source. Secondly if you actually read my post (instead of assuming, which only makes an ***** out of you in the case) you'd have seen the part where I say
So what makes you think I want to sit in front of my computer listening to music all day either? Next time keep your baseless personal attacks to yourself.

So... what, you just don't listen to music unless on the go with your portable setup? I find that hard to believe.

What if you really want to LISTEN? Not on the bus or when walking to get lunch - when you're simply absorbing the music and not being a passive listener. What then? What media do you have to turn to?
Jun 2, 2007 at 5:51 AM Post #43 of 56

Originally Posted by Aman /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So... what, you just don't listen to music unless on the go with your portable setup? I find that hard to believe.

What if you really want to LISTEN? Not on the bus or when walking to get lunch - when you're simply absorbing the music and not being a passive listener. What then? What media do you have to turn to?

Most Head-Fi'ers I would like to believe spend lots of time absorbing music and striving for the highest quality possible. There's lots out there who just put music on while on the bus to pass time. In fact, I would think most "normal" people don't listen to music much at all outside of transportation time or down time while outside their homes. *can't forget casual computer listening time as well*
Jun 2, 2007 at 6:09 AM Post #44 of 56

Originally Posted by Redo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Most Head-Fi'ers I would like to believe spend lots of time absorbing music and striving for the highest quality possible. There's lots out there who just put music on while on the bus to pass time. In fact, I would think most "normal" people don't listen to music much at all outside of transportation time or down time while outside their homes. *can't forget casual computer listening time as well*

I agree completely. This is why digital audio is most proper for "most people". You'd think that if you "spend lots of time absorbing music" you'd have a better means of doing so than compressed digital files.
Jun 2, 2007 at 7:07 AM Post #45 of 56
The problem is, everything is trending toward digital downloads. I want an actual product. The RIAA is jumping at the chance for digital, because it is easier and there is less overhead than pressing CDs. Don't get me wrong, if people like digitalbath got to d/l and people like me got CDs, I would be happy. Unfortunately, I am on the loosing side.... all because of convenience.

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