Closed equivalent of HD600?
Aug 14, 2005 at 2:55 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 17


Headphoneus Supremus
Aug 22, 2004
paradise on a lake in the sun
I simply LOVE my HD600's, so much so that I feel little or no temptation to have other cans (other than my portables).

That said, I have found a need for some Closed cans for use when others are watching television as the sound from the TV absolutely ruins my listening with my HD600's. I have resorted to using my Ety's at times, but I find this to be less than ideal and leaves me craving my HD600's.

I'd like some suggestions for closed phones which will give me sanctuary from the noise of the TV while satisfying my needs for the lush sound of my HD600's.

Any suggestions? (budget: used cans under $200)

Aug 14, 2005 at 2:58 PM Post #2 of 17
I'm sure I read on one of the threads here that the AGK K271S's are like "closed HD600's".. I have neither 'phone (yet) so I'm sure others can give you WAY more useful advice.
Aug 14, 2005 at 6:03 PM Post #3 of 17
Does. Not. Exist.

I've tried hard to find one.

K271s doesn't match HD600, imho, although it is quite pleasant headphone to listen to (lacking in both bass and upper treble).
Aug 14, 2005 at 6:57 PM Post #4 of 17

Originally Posted by halcyon
Does. Not. Exist.

bummer . . . .

I think I knew that, but did not wish to accept it.

I am also uneasy inquiring about the 'next best'

I think I may need therapy
Aug 14, 2005 at 7:35 PM Post #5 of 17
You can try the Senn HD25-1. IMO it has almost the same tonal qualities than the HD-600. But because of the supra-aural closed design it's much more forward and thus don't have the same wide soundstage, i guess a trade-off many closed design have. OTOH this 'forwardness' will allow you to hear a little more details respect to the HD-600.

If you can stand a narrowed soundstage and a (relatively) high clamping force the HD25-1 may be just what you need.
Aug 14, 2005 at 8:02 PM Post #7 of 17
Yeah, what halcyon said. We are all looking for that particular mythical headphone.

The ones that do get close: Beyer DT250-250, Ety ER4S, and uh, well I am still looking too. I really need to try the K271 and HD25.

Best of luck.

Aug 14, 2005 at 9:05 PM Post #8 of 17
I also agree that the HD 25-1 and DT 250-250 are the closest from what I've heard.

Beware that the DT 250-250 doesn't offer the best isolation while the HD 25-1 is not the most comfortable option being supraaural in nature. The DT 250-250 is probably going to be your best pick but keep in mind that Dt 250-250 is quite power hungry and a portable player might not suffice. Nevertheless, just because the AKg K271 or A900 or DT 770-80 don't sound like the HD 600, doesn't mean they can't sound good or even better. The latter three might be worth a try with their good comfort, decent isolation and good sound quality.
Aug 14, 2005 at 9:25 PM Post #9 of 17
Another vote for the AKG k271s. There definately a good can.
Aug 14, 2005 at 11:55 PM Post #11 of 17
Could try a set of Audio-Technica. I own also the ATH-D40fs. Of course they do not match the qualities of my 650s but have a warm, envelopping sound (lots of bass as well) that goes very easy after listening through the Sennheisers. I'm not familiar, unfortunately, to the better models from AT(A900, etc) so I have no idea about their sound.
They go ridiculously cheap as well ('bout 100$; I paid double that, but that's another story).
Aug 15, 2005 at 12:07 AM Post #12 of 17
The UM2's sound pretty close. Well, not really, they have a different, in-your-head soundstage and are less detailed (slightly), but they're the same in terms of tonal balance. The same humped-up midbass, slightly strident lower treble and recessed upper treble. The UM2 has a bit less mids though, but is also very smooth like the HD600, and has a nice coherence to it's sound. I guess that's as close as I've heard so far.

Don't know about the K271, but the A-T closed cans are definitely not the same as far as sound signature. Brighter and more foward, with less lushness but more clarity and impact. Now, they're not necessarily worse. You could try some A900's, which will fit under your budget nicely especially if bought used. It's a different sound, but you might like it too.
Aug 15, 2005 at 2:06 AM Post #15 of 17
Dont see why people say K271s lack in bass. Infected Mushroom + K271 + SR71 has deeper & tighter bass than my A900s. To the point where the pads vibrate on your ears and i start to get a headache, feels pretty good
. I wouldnt mind a bit more bass in quantity especially at lower volumes, but if you turn up the volume with the 271s the bass is by no means non-existant.

I only wish they looked more like the 501s, which look amazing imo. 271s look very cheap.

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