Chris Cornell leaves Audioslave!
Jun 12, 2007 at 11:27 PM Post #49 of 57
I enjoy Chris Cornell's work (liked Soundgarden - saw their last show as a band when they performed in Hawaii, liked "Euphoria Morning," and liked all of Audioslave's albums as well), but apart from the MJ cover and a couple of other tracks, I just couldn't get into it. It's a mixed bag for me. Maybe it'll grow on me though... just my first week impressions is all.
Jun 19, 2007 at 10:26 AM Post #50 of 57
IMO this is terrible! Audioslave was one of my favorite bands, and Cornell was what made them so great.

The fact that RATM is doing their little reunion stuff annoys me, since I really dislike Zach de LaRocha. Pairing the members of RATM with a vocalist that actually had talent made much more sense to me.

I actually didn't think Carry On (the new Cornell album for those that have no idea) was too bad, am listening to it right now. I am right there with you h-man.

I don't understand how some of you are happy that he left Audioslave... he is easily one of the best vocalists in rock history IMHO.


Originally Posted by Night Surfer
Originally Posted by EyeAmEye View Post
If there is a supreme being up there in the sky, and he at all likes me in anyway conceivable, please, please, don't bring RATM back!
Amen Brother. Can't bloody stand them.

Double Amen!
Sep 17, 2008 at 1:09 AM Post #51 of 57
Oh man...has anyone heard his latest single titled "Watch Out"? What the heck happened?
Such a sad, sad direction to see him go.

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Sep 17, 2008 at 2:38 AM Post #54 of 57
Man he is so disappointing with his solo stuff. It's horrible (imo). I wish he'd return to his roots (soundgarden and temple of the dog).
Jan 2, 2009 at 10:46 PM Post #57 of 57
RATM is nice, but the sound quality of the CDs is incredibly well how do I put it, bad...

Audioslave made some really neat albums. I totally agree with #0 on this one, his own solo stuff is only so and so, not even in the same league as AS or SG.....

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