Chord Electronics - Hugo 2 - The Official Thread
Apr 23, 2018 at 3:09 PM Post #12,212 of 22,546
Fair enough. But the point I am trying to get to is, if a large number of people with many other reference points (experience with other DAPs and DACs), actually find a certain DAP 'X' to sound better than a certain Chord DAC, in terms of transparency, blacker background, imaging precision, timbre accuracy etc., are the 'better measurements' truly indicative of the widely accepted sound quality? Of course, the 'large number of people' doesn't constitute a valid sample population. But this is a niche hobby and if there is a unanimous observation among audiophiles, however non-objective it may be, it starts to carry credibility.

Anyways, the point I am trying to make is, Chord DACs are hyped up to an extent, that makes readers buy these DACs blind. For people without other reference points, high chances that the Chord DAC is bound to sound good. And because of claims like Chord DACs are superior to other DACs, it is easy to imagine that other DACs must sound poorer than this. And they start sharing how amazing the Chord DACs are, and the process gets into a vicious cycle. But that is just one side of the story. You also have people who have other reference points, that bought the Chord DAC expecting a noticeable improvement over their other DAPs or DACs, but are disappointed as they realize it was just hype. So you end up with 2 crowds of people. One crowd who think that the Chord DACs are the best. And another crowd who starts to hate Chord products because of these kind of hype.

Realistically, Chord DACs are great, and so are many other DACs and DAPs out there.

The fact is there is simply is no answer to this issue.

Better measurements means more accurate reproduction of the input, but a more accurate reproduction has no correlation to whether a person will enjoy the output. The only thing people can do is to educate themselves so they can separate the objective facts from the subjective opinions, and then draw up their own personal measuring guide to use as a reference against what other people say. This is how we do it with subjective matters like the enjoyment of movies and food and even music, where there exists certain objective standards, but at the end you still use your own subjective experience to measure against other's opinions.
Apr 23, 2018 at 3:14 PM Post #12,213 of 22,546
The fact is there is simply is no answer to this issue.

Better measurements means more accurate reproduction of the input, but a more accurate reproduction has no correlation to whether a person will enjoy the output. The only thing people can do is to educate themselves so they can separate the objective facts from the subjective opinions, and then draw up their own personal measuring guide to use as a reference against what other people say. This is how we do it with subjective matters like the enjoyment of movies and food and even music, where there exists certain objective standards, but at the end you still use your own subjective experience to measure against other's opinions.

Apr 23, 2018 at 4:03 PM Post #12,214 of 22,546
@Rob Watts
I maybe write on head-fi twice a year, so let me us this one to thank you (the money I spent on your products aside). You've changed the way I listen to music. Firstly with Mojo, and for the last 6M with Hugo 2. Before you materalized your ideas into pieces of eletronics I literally thought that digital music is lost... I was sailing on waters of adding tube analog stages to XXXk USD equipment. Therefore, kudos to you my friend! :) I don't need to worry about this topic anymore.

For those of you who would want something to think about - music is like a language. It has its topology (syntax). Without proper start/stop of notes this "language" sounds like hog-wash from a drunk man.
Apr 23, 2018 at 4:20 PM Post #12,216 of 22,546
You are basically relaying what Rob Watts wrote and assuming that, those claims directly translate to superior perceived-sound-quality of Chord DACs over, all other DACs in the market. What @JohnM-73 asked in his post, and what I am asking now is, how much of those better measurement actually translates to better perceived sound quality? There were similar claims on the Mojo. It sure did measure better than some of the more expensive DAPs. But in terms of music fidelity, it does not perform on the same level of those DAPs like Lotoo Paw Gold. Sure the Chord DACs are great. But so are so many other DAPs and DACs in the market.

Considering what Rob Watts says on lower noise floor modulation causing listening fatigue is indeed true, in audio, there are other variables that contribute to listener fatigue, than just "noise floor modulation". Even with EQ, there are certain albums that I cannot listen to with my HD800S directly connected to the Hugo2. But I have listened to the same album via Sony PHA-3 without any fatigue. Just because I experienced no fatigue on the PHA-3, does it make it superior to the Hugo 2?.. No! These factors below cause fatigue more instantly:
- Listening at very high volumes
- Headphones/Amps/Albums that are harsh in the treble region
- Listening to bassy music with bass-heavy headphones
- Lack of synergy between the DAC and headphone in terms of tone and impedance

I don’t buy DACs to measure. I buy DACs to listen to and enjoy my music. To say, Chord DACs are superior to other DACs, in terms of perceived Sound Quality just based on manufacturer's claims, is simply BS. If you have personally compared the Chord DACs to other DACs and found the Chord DAC to be better, please share your experience here, and be specific as to what other DACs you compared to, and in what ways you found it to be better than those DACs, and what headphones or speakers you used in the comparison. Such kind of information is more meaningful and helpful, than say, you imagining how they compare.

Interesting reply...

To tackle your first paragraph, I'll use bullet points to simplify things:

-I am relaying the issue of noise floor modulation because it's true. As stated before, this performance issue isn't exclusively tackled by Chord Electronics but by industry veterans Dolby Laboratories. It's not something that is made up and if you believe such, you will have a hard time trying to go against the AV science giant that is Dolby.

-By measurements I assume you are speaking of Robs digital performance simulations. Or are you talking about Chord DACs measurements in general, like Stereophile's measurements?

If it's the former, I cannot comment on Robs noise shaping performance as it appears to be only him and MSB who claim extreme noise shaping resolution is desired, which considering what I have posted above in regards to Hugo 2 and DAVE main differences - it would appear 260dB vs 350dB is audible to anyone who has A/B tested them both with the Blu MK2..

If it's the latter, then I would say the best measurements in regards to the specific areas Stereophile measure are not always audible. Stereophile dominantly measure the frequency domain, with the exception of their impulse response measurements. Impulse measurements matters very little; only being a good indication of phase response and filter length. To truly see how good a DACs time domain performance is, you need to employ more sophisticated measurement techniques - like an Energy Time Curve. If you look up the ETC measurements of the Chord Hugo, I won't tell you where to find them as that's spoon feeding at this point - you may understand..

While we know very little when it comes to the ear-brain connection and scientific research is still uncovering such in research, one thing that has been known for years now is our interaural time delay - which is close to 4μS acuity. Have a look at other DACs filter ETC measurements and then compare to the Hugo. 99% of other brands DACs have poor temporal resolution performance, smearing transient energy over other samples on the output. If a DAC does not have lower than 4μS temporal resolution - it is not full-filling the brains requirements for accurate L/R imaging, regardless of your emotional opinion on its "soundstage"..

-"it does not perform on the same level of those DAPs like Lotoo Paw Gold"

First of all, what has the Mojo got to do with the Hugo 2? Second, based on what? Irrespective of the price, nothing about the hardware in the device is state-of-the-art. They have whacked in an off-the-shelf DAC chip into the unit with a budget DSP to run the OS. At that price I would expect the output stage to be class A which it's not and does not have any of the time domain characteristics of Chord DACs at the price..

In regards to your second paragraph:

-What digital input are you using with your Hugo 2 and HD800 S and what's your music source and files in use?

Looking at the components of the Sony DAC and the performance of its predecessors, I don't understand how you feel it's "less fatiguing". I previously had the Audiolab M-DAC+ which uses the same ESS chip the Sony does; only superior components surrounding the chip - filter choice, class A output stage, low output impedance and shielded toroidal power supply etc. Upgrading from it to the Hugo 2, my previous fatigue (which I experienced with all off-the-shelf DACs I've listened to - which is a lot as I used to work in a hi-fi shop) has disappeared mainly because of the rendering of vocal sibilance on Hugo 2 which I have not found from any other brand (which will be down to its intelligent design). I used to use an external 88.2KHz upsampler which reduced digital edge and fatigue, but nowhere to the extent a Mojo or Hugo 2 does. My bet is your Sony DACs high output impedance is adding warmth to the bottom end as I will explain below..

"Synergy" isn't what you think it is. It isn't "what goes together", what you're actually doing is masking one components flaws with another component. I have talked about this before in one of my earlier comments in regards to Sennheiser HD800 and their HDV 820 headphone amp. Here's my previous comment:

"Sennheiser make the HDV 820 which is designed with the intention to add extra warmth and bass to the HD800. Its poor damping factor is successful in giving the HD800 a bit more bass and tilting the overall balance away from its crazy treble peak - it also increases low frequency harmonic distortion. If the HD800s didn’t have these problems in the first place, they wouldn’t need to tune it in such a way - do you get my drift? If you’re going to consider spending thousands on an amp to go in between the Hugo 2 and your high-end cans, first consider changing your cans. There’s a huge amount of choice on the market and it’s perfectly possible that you have picked the wrong set for your tastes. While there’s no perfect pair of portable transducers yet - there are some that are much closer to perfect than others.

Another thing of note, sometimes imaging (soundstage) can change when using an amp after the DAC. This is down to analogue bandwidth. Hugo 2 has an extremely wide bandwidth and incredible phase accuracy - which account for its imaging acuity and depth. Any amp after the Hugo 2 signal will massively reduce bandwidth and phase accuracy, destroying all the original imaging nuance and harmonic separation - in favour of “bigger”, rounded off imaging. This is exactly what the Hugo 2 does when you switch it to the Mojo filter in a way."

I mainly use Focal Spirit Classic with my Hugo 2 which is incredibly transparent and natural/fatigue-free. I have used Audeze LCD-2, Focal Spirit Professional, HD700, HD650, HD598 and never experienced any fatigue when streaming Tidal Hi-Fi music via optical from my AirPort Express hmm.. it couldn't possibly be the HD800 + damping factor right?..
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Apr 23, 2018 at 5:59 PM Post #12,217 of 22,546
For the people a while back, who were talking about the Hugo 2 not having quite enough power for inefficient cans. This may be the product for you:

Benchmark Media have announced a new reference grade headphone amp/preamp called the HPA4. It’s THD+N is the lowest on the planet, has a super wide bandwidth, super low output impedance and zero crossover distortion. It should theoretically be transparent to the Hugo 2 (with good, well shielded cables that is) only with more power and the ability to drive headphones in a balanced configuration. As it’s using THX AAA amp topology, which the AHB2 (Benchmarks stereo power amp) uses that has zero/low noise floor modulation, it should hopefully not hinder Hugo 2 depth at all or at the very least absolutely minimally.

For people wanting Chord-level headphone transparency for vinyl, it may be what the doctor ordered.

People who have very efficient speakers also, they may want to check it out. As it performs as well as an AHB2, only with double the bandwidth - which may or may not give an audible benefit.

Another good shout is the Auralic Taurus MK2:
Apr 23, 2018 at 6:20 PM Post #12,218 of 22,546
People who have very efficient speakers also, they may want to check it out. As it performs as well as an AHB2, only with double the bandwidth - which may or may not give an audible benefit.

Definitely looks like a very compelling amp. I had the Benchmark AHB2 and was amazed at the noise floor (speed was very impressive as well). I've been looking forward to hearing what was next for this tech.

On a lark, I did hook my Omega Super Alnico Monitors to the Benchmark AHB2 and connected it with BluDAVE. Even with the Benchmark, you give away a LOT of transparency vs going to BluDAVE (and Hugo2) direct. That being said, it was definitely less of a transparency loss that what I heard with my Classe CT-2300 driving the Omega's.
Apr 23, 2018 at 6:33 PM Post #12,219 of 22,546
Definitely looks like a very compelling amp. I had the Benchmark AHB2 and was amazed at the noise floor (speed was very impressive as well). I've been looking forward to hearing what was next for this tech.

On a lark, I did hook my Omega Super Alnico Monitors to the Benchmark AHB2 and connected it with BluDAVE. Even with the Benchmark, you give away a LOT of transparency vs going to BluDAVE (and Hugo2) direct. That being said, it was definitely less of a transparency loss that what I heard with my Classe CT-2300 driving the Omega's.

If that's truly the case in regards to transparency, then that's a shame. I have the Benchmark AHB2 and use my Hugo 2 as a preamp. It do admit it doesn't sound exactly like Hugo 2 raw, but very close. Can I ask what cables you're using for your speakers and interconnects? They can affect transparency to a degree. I use QED Signature Audio 40 for my RCA interconnect and QED Reference Quartz optical cable from my AirPort Express. Speaker cable wise I use modest QED Ruby Anniversary but soon will receive QED Supremus speaker cable once it's made up, which is their best. They design their cables purely on the basis of tried and tested science with measurements and not pseudoscience or pure theory. A couple of good reports by them:

I will most likely sell my DAC and amp when PowerPulse amps eventually release. As even if I can come close to Hugo 2 raw with a few system tweaks, having it all in one box looks very appealing.
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Apr 23, 2018 at 6:36 PM Post #12,220 of 22,546
Does anyone have a recommendation for a coax to 3.5 cable that goes from Schiit eiter to the hugo 2? Amazon or reasonably priced cable would be great. I did search and just see links for UK sites. I'm in the United States..
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Apr 23, 2018 at 6:43 PM Post #12,221 of 22,546
If that's truly the case in regards to transparency, then that's a shame. I have the Benchmark AHB2 and use my Hugo 2 as a preamp.

I should clarify that this combination is wonderful! I enjoyed it with my B&W 802d3 speakers (Hugo2, DAVE, BluHugo2, BluDAVE were progressively the most amazing I had ever heard those speakers, all driven with the Benchmark amp)

May I ask what speakers you're listening to?

The switch for me was when I went to the Omega high efficiency speakers. They are able to attain a level of transparency I never heard in the B&Ws. In my experience, any amp and any cross over between a Chord DAC and your transducers is going to degrade transparency. You definitely lose something going to single driver speakers, but it really showcases what real transparency can be.

To your question, I've only now started to optimize cabling. My listening tests were all with blue collar cables (I didn't want to start optimizing cables until I had the major parts of the system in place). Currently, I'm spending a lot of time auditioning the Tellurium Q cable lines as well as the Voxativ cables, and the differences are really apparent. If folks have suggestions for cables that pair particularly well with Chord DACs when going direct to speakers, I'd love to hear from you! (and I'll definitely read up on the QEDs...thank you for the links!)

I'll be writing up those findings (and hopefully some findings on the power side) hopefully in the next month or two after I wrap up the evals.
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Apr 23, 2018 at 7:30 PM Post #12,223 of 22,546
@RAPDOG, you said:
If it's the former, I cannot comment on Robs noise shaping performance as it appears to be only him and MSB who claim extreme noise shaping resolution
is desired, which considering what I have posted above in regards to Hugo 2 and DAVE main differences - it would appear 260dB vs 350dB is audible to anyone
who has A/B tested them both with the Blu MK2..
Doesn't PSAudio do something similar with their DACs with noise shaping as well as Chord and MSB?
Apr 23, 2018 at 9:38 PM Post #12,224 of 22,546
@ray-dude, if you can find a dealer of furutech bulk cables, get the interconnects and speaker cables made from their top of the line bulk cable. I use all fururtech custom cabling with hugo 2 and benchmark ahb2 combo including the interconnect between Hugo 2 and sub. power cord if ahb2 is also a furutech one.

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