Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]
Feb 19, 2024 at 7:09 AM Post #9,946 of 11,277
There are other factors ... lighting on full/half, impedance of headphones, loudness. As to the blue charging light, I believe it actually takes quite a while to fully charge once the pulsating light changes to blue. In my experience it takes well over 4 hours from zero. To change to desktop mode it takes longer than that.
Feb 19, 2024 at 8:10 AM Post #9,947 of 11,277
When I upgraded my mojo to 2 I also replaced the battery in my poly. Now the poly always outlasts the mojo2 which is not what I would have expected. I must admit that I am playing 16fs 24b pggb files from the sdcard. Perhaps the 16fs processing uses more power?
Feb 19, 2024 at 8:16 AM Post #9,948 of 11,277
Honestly, since I purchased it, I have never experienced great autonomy, I read some comments talking about 6/7 hours of autonomy... but when ever! one article even mentioned a duration of 10 hours, ridiculous!
I regularly get more than 7 or 8 hours. I use mine while travelling and listen end to end on long haul flights. London to San Diego a couple of weeks ago. I turned it off while I ate dinner but that was a 11 hour flight. I must have listen for at least 9 hours.
Feb 19, 2024 at 10:44 AM Post #9,949 of 11,277
So, I am thinking of snagging a Mojo 2 but have a question and I apologize if this has been asked.

I know the Mojo 2 has automatic input switching based on priority (at least I assume it works that way) but how would it handle both a usb-c connection and an optical connection?

I plan on connecting both of those at the same time and would like to switch between both based on what I am doing? Is this possible or do I have to physically disconnect usb-c before the optical picks up?
Feb 19, 2024 at 11:37 AM Post #9,950 of 11,277
So, I am thinking of snagging a Mojo 2 but have a question and I apologize if this has been asked.

I know the Mojo 2 has automatic input switching based on priority (at least I assume it works that way) but how would it handle both a usb-c connection and an optical connection?

I plan on connecting both of those at the same time and would like to switch between both based on what I am doing? Is this possible or do I have to physically disconnect usb-c before the optical picks up?
It probably depends on what they're connected to and how you use them. I have mine connected to a PC via USB-C (by way of a USB isolator) and a MacBook via optical (by way of an audio extractor/switch). Because I leave both my PC and MacBook on and connected most of the time, I have to manually disconnect the USB-C in order to get audio via optical. However, if I were to turn off my PC or manually mute it, it would automatically switch.

But in my case, switching audio inputs is a rarity since my PC is also my Roon server (and my MacBook is just a remote). So even if I'm on my laptop, I still am just using the USB-C (PC) input for audio. The only time I ever need audio from my laptop is when I'm doing video editing and audio mixing in Premiere.
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Feb 19, 2024 at 12:33 PM Post #9,951 of 11,277
Honestly, since I purchased it, I have never experienced great autonomy, I read some comments talking about 6/7 hours of autonomy... but when ever! one article even mentioned a duration of 10 hours, ridiculous!
Battery life will always depend on what you plug into the mojo 2. Connecting it to an RCA input, with very high impedance will give you several hours more than plugging in some current hungry headphones at loud listening volume. IIRC I got about 8.5 hours into moderate load headphones from the Mojo 2 when I tested it right after I got it. My original Mojo would last around 7.5 hours on similar headphones, but around 10 hours into RCA ports on an amplifier.
Feb 19, 2024 at 12:38 PM Post #9,952 of 11,277
Daniel, I realise you have no responsibility to be my personal advisor - but I have ordered and commissioned the Opal you recommended above. My iPad and iPhone can see it, I’ve added it to the network list in GoFigure (obviously Poly can only see the 2.4 network). But it refuses to connect. I’ve rebooted, tried reconnecting multiple times, but no connection will get formed. I actually don’t think I’m being dim, and feel I’m very close to sorting this out, as clearly the Opal works.
I am no expert at this. Sorry.

I would suggest setting the router up outside of your home WiFi. I set mine up at work.
Feb 19, 2024 at 1:34 PM Post #9,953 of 11,277
Battery life will always depend on what you plug into the mojo 2. Connecting it to an RCA input, with very high impedance will give you several hours more than plugging in some current hungry headphones at loud listening volume. IIRC I got about 8.5 hours into moderate load headphones from the Mojo 2 when I tested it right after I got it. My original Mojo would last around 7.5 hours on similar headphones, but around 10 hours into RCA ports on an amplifier.
I use the Mojo 2 mainly with very efficient earphones such as the Andromeda 2020 and LCD-X as a full size headphone which is also very efficient, the volumes are mainly medium low
Feb 19, 2024 at 2:49 PM Post #9,954 of 11,277
It probably depends on what they're connected to and how you use them. I have mine connected to a PC via USB-C (by way of a USB isolator) and a MacBook via optical (by way of an audio extractor/switch). Because I leave both my PC and MacBook on and connected most of the time, I have to manually disconnect the USB-C in order to get audio via optical. However, if I were to turn off my PC or manually mute it, it would automatically switch.

But in my case, switching audio inputs is a rarity since my PC is also my Roon server (and my MacBook is just a remote). So even if I'm on my laptop, I still am just using the USB-C (PC) input for audio. The only time I ever need audio from my laptop is when I'm doing video editing and audio mixing in Premiere.
Thanks for the info. I’ll have to think about this for my setup as I would plan on mainly using the Mojo 2 in desktop mode.

I may have to look at an alternative DAC/amp option with input selection.
Feb 19, 2024 at 4:41 PM Post #9,955 of 11,277
So, I am thinking of snagging a Mojo 2 but have a question and I apologize if this has been asked.

I know the Mojo 2 has automatic input switching based on priority (at least I assume it works that way) but how would it handle both a usb-c connection and an optical connection?

I plan on connecting both of those at the same time and would like to switch between both based on what I am doing? Is this possible or do I have to physically disconnect usb-c before the optical picks up?
The manual says the following :
If all four inputs are connected simultaneously, Mojo 2 will auto-select the correct input when music is
played to the device. Mojo 2 will prioritise specific inputs if all four are connected simultaneously. USB has
priority followed by coaxial and then optical. It is only possible to connect one USB at a time (Micro-USB takes
priority over USB-C).
Feb 19, 2024 at 5:18 PM Post #9,956 of 11,277
The manual says the following :
If all four inputs are connected simultaneously, Mojo 2 will auto-select the correct input when music is
played to the device. Mojo 2 will prioritise specific inputs if all four are connected simultaneously. USB has
priority followed by coaxial and then optical. It is only possible to connect one USB at a time (Micro-USB takes
priority over USB-C).
Right, I saw that section in the manual, I just wasn’t sure what initiated that input auto-select. If it required a physical disconnect of the cable or if something as simple as muting the sound device in Windows would make it roll over to next input.
Feb 19, 2024 at 5:28 PM Post #9,957 of 11,277
Right, I saw that section in the manual, I just wasn’t sure what initiated that input auto-select. If it required a physical disconnect of the cable or if something as simple as muting the sound device in Windows would make it roll over to next input.
Exactly. If something with higher input priority is outputting an audio signal, then that input will always be selected. In my case, the Mojo 2 always detects an audio signal from my PC even when it's not actually outputting any audio (the PC just needs to be on). Not sure if that's typical or if that's just specific to my setup. An input select option would solve it regardless. It's one of the few shortcomings in an otherwise incredible device.

EDIT: Speaking of the Mojo 2's shortcomings, while typing the above, I just got blasted with the infamous "white noise" issue in the middle of a track. That would be the other big shortcoming.
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Feb 20, 2024 at 5:27 AM Post #9,958 of 11,277
There are other factors ... lighting on full/half, impedance of headphones, loudness. As to the blue charging light, I believe it actually takes quite a while to fully charge once the pulsating light changes to blue. In my experience it takes well over 4 hours from zero. To change to desktop mode it takes longer than that.
Thanks to all who replied about battery life. Today I charged it fully to magenta, and it's still blue 2 hours in, so - as promised - I retract my earlier implication of dubious longevity. Will do a full test at some point from magenta to lights out, but for now it's looking good.
Feb 20, 2024 at 9:03 AM Post #9,960 of 11,277
Right, I saw that section in the manual, I just wasn’t sure what initiated that input auto-select. If it required a physical disconnect of the cable or if something as simple as muting the sound device in Windows would make it roll over to next input.
I don’t know if it matters to you more than convenience, but Mojo will theoretically sound better on optical with no other electrical connection, so unplugging USB for critical listening might be advised anyway.

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