Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆
Dec 23, 2015 at 7:09 PM Post #7,487 of 42,836
As I said, if you've got to buy a £400 product, with an underlying fear that there may be a problem & you've got to return it, then personally I don't think that's good enough. Can anyone from Chord clarify the issue, please ? Apparently, "early batches" ? What quantities & where does that extend to ?
If I were to buy a unit, today, tomorrow, or in the coming weeks, months, can Chord guarantee that I won't have a problem with it ? If you can't guarantee that, then that's not good from a business point of view.

Nobody can guarantee that any given sample won't fail, not even precision equipment built to the highest standards.  
I don't mean this in an unfriendly way, you are just over-worrying this.  It's causing you too much angst.  That's never good going in to a relationship that's meant to last.  You might be wise to forget about the Mojo and move on.  At the very least put it on the back burner for a few weeks until you're sure you are not buying an early sample.  
I've had mine for only a week or so now and I love it.  It has zero hiss and I keep it next to my iPhone 6s+ with phone-wifi-bluetooth all on.  It's a little wonder.  If it breaks or develops a problem they'll fix it or replace it immediately.  How am I so sure?  I had a problem with a bad Apple CCK cable that I thought might be a Mojo problem.  Mojo and my dealer answered me immediately and I was floored by who from Mojo answered my e-mail.  Suffice it to say they were all over the problem even though it wasn't the Mojo that was at fault. I also gathered that the rate of problems with Mojo has been very very low.  
Dec 23, 2015 at 8:25 PM Post #7,488 of 42,836
Likewise, I'm sure there's a pickup truck that could exceed its listed tow limit by many times and actually pull an oversize load. I'm sure one could tweak the pickup's engine to improve performance more yet. But in the end, it'll still be dramatically inferior at the task compared to an 18 wheeler.

Listen, the bottom line is that you got it sounding the way you want, which is great. Unfortunately for me, giving the Mojo sufficient gain for HD800s means an audible noise floor with sensitive IEMs. Tzke

Point one ,I have listened for hours upon hours upon hours to the HD800s through the Mojo. They sound fantastic. I completely understand where you are coming from by saying something much more powerful may make the HD800s sound better I am totally with you on that . I have an F6 Clone $3600 Power Amp and it improves quite a bit on the Mojo. It's 50 WPC. However , there are very few amps that I have heard that can beat the Mojo on SQ , even on the HD800s.
I am not sure why you are putting the Iems in at the same time as the HD800s but in practice once you've bought them that won't happen. 
Dec 23, 2015 at 8:33 PM Post #7,489 of 42,836

Definitely the mojo can handle the HD800 efficienly, but in my case adding the bootlehead crack gives them a fuller sounds, better bass.

That being said, I only notice the lack of bass with genres like rap, techno.

My HD800 are stock, no mods for the moment.
Dec 23, 2015 at 8:59 PM Post #7,490 of 42,836
  I am not sure why you are putting the Iems in at the same time as the HD800s but in practice once you've bought them that won't happen. 

Clarification: I'm not using Roxannes and HD800s at the same time.  What I'm saying is that by giving the Mojo amp enough power and gain to get the HD800s listenable, it becomes too noisy for IEM use.  This is especially annoying for me, as a portable amp can take high end CIEMs to the top.  They'll always be a compromise for full sized headphones though, especially those as challenging to amp as the HD800s.
The only way I know of to sort of accommodate all headphones is to have high and low gain modes.  The base noise floor drops in low, making it sufficiently quiet for any IEM.  High gain is at least acceptable for full size planars.  To name a few examples, Head Amp's Pico and Leckerton's UHA-6S.MKII do this extremely well.
Dec 23, 2015 at 10:00 PM Post #7,491 of 42,836
As I said, if you've got to buy a £400 product, with an underlying fear that there may be a problem & you've got to return it, then personally I don't think that's good enough. Can anyone from Chord clarify the issue, please ? Apparently, "early batches" ? What quantities & where does that extend to ?
If I were to buy a unit, today, tomorrow, or in the coming weeks, months, can Chord guarantee that I won't have a problem with it ? If you can't guarantee that, then that's not good from a business point of view.

Rob49 there are many people, myself included, who are very happy with their purchases of the Chord Mojo as well as excellent customer service.
If you have any doubt you should consider many other device which will guarantee you problem free usage 

Mojo is not for you, we get it, we all have different preferences. Probably best to just monitor this thread or the solutions thread  to see how we all fair with our devices.
Chord website  Solutions Thread url
Dec 23, 2015 at 10:09 PM Post #7,492 of 42,836
Clarification: I'm not using Roxannes and HD800s at the same time.  What I'm saying is that by giving the Mojo amp enough power and gain to get the HD800s listenable, it becomes too noisy for IEM use.  This is especially annoying for me, as a portable amp can take high end CIEMs to the top.  They'll always be a compromise for full sized headphones though, especially those as challenging to amp as the HD800s.

The only way I know of to sort of accommodate all headphones is to have high and low gain modes.  The base noise floor drops in low, making it sufficiently quiet for any IEM.  High gain is at least acceptable for full size planars.  To name a few examples, Head Amp's Pico and Leckerton's UHA-6S.MKII do this extremely well.

Mojo completely silent with my ciems.
Dec 23, 2015 at 11:31 PM Post #7,493 of 42,836
Look what the postman just dropped in my mailbox. 4" short cuz it is very expensive so couldn't afford a longer one. $6 delivered. It works, too.

Get same cable here:
Dec 23, 2015 at 11:47 PM Post #7,494 of 42,836
I have looked through this tread hoping to find s solution but no luck (I could have missed it). I have an AK100 II and the mojo. I had a fiber optic cable that was cheap and wouldn't let me play anything above 96kHz. So my new cable fley in from Canada today and I thought that was the answer. I was wrong I still get a loud poping sound but no music. Same with DSD. Toslink to optical on the mojo. I await this wisdom of the Mojo gods.
Dec 24, 2015 at 12:38 AM Post #7,495 of 42,836
Well I don't know how mojo does it but songs that I used to skip on some albums I find very enjoyable now.
Now if I could just have a better option then the apple cck. Any news on the fiio l19 release date?
Dec 24, 2015 at 1:06 AM Post #7,497 of 42,836
The simple answer to why vocals sound so good on Mojo is complete lack of noise floor modulation - unlike any other (non Chord) DAC.
Don't ask me how that was done, as it makes my head hurt just thinking about all the technical issues that needed to be solved....
Have fun listening and a happy New Year.
Dec 24, 2015 at 1:23 AM Post #7,498 of 42,836
I'd like give a hearty thanks to @Rob Watts for unleashing Mojo upon the world. I'd heard of the Hugo, of course, but I'd never heard it. I'm lucky enough to have Mojo in for testing until just after Christmas. I've put it up against several very nice DAPs, and man can MOJO hold its own. Very impressive job!

This is one of those times I know I'm going to but the product after testing, and that doesn't happen all that often for me...
Dec 24, 2015 at 1:38 AM Post #7,499 of 42,836
Well, I'm finally picking mine up around new years so I'll see what all the fuss is about! Although If it has any resemblance to Hugo's sound signature I know it will sound refined and musical! Can't wait to pair it up with my Nighthawks.
Dec 24, 2015 at 1:44 AM Post #7,500 of 42,836
Well, I'm finally picking mine up around new years so I'll see what all the fuss is about! Although If it has any resemblance to Hugo's sound signature I know it will sound refined and musical! Can't wait to pair it up with my Nighthawks.

On it's own it will not drive the bass on the AQNH. This is an awesome IEM solution, adequate over ear but not going to drive SZ or TH600/900 Denon D5,7K or the like into bass bliss.
Nobody claimed it would and I will leave the bass demo which I did out of my review and save it for a separate vid.
I assume the handle you have is related to bass....if not just ignore the bass talk:wink:
It is about on power level into 16ohm as an iFi nano and less then a Fiio e18.

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