Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆
Feb 15, 2016 at 6:04 PM Post #11,431 of 42,788
Another thought. I know android up samples by default, could that change the sound? I think so. Might the up sampling algorithm change from device to device abd/or app to app? Maybe?
Feb 15, 2016 at 6:09 PM Post #11,432 of 42,788
Another thought. I know android up samples by default, could that change the sound? I think so. Might the up sampling algorithm change from device to device abd/or app to app? Maybe?

Converting the original file into DSD or up-sampling is a very bad idea. The rule of thumb is to always maintain the original data as Mojo's processing power is way more complex and capable than any PC or mobile device.

DSD as a format has major problems with it; in particular it has two major and serious flaws:

1. Timing. The noise shapers used with DSD have severe timing errors. You can see this easily using Verilog simulations. If you use a step change transient (op is zero, then goes high) with a large signal, then do the same with a small signal, then you get major differences in the analogue output - the large signal has no delay, the small signal has a much larger delay. This is simply due to the noise shaper requiring time for the internal integrators to respond to the error. This amplitude related timing error is of the order of micro seconds and is very audible. Whenever there is a timing inaccuracy, the brain has problems making sense of the sound, and perceives the timing error has a softness to the transient; in short timing errors screw up the ability to hear the starting and stopping of notes.

2. Small signal accuracy. Noise shapers have problems with very small signals in that the 64 times 1 bit output (DSD 64) does not have enough innate resolution to accurately resolve small signals. What happens when small signals are not properly reproduced? You get a big degradation in the ability to perceive depth information, and this makes the sound flat with no layering of instruments in space. Now there is no limit to how accurate the noise shaper needs to be; with the noise shaper that is with Mojo I have 1000 times more small signal resolution than conventional DAC's - and against DSD 64 its 10,000 times more resolving power. This is why some many users have reported that Mojo has so much better space and sounds more 3D with better layering - and its mostly down to the resolving power of the pulse array noise shaper. This problem of depth perception is unlimited in the sense that to perfectly reproduce depth you need no limit to the resolving power of the noise shaper. 

So if you take a PCM signal and convert it to DSD you hear two problems - a softness to the sound, as you can no longer perceive the starting and stopping of notes; and a very flat sound-stage with no layering as the small signals are not reproduced accurately enough, so the brain can't use the very small signals that are used to give depth perception.

The second issue in using the transport to up-sample (44.1 to 176.4 say) is that the up-samplers in a PC or mobile device are very crude, with very limited processing power and poor algorithms. This results in timing problems, and like with DSD you can't hear the starting and stopping of notes correctly. These timing problems also screw up the perception of timbre (how bright or dark instruments sound), the pitch reproduction of bass (starting transients of bass lets you follow the bass tune), and of course stereo imagery (left right placement is handled by the brain using timing differences from the ears). Now Mojo has a very advanced algorithm (WTA) that is designed to maximise timing reconstruction (the missing timing information from one sample to the next) and huge processing power to more accurately calculate what the original analogue values are from one sample to the next. Its got 500 times more processing power than normal, and this allows much more accurate reconstruction of the original analogue signal.

So the long and the short is don't let the source mess with the signal (except perhaps with a good EQ program) and let Mojo deal with the original data, as Mojo is way more capable.


Edit: Spoiler and emphasis added by me.
Feb 15, 2016 at 6:24 PM Post #11,433 of 42,788
Hey again. i was left thinking after my last post. I think it needed rethinking in one part.
Where I said," ......the Mojo. There's a clearer view but it's just a bit less emotive and sometimes slightly boring.
I added;
(Boring is the wrong word though: the Mojo is less solid sounding than the thick sounding ME. On the ME, buzzy sounds are more buzzy.)
It's a strange relationship between the Mojo and the Meridian Explorer. When I switch to the ME I like it's more solid sound, but it takes time to re-adjust. I can also hear there is less detail, but I think, "Yeah but I like the slightly thicker and slightly wetter sound". Then I think I prefer the ME.
However when I switch back to the Mojo, the detail strikes. It leaves the ME sounding kind of fuzzy. Then I think, "How could I live without the Mojo?". (Followed sometimes by, "I knew I should have bought the Hugo".

I'm sure that the 225e with the tape mod will be a good match with the Mojo 

Feb 15, 2016 at 6:47 PM Post #11,434 of 42,788
Feb 15, 2016 at 8:18 PM Post #11,437 of 42,788
Lol, that's kinda my point. Theoretically, in the absence of noise inducing connects (like usb) there really is not reason for them to sound different. Contrary to some beliefs, bit and indeed bits. Now, certainly some connects are more susceptible to rfi and such which might make one sound better than another.

In the event that devices do sound different and it is not noise, it could be adding some kind of distortion into the signal through processing (which it should not be doing) . However, if this is occurring it is possible that a more distorted signal might be more pleasing to you, appearing as clean and more clear artificially. You do not have anyway of knowing which signal is closest to the original file and may be fooled into thinking a modified signal sounds better. This is all assuming each transport is modifying the signal in a unique way, and even if it sounds good we should really not consider that a proper transport as we want all out signal modulation to occur within the Mojo.

I do believe that you are hearing differences. Which one is a true signal? You can know. Could be any number of reasons. I don't hear differences between all my signals, but I am also skeptical of it and not really given much time and attention to the issue.

Notary not required lol, but an electrical or computer engineer should be able to explain why this is occurring if it is a real thing in theory.

I agree, there is no way of knowing which is closest to the true recorded way it was intended to be heard, I too wish someone would explain,

And then leave a the question

. Which is the best natural, flat, original source to use for beloved mojo?
Feb 15, 2016 at 8:32 PM Post #11,438 of 42,788
This article may be relevant to us. I happen to agree quite a bit with the position taken by the author.
Feb 15, 2016 at 8:50 PM Post #11,439 of 42,788
I posted a similar question in the zx2 thread but I wanted a different perspective. Has anyone had experience with both the mojo and the sony zx2? If the mojo is only slightly better then I would prefer the one box solution of the zx2. Thanks.
Feb 15, 2016 at 8:51 PM Post #11,440 of 42,788
Had a dream last night that I could buy the Mojo for $400. No joke. *sigh* I'd probably go for it at that price, but $600 seems too rich for my blood.
Feb 15, 2016 at 9:26 PM Post #11,441 of 42,788
Why would DAPs sound different if all the decoding/amplifying/volume changes take place inside the Mojo

Because I dont think Mojo or any dac can completely remove distortion from source. It will make it as distortion free as possible from Mojo and onwards. I don't think any dac can reach back in chain to take away from the original source. It can upscale from 720P to 1080P (TV resolution comparison)and Mojo I'm sure is one of the best at doing it, but it won't make as good as originally shot in 1080P.
Feb 15, 2016 at 9:40 PM Post #11,442 of 42,788
I'm surprised Matt has made this as twisted pair rather than coaxial. I'm sure it is more flexible the way it is, but it provides no RF shielding.
Could be worth asking the question raised above before ordering - maybe in such a short length it's not so important...


My Note 4 has no sim ( no carrier/ provider) and use wifi for updates then go airplane mode so interference is not audible for me.

The very well shielded At cable is for when that is a concern (sim card/wifi,etc)
The FORZA is using a new wire not yet on the site that is a hybrid with a cotton dampening chord. It will be his next line of cables. Sounds awezum! A shielded version could be had on request. I wanted 5cm and straight term and flexible so this was a true custom and the new cable was thrown in for a feedback.
@Matez   ya nailed it bru! That little triangle strike on America's "Tin Man" and the panning and details on Pink Floyd's "On the Run" are sounding most excellent.

Feb 15, 2016 at 11:11 PM Post #11,444 of 42,788
When I use my AK100 as source (don't have a mojo though) via optical, I can still use the EQ - could be an indication that something is still going on in these devices....

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