Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆
Jan 21, 2018 at 12:09 PM Post #35,191 of 42,836
My Mojo isn't working anymore - it shuts down whenever I try to play. Sometimes it shut down right when the music begin, sometimes after 2-3 minutes. I tried playing from Linux / Win 10 / Mac - same issue.
Disappointing; it is less than 1 year old.
Let's try and eliminate the simplest root causes first:
1 - is your battery near empty? Have you changed your charger recently?
2 - are you trying to charge and listen to your mojo simultaneously, with your mojo in a case, and the ambient room temperature is high.
Jan 21, 2018 at 12:15 PM Post #35,192 of 42,836
1. Battery is at full (bright white light)
2. The room is not THAT hot - 18-21 C
3. I tried with the Mojo both connected to the charger or disconnected. Same result.
4. I tried with the Mojo both connected to the PC or not. It still shuts down.

I tried to debug myself - Mojo just shuts down.
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Jan 21, 2018 at 12:16 PM Post #35,193 of 42,836
1. Battery is at full (bright white light)
2. The room is not THAT hot - 18-21 C
3. I tried with the Mojo both connected to the charger or disconnected. Same result.

I tried to debug myself - Mojo just shuts down.

Did you have the Mojo plugged in 24/7 previously by chance?
Jan 21, 2018 at 12:17 PM Post #35,194 of 42,836
Did you have the Mojo plugged in 24/7 previously by chance?

Mostly overnight - to charge it. But - there were periods when for weeks maybe I left it plugin to charge (at the beginning) so - the answer is yes, sometimes / no not everyday. Last few months (2-3 months) I didn't have it plugged in the charger 24/7 - only during the night.
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Jan 21, 2018 at 12:33 PM Post #35,197 of 42,836
1. Battery is at full (bright white light)
2. The room is not THAT hot - 18-21 C
3. I tried with the Mojo both connected to the charger or disconnected. Same result.
4. I tried with the Mojo both connected to the PC or not. It still shuts down.

I tried to debug myself - Mojo just shuts down.

A bright white light does not mean the battery is at full charge. It means the battery is charging. The amount of charge is only indicated when the Mojo is on and should be green, blue, yellow, red and flashing red in order from full to I'm going to shutdown cause I got no charge. Also, the amount of charge is indicated when the Mojo is on only. While charging, the white light will go out when the charge circuit stops charging because it is fully charged. A blinking white light indicates that the charging circuit has detected a problem and stopped charging the Mojo.
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Jan 21, 2018 at 12:36 PM Post #35,198 of 42,836
Haa! It started working again after unplugging it and restarting it like 6 times... Weird stuff. Even more weird - the battery is now at RED. Go figure. At least I can listen to my music!

Not for long. RED indicates the battery is 2% to 9% charged. Stop listening and plug it in until the white light goes out.
Jan 21, 2018 at 1:31 PM Post #35,200 of 42,836
1. Battery is at full (bright white light)
2. The room is not THAT hot - 18-21 C
3. I tried with the Mojo both connected to the charger or disconnected. Same result.
4. I tried with the Mojo both connected to the PC or not. It still shuts down.

I tried to debug myself - Mojo just shuts down.
You've had the mojo this long and don't know the white light doesn't indicate a full charge? The white light indicates it's charging. The light will go out when fully charged. When not plugged in a fully charged battery is indicated with a blue light. Well 80 to 100% is blue.
Jan 21, 2018 at 1:53 PM Post #35,201 of 42,836
Doing exactly that.
From the FAQ in post #3:
rob watts said:

Q .... I am thinking the battery is not holding any charge.
A Try charging overnight with the unit off. The charging circuit looks at the state of the battery before charging. If the battery has a very low voltage, it will trickle charge the battery until it gets to a safe voltage, and then full charge will commence. This trickle charge mode can take several hours, and it is done for safety reasons, and it will appear that the battery is not working as the trickle charge mode takes some time. When in this mode Mojo must be off.

There is also:
'However the mojo battery charging circuitry can go into a protective mode, if the battery has been deeply discharged.
The advice is normally to switch the mojo off, and let the battery very slow recharge.
Jan 21, 2018 at 4:44 PM Post #35,202 of 42,836
Hi guys,

I've come across an issue with windows 10 (fall update installed), and the Chord Mojo, which seems to cause Firefox v57 (the default version from their website) to stutter when watching youtube videos.

When Chord Mojo is selected as the default sound device (default settings selected in properties), videos will appear to be choppy and judder. When a different sound device is selected as default in windows, there are no stutters. This can be seen by switching back and forth.

Firefox has been reinstalled and tested in safe mode - still choppy. Chrome and Edge don't show this issue.

Has anybody else come across this?

Update : Switched to optical. No issues.

Did you try on another computer or changing the usb port on yours?
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Jan 21, 2018 at 5:22 PM Post #35,203 of 42,836
I am using the Mojo hooked up to my laptop (Dell XPS 15) to stream music off of Google Play Music. Would anyone know how to access equalizer settings while doing this? Dell Audio gets disabled at this point
Jan 21, 2018 at 5:56 PM Post #35,204 of 42,836
I have a question about pairing a DAP with a DAC/AMP,
If the DAP has already a good dac/amp chips on it, what is the interest to plug a MOJO on it?
may be it is a odd question but i try to understand

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