Apr 13, 2024 at 1:54 PM Post #25,816 of 26,077
The LINA could go louder. I listened to Kind of Blue "So What" It was good but not better. The size of these were much larger than I had thought they were. Plus the $$. I'd rather spend that money on maybe the RAAL triple ribbons. Those were great. Again I wasn't able to A/B those either and they are almost 10K.
I listened to a bunch of amps as well. The only one I really enjoyed was the ENVY. I could be wrong but I think the one (I listened to three) had mega buck 300B's.
AXPONA was OK. For me worth it just to speak with Colin from Chord. Super informative and funny/entertaining as well.
Apr 13, 2024 at 2:07 PM Post #25,817 of 26,077
Every f*cking time I read comments from you two it’s always the same story; my DAC is super assume and everything else sound like skit.

I’m glad you are happy with what you have, I truly am but why this constant condemning of other quality DACs?
Why the need for the aggressive response?
Have you listened to Susan Rogers talk given at Canjam Singapore?
If not, then watch it on YouTube and then reflect on how it is totally natural for different individuals to have very different feelings/opinions when listening to the same gear.
Apr 13, 2024 at 2:16 PM Post #25,818 of 26,077
No need for aggressive response. And my comments is not ment to be seen as aggressive just showing that I'm tiered of this comments about alla other DACs in this thread by some people.
Apr 13, 2024 at 3:14 PM Post #25,820 of 26,077
Every f*cking time I read comments from you two it’s always the same story; my DAC is super assume and everything else sound like skit.

I’m glad you are happy with what you have, I truly am but why this constant condemning of other quality DACs?
Go easy there 🌋 -> 🧊

If you don't like their comments then put them on "ignore" and spare your cardiovascular system the hypertensive hit 😊
Apr 21, 2024 at 1:49 PM Post #25,821 of 26,077
Hello everyone,
I just swapped my MyBookAir with Eversolo A6 Master Edition and I can hear substantial improvement. That makes me wonder what would be even better streamer/transport to use with Dave. Eversolo A8? Lumin U2? Auralic Aries G2.1?
Apr 21, 2024 at 2:12 PM Post #25,823 of 26,077
I use a HiFI Rose RS130 with fibre optic connection into MDave. Absolutely love the combination
Oh that’s good to hear. I’ve been interested in the RS130. What was your previous streamer? Curious if you think I’d get a bigger benefit upgrading streamer (currently using an Ifi Zen Stream with the elite PS, via USB) or by adding an mscaler.
Apr 21, 2024 at 2:19 PM Post #25,824 of 26,077
Previously used the smaller HIFI Rose 250A and prior to that an Oppo205.

Dedicated network streamer with the Mscaler is the way to go IMO. I noticed a significant improvement with the change and I prefer optical connection rather than USB
Apr 21, 2024 at 2:58 PM Post #25,825 of 26,077
Previously used the smaller HIFI Rose 250A and prior to that an Oppo205.

Dedicated network streamer with the Mscaler is the way to go IMO. I noticed a significant improvement with the change and I prefer optical connection rather than USB
When I swap USB with Optical/Toslink I hear better colors/timbre but reduced impact and dynamics. I would love to have both.
Apr 21, 2024 at 4:25 PM Post #25,826 of 26,077
Previously used the smaller HIFI Rose 250A and prior to that an Oppo205.

Dedicated network streamer with the Mscaler is the way to go IMO. I noticed a significant improvement with the change and I prefer optical connection rather than USB
Which would you do first — mscaler or upgrade to high end streamer?
Apr 21, 2024 at 4:49 PM Post #25,827 of 26,077
When I swap USB with Optical/Toslink I hear better colors/timbre but reduced impact and dynamics. I would love to have both.
Its actually closer to real life sound. Smoother with less brightness. Many ones brains are trained to hear the edged up digital sound it gets presented everywhere.. its grew up with it. I had the same when i improved my set on HF noise isolation.. i had to get used to what initially felt less impressive but with time i started to hear deeper into the sound, specially in mid high frequencies. Later i started to improve on my headphones 'brightness' changed the cable for silver, taking the dilter sheets off its drivers. Something i previously wouldnt do cause that would make it more sibilant with chip DAC's. But now it just cleared up further with dynamics.
Apr 21, 2024 at 6:26 PM Post #25,828 of 26,077
Maybe something in the so called “Vinyl revival” having a sound relatively free from the possible effects of RF, an “entry level” turntable may sound to some “better” than entry level digital with some music ?
Especially for those who grew up with digital, despite its proven technical superiority, unless accurately implemented digital to some may sound “harsh” or “cold” to use descriptive impressions ….
Some criticise those who try to praise a digital device for sounding “more analogue” as a negative, instead of appreciating a sound that still has all the benefits of digital, superior dynamic range, separation, noise and distortion levels while somehow keeping the timbre and expression of instruments and vocals,
Some may prefer a sharp, incisive, detailed sound to certain genres and that’s fine, just don’t assume that it’s somehow more transparent or “higher fidelity” for all music.
Apr 21, 2024 at 11:51 PM Post #25,829 of 26,077
When I swap USB with Optical/Toslink I hear better colors/timbre but reduced impact and dynamics. I would love to have both.

For me it’s “cleanest” path in order to reduce RF noise to get as close to how the natural music should sound.
I really don’t feel any loss at all but again as pointed out it could be how we have “trained” our ears or simply what our brain prefers.

Which would you do first — mscaler or upgrade to high end streamer?

If both are within end budget I’d go with Mscaler first as I believe this would give the biggest impact. It may seem subtle at first but have it in your system for 2 weeks then take it out to see how good it is!

Part of the fun in this hobby is listening to incremental upgrades as seeing/hearing what what they do. Living with them for a while and then doing the next tweak to not only hear the benefit but finally get to that point where all the % upgrades when stacked have given you the satisfaction that you have tweaked everything you can from your system. Then enjoy the bliss 😊
Apr 22, 2024 at 12:07 AM Post #25,830 of 26,077
If both are within end budget I’d go with Mscaler first as I believe this would give the biggest impact. It may seem subtle at first but have it in your system for 2 weeks then take it out to see how good it is!

Part of the fun in this hobby is listening to incremental upgrades as seeing/hearing what what they do. Living with them for a while and then doing the next tweak to not only hear the benefit but finally get to that point where all the % upgrades when stacked have given you the satisfaction that you have tweaked everything you can from your system. Then enjoy the bliss 😊
Thank you.

Definitely agree with that philosophy.

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