Central Illinois Mini-Meet
Jul 17, 2005 at 12:07 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 24

Audio Addict

Headphoneus Supremus
Aug 5, 2001
Had a great time today with recstar24, bh812, Ray and Strohmie. At first it started off just kickin back and listening to the speaker set up. We replaced my XR2 with Ray's X10-B. First was some Holly Cole "Don't Smoke in Bed" followed by some Duke Ellington. The sound was truly involving as everyone rotated through the sweet spot. I was hoping Ray would forget it was in my system by the end of the meet, but he didn't. However, he did mention there is a mod for the XR2 that would add some of the performance to my XR-2. Needless to say, he took my XR-2 back with him.

The waiting line for the sweet spot

We then broke for a munchie break and some good old fashion conversation. To be honest, these meets really are about meeting other head-fiers and sharing the strong interest in this thing we tell ourself is a hobby, but the spouses say is an addition.

The focus after the break was on Strohmie's hand built CD player / amplifier. Of course, no meet would be complete without a shoot out and this meet was no different. The shootout was Strohmie's priceless unit and a Raptor and Meridian. Stromhie's creation was really amazing. So much so, Ray and Strohmie started talking some secret language that must only be known by electrical engineers. I will say Jane Monheit sounded very sweet. Of course with the external cd going round and round and round, it was very hynotic.

One of Kind and Priceless

We also spent some time comparing the PPX3-6SN7 SLAM and the Raptor. To me, it's really a matter of what mood I am in, the music and what headphones. The real surprise was when we switched out the Raptor for the prototype Hornet. I now know what the buzz is all about. I couldn't believe the music coming from such a tiny thing. The wait list may be adding one more.

Shootout 2 but missing the Hornet

I then spent some time with recstar's HR2 and Meridian G07 with the VH Cyro Pulsars. I was amazed at the bass coming from this set up. I have the G08 so this level caught me a little off guard. Recstar24 indicated Chris is professional drummer and you can definitely hear this in his interconnects.

recstar's HR2 and Meridian G07

It was time again for a late lunch break and more great conversation.

Finally before breaking up, I turned the speaker system back on and we listened to more vinyl. Big mistake as soon as Ray heard the music, he was back in there listening and remembered the X10-B was in my system.

I would like to thank everyone for making the trip to Bloomington. It was a great time and really enjoyed the unveiling of Strohmie's handbuilt combination CD player and amplifier.
Jul 17, 2005 at 1:15 AM Post #4 of 24
Jul 17, 2005 at 1:28 AM Post #5 of 24

Originally Posted by Salt Peanuts
Looks like you guys had a great time!

Whose awesome looking black racks are those?

They are the DIY variety based on a SoundStage article a few years back. They started life as 3/4" ranger board, which alot of cabinets are made of. A sheet weighs alot. I had the lumberyard cut them to approximate size and then doubled the thickness by glueing two pieces together. I then took them to a workworker who squared them up and drilled the holes for the 5/8" threaded rods. Each shelf is held in place with washer and nuts above and below. All the rods are then finished with Salamander MegaSpikes to couple the stand to concrete floor. They aren't going anywhere and I haven't really notice vibration devices doing too much.


Originally Posted by grandenigma1
..who has the PPX Slam?...and how does it sound with the 6sn7 gain?

I recently added this to my collection. I haven't heard other Single Power versions to compare. I find that when I use my HP-2s, I tend to use this one. I like it especially for rock and blues. I don't really use the Texture control. In retrospect, if you could order one without this, I probably would have.
Jul 17, 2005 at 1:38 AM Post #6 of 24
Been too long since I've been able to get to a meet, so I'm very glad Audio Addict offered to have one a mere three weeks before I hopped back to the east coast. Also finally gave me the push to finish off the last bits of my CD player, which is really my only headphone-related audio component momentarily.

The first part of the meet convinced me that I need to get into speaker audio sometime soon. AA has a couple incredible speaker setups that we chilled and listened to for the first hour or so of the meet, with the smaller set of speakers doing a fantastic job of creating an intimate setting within that part of the room.

I didn't do much source or headamp comparisons, mainly because most of the items at the meet I was already familiar with. Save, of course, the Hornet. Finances and building my CD player precluded me from purchasing an SR-71 in the past, but as soon as I get a steady source of funds (ie. a job), I WILL add the Hornet to my collection. It's amazing to hear something about 4/5ths the size of a credit card (sans case) stand with the big boys, but Ray looks like he's managed to do it again. I'm even more impressed with this one than I was with the SR-71 when I first heard it up in Chicago a while back. Good stuff.

I was glad to be able to unveil the CD player in more complete shape than it was at the Urbana mini-meet, where it was basically a big box with a DAC but no head/preamp at the time. I'm much happier with the current build and it's almost where I want it, though I'm still mulling the possibility of reclocking the transport and DAC at some point (which is on hold until I have a degree in my hands). But for now, I was glad to present what I had.


Originally Posted by Audio Addict
The focus after the break was on Strohmie's hand built CD player / amplifier. Of course, no meet would be complete without a shoot out and this meet was no different. The shootout was Strohmie's priceless unit and a Raptor and Meridian. Stromhie's creation was really amazing. So much so, Ray and Strohmie started talking some secret language that must only be known by electrical engineers. I will say Jane Monheit sounded very sweet. Of course with the external cd going round and round and round, it was very hynotic.

One of Kind and Priceless

To be fair here, there was no actual direct comparison with Ray's Meridian (which build of the 508 do you own, Ray?). The comparison that was being made was solely between the Dynahi I have within the CD player, and Ray's Raptor and (later) Hornet from my CD player's line out, using Ray's famous switchbox. So the whole time the source was mine, just with different amplifiers. From my own comparisons, the Dynahi gave a slightly more analytic sound to the music when compared to the Raptor from what I was able to tell -- the differences, given the environment and brevity of comparison, were subtle. Such differences weren't too surprising given that this was a comparison between tube and transistor audio components.

I actually preferred one of my favorite tracks -- Massive Attack's "Angel" from the Mezzanine album -- on the Hornet through my line out over the Dynahi. THAT was truly a surprise. One of the bass instruments had a more pronounced, pleasing growl to it from the Hornet, a power that the Dynahi (*not* a timid amplifier in the lower regions) didn't quite match. Again -- an astonishing little piece of equipment.

Great meet. Nothing against the larger venues, eg. Ray's last year, but having a smaller group of people come together certainly helps in being able to make listening comparisons and giving good time toward meeting other Head-Fiers. Great to see bhd and Ray as usual, and it was quite a pleasure to get to know recstar and Audio Addict as well. Thanks especially to Audio Addict for his hospitality and some great food. And beer nuts. Ah, the beer nuts.
Jul 17, 2005 at 1:50 AM Post #7 of 24
Oh, and if anyone wants to know more about the CD player, click on the link in my signature for a thread about it.
Jul 17, 2005 at 2:23 AM Post #8 of 24
Thanks to Audio Eddict " STEVE " for inviting us to his beautiful house to have this wonderful meet. I truely enjoyed it so much. Thanks Steve for all the drinks & food that you provided to all of us. We all had a great time.
Steve's speaker system is very impressive to listen to, he has audio systems in every corner of his house, headphones, amplyfiers speakers & cd players. You really don't want to leave his listening room as it looks so well organized & cleaned.
One think got my full attension & surprised me, Jayson's hand made CD player. I read about it in some threads & many praised it but I never had the chance to see it or hear it until today. Was I in for a surprise. I was truely shocked when I took the line out of his cd player & connected it to both the Raptor first & the Hornet second. Is this really what I am hearing. Jane Monheit sounded so sweet? I sat for a very long time listening to this hand build cd player with out believing what it is outputing at it's RCA connectors. Jason should be proud of what he has accomplished becuase it really sounded great.
Thanks to Ryan for picking me up at my house & then Billy's & driving us to the meet & back.
We had real great time.
Ray Samuels
Jul 17, 2005 at 8:24 AM Post #9 of 24
Cant believe I missed it.... wouldve been great to meet you guys and bring the 650s and the GS1.

Next time...
Jul 17, 2005 at 9:31 AM Post #11 of 24

Originally Posted by Covenant
All i can say is... damn, wish i lived in america

Usually people want to be in US for the opportunities, the work, the public accommodations.... but headphone meets?? Hahaha.... us headfiers are a really odd group of people.
Jul 17, 2005 at 9:49 AM Post #12 of 24

Originally Posted by Joey_V
Usually people want to be in US for the opportunities, the work, the public accommodations.... but headphone meets?? Hahaha.... us headfiers are a really odd group of people.

Sydney offers plenty of jobs, accomodation, and city luxury. But headphone meets it sadly lacks

Compelling reasons to want to be in america: Ray, Mikhail, recstar, sacd_lover, Hirsch, gsferrari... to name a few
Jul 17, 2005 at 10:48 AM Post #13 of 24
Sounds like y'all had a great time. Sorry I missed Strohmie's CD, Audio Addict's speaker set-up, Ryan's G07/HR2, Billy being Billy, Ray's Hornet and other wares, and most of all the Beer Nuts.

Oh well, a couple of hours till the record show. I'll drown my sorrows with some new vinyl!

Regards - reynman
Jul 17, 2005 at 1:25 PM Post #14 of 24

Originally Posted by Audio Addict
I had the lumberyard cut them to approximate size and then doubled the thickness by glueing two pieces together.

I have a very similar rack (though nowhere near as good looking) rack that I put together as well. I didn't realize that you glued two pieces together - I was wondering where you found something that thick.
Jul 19, 2005 at 5:41 PM Post #15 of 24

Originally Posted by Covenant
Sydney offers plenty of jobs, accomodation, and city luxury. But headphone meets it sadly lacks

Compelling reasons to want to be in america: Ray, Mikhail, recstar, sacd_lover, Hirsch, gsferrari... to name a few

you are too nice to include me in such fine company, and I am truly humbled and honored! I have best friend who lives in Wollengong i believe, is that i the NSW area? He wants me to come visit within the next year and I am interested in making it happen. If it does, we should meet up, maybe I can bring some gear and you could round up any other aussies out there? I got my friend hooked on the grado sound to last week before he went back lol.

As for the meet, all i can say was yummy food, the past meets ive been to have had great food and that's what really counts in the end lol. Strohmie's cdp was ace, man that thing had some crazy bass through its dynahi, but through the line out RCA's at the back, that thing was on par with the meridian 508.24 to say the least. You are the man jayson, good luck with your future and on finding a job, and congrats on your upcoming degree!

Thank you Steve for being such a great host. I was able to survive the day on plenty of diet pepsi's and beer nuts, as well as the great dip you had and sandwiches. you have a beautiful home with a beautiful back yard and patio, thank you. Oh yeah, your speakers rock too!

Thank you Ray for talking the whole 2 and a half hours going there and keeping billy and myself occupied enough so that we dont need music while driving. And as always, it is a pleasure hanging out with you Billy, you are truly a great friend and I'm glad head-fi was the reason that I can call you friend, buddy, and pal. Both of you are invited to my wedding of course

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