CD-25 P-3+ arrived :)
Apr 7, 2005 at 8:13 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 28


500+ Head-Fier
Jul 4, 2004
I just received CD-25 P3 unit from Sound Odyssey. The unit has Never-Connected power supply for the Clock 4 and AC Mains*Filter module upgrade additional to the standard P3 package.

Out of the box, in my set up, it is cleary smoother and more detailed that Phillips 963sa w/ZF
Apr 8, 2005 at 12:37 AM Post #2 of 28
Enjoy tagosaku, and let us know what you think of the SO level 3 cd-25 in the coming weeks. As you may know, there's about a month-old 50-post thread started by sacd lover about first impressions of this player, and I also made some contributions. I have the level 3 SO cd-25 with some additional tweaks as well (superclock 3 instead of the trichord 4; never connected PS on the zapfilter; c37 lacquer and chips throughout) and really like it a lot. I recently mated this cd player (along with my vandersteen 1c's) with a sim audio i-5 integrated ampflier and the sound is just wonderful. Blows away what I hear through my headphones, and I have a nice headphone set-up as well (gilmore lite + A-900s/Grado 225s). With either speakers or headphones though, I am very happy with the sound of this cd player.

Another thing Brice suggested was an aftermarket power cord, namely, a modest one from PS Audio called the power punch. A 1 meter cord goes for $50. I got one. Brice said it would make a noticeable improvement in bass. I cannot say as I never played the unit with the stock power cable (I actually got the power punch before I got the cd-25), but I think you should do the same. Brice knows. However, I bet a VH Audio "flavor 1" would be even better, and the price would be comparable to a power punch. Folks at Audio Asylum and Audiogon rave about Chris's products. So much so I actually just got a flavor 2 today and am currently burning it in on this very computer on which I type -- after 1 week, it's onto the sim audio i-5 for another potentially (and expected) sonic improvement.

Have fun, - walkman(666)
Apr 8, 2005 at 4:00 AM Post #3 of 28
Congratulations! Isnt the cd-25 one of the nicer looking and heavily constructed cd players around ? I like how it matches my Woo 3. I hope the player gives years of good sound. ENJOY!
Apr 8, 2005 at 4:53 AM Post #4 of 28
Welcome to the club, tagosaku
Got mine a week ago.
Apr 8, 2005 at 1:53 PM Post #6 of 28
Thanks all.

Just connected CD-25 to MPX from the speaker set up. I really love it either way. It will be great to see (hear) this unit open up. If the changes is anything close to what Toshiba 3960 or Phillips 963sa went through, I will be even more happier.

Does source burn in tend to be more dramatic than amps, or is it just me?

Only downside is, I am leaving town for the weekend. Talk about how timing works :p
Apr 8, 2005 at 2:06 PM Post #7 of 28
Hi all!

jeffereyj900/edawg: Please post the level of mods you got and your impressions! sacd lover (hey Earl!) and I have written litanies in an earlier thread, but I am sure that other lurkers and such would be interested in hearing other reviews, either formal or informal.

sacd lover: Have you noticed the onix-88? I talked to Brice about it. Half the price, stock, of the cd-25 and the same guts. Exact. Brice said he would/could mod those, too. I also read your detailed accounts of the new gilmore gs-1. Interesting. I have the gilmore lite and love it.

Tagosaku: Are your toshiba and phillips players modded? If so, by whom (my guess would be RAM East), and let us know how they compare to the level 3 SO cd-25.

thx, - walkman
Apr 9, 2005 at 6:04 AM Post #8 of 28
I will put my review in this thread for convenience sake. Feel free to move it to its own thread.

Equipment Used
MPX3-6CG7 (Tung-Sol input tube + 2x RCA Cleartops), Audiogeek Nitrogen IC, Sennheiser HD650 with Zu Mobius cable

Previous Source
Pioneer DV-563A transport > optical Toslink cable > AOS Piccolo DAC with linear regulated PS and AD8620 op-amp (superb dynamics and transients, noticeable improvement over the LM6172)

Music Used
Michael Buble - "Fever"
The Pianist soundtrack (Janusz Olejniczak plays Chopin)
McGill Swing band - Late Late Show (some of the finest jazz standards performed by an award-winning music program, excellent recording but impossible to find unless you buy direct from McGill)
Blue Rodeo - Just Like a Vacation (live in concert, Canada's version of the Eagles)
Amy Sky - Cool Rain (you guys don't know what you're missing in the US, impossible to find without Amazon's new/used sellers)
James Taylor - "Fire and Rain"
Lou Reed - "Walk on the Wild Side"
Paul Simon - "50 Ways to Leave your Lover" (Steve Gadd's drum track can really test the dynamics and transient attack of your system)
The Doors - The Best of the Doors (Elektra WTVD 62568 import, superb sounding remaster of 37 of The Doors' greatest hits)
Mo Better Blues soundtrack (excellent music, excellent recording)
Josh Groban - Josh Groban in Concert (this kid can sing, good recording if a little overproduced)

The Sound
So far it's pushing 100, maybe 110 hours. I don't think it's going to open up much more. It has stabilized for the most part.

A little less bass slam and power than I was expecting. Not as punchy or hard-hitting with transients as I would have liked. With Paul Simon's "50 Ways", Steve Gadd's drum track can really show off an equipment's dynamics, transient attack, and bass slam/weight. You should be able to visualize the kick drum getting kicked and the skin jumping forwards, the sticks hitting the skins, and sense just a trace of visceral impact that only speakers can truly deliver but good headphone systems can suggest. And the bass slam/weight needs to be at a certain level. Too heavy is not good. Too boomy is not good. Too thin is not good. It needs to be just right.

If there is one area in which this player falls short, this is it. Needs a little more authority and weight with the bass, and a little more punch and pop with the transients.

I think it was sacd lover who noted the same as well. Keep in mind that I didn't read his review until yesterday -- I had already formulated my opinion; sacd lover just confirmed it.

Otherwise, it's excellent. Fabulous transparency, texture, and detail. You can hear the true timbre of the cymbal coming through more natual than before (not just some crispy, splashy noise, but "is that a Sabian unlathed ride?"). The impact of stick hitting the cymbals is clearer, and so is the decay. Cymbals are hard to do well. This is easy to tell with a cheap source.

The cool thing about strings and vocals is that you can really hear the texture. It's texture that gives them that character that electronic instruments will never have no matter how good the synthesizer and the sample is. Not only is there more detail, but it feels more effortless. More open and less veiled than before. "Ah... so this is what I have been missing. This is what it should sound like." You can reach deeper into the recording and extract this extra level of truth.

Perhaps the best example of this is with Josh Groban's "Vincent". Listening to this track with the modded CD-25, I sat up and noticed a beautiful contrapuntal cello line coming out of the right channel that I never paid attention to before.

But more importantly is that it is grain-free and glare-free, not harsh. This is important because sometimes, especially with solid state amps and dynamic headphones, you get this extra detail and transparency with the added side effect of the glare and fatiguing treble. Some people will say that "it's worth it for the extra detail". I say bull****. You shouldn't have to settle for glare or fatigue just to lift the veil, to get extra detail and transparency. The ZapFilter and Clock 4 do a great job giving you the detail and transparency without the glare. No digital nastiness, folks. I can listen to CD's for hours on end without crying afterwards.

Another thing I notice is greater air and liquidity... as if the ZapFilter and Clock 4 imparts some aspects of "tube magic" to the mix. Really, it sounds like the same improvement in air and liquidity as when I moved from the PPA to the MPX3 tube amp.

The Mods
Sound Odyssey Level 3 (ZapFilter + Trichord Research Clock 4 + PS diodes) with:
- NeverConnected PS for clock
- AC mains coupling module

I guess you would call this Level 3+

Honestly, I think this is the best mod package for the CD-25 in terms of value. I looked around and nobody else offers the clock AND the ZapFilter at this price. Changing a bunch of resistors are not going to make a big difference. Capacitors... maybe. Op-amps, yes (the bang for the buck ratio with upgrading to AD8620 or OPA627 op-amps is excellent)... But a new clock and especially the ZapFilter give you the kind of improvement that better resistors can only hint at and top of the line op-amps can never quite match.

Now I know why all the people with SACDmods players crow about their ZapFilters.

The Man
Brice Donnelly is a magician. A magician with audio components but not with time

Construction and Shipping was quite delayed -- unit arrived 1.5 months after Brice said it would be ready! (although part of that was the 2 weeks that it takes to ship to Canada via USPS). Nevertheless, Brice could have managed expectations better by not promising that it would be ready until it was actually close to completion.

For completeness, I want to mention that the CD tray was misaligned when I opened the box. Had to pop the hood and re-align it myself. That was purely a function of shipping, though. Not Brice's fault there, but I thought you should know the risks when shipping a CD player across the country.

Overall, Brice is a good guy. Pleasant to deal with and he did a hell of a job with the mods. Nice clean mod job inside (I have pics to prove it that I will post at a later date). Sounds great. Excellent value. Highly recommended. Just be ready to go down to Brice's house and light a fire under his ass to finish yet another masterpiece
Apr 9, 2005 at 7:32 AM Post #9 of 28
Definitely get a power cord for the Music Hall. It will improve the bass. Having been a repeat buyer from, I can attest to the sound/build quality and customer service Chris offers on his products. He has also started selling demo cords. Get one you wont regret it.
Apr 9, 2005 at 8:07 AM Post #10 of 28
Great review, Shawn. Very informative, and I think it just gave me that final push I needed in my decision for what source to get. Now to call Brice and see where things go...
Apr 9, 2005 at 9:32 AM Post #11 of 28
Great review.
Sounds like a nice cdp.

I'm wondering why they don't import directly the Shanling cd player the music hall is based on ? After all, they're voiding the factory warranty anyway.

Zapfilter, clock, better supply, I perfectly see the point. But why the hell do they mix those objectives upgrades with that C37 snake oil ?
Apr 9, 2005 at 3:12 PM Post #12 of 28
I have an SACDmods Denon 2900 with a ZapFilter and I would just like to crow about it.I have to admit that I really don't like spending my hard earned money on expensive powercords but that ZapFilter is really quite hungry and needs to be fed.You will hear a difference.
Apr 9, 2005 at 3:48 PM Post #14 of 28

But why the hell do they mix those objectives upgrades with that C37 snake oil ?

00940: I was Brice's "guinnea pig" for the c37 "snake oil." He proactively called me while he was making my player to tell me that he had tried the c37 on a different unit as an experiment, and was "blown away" by the differences. He said there was a noticeable improvement in tonailty and depth of soundstage. He added that he was quite skeptical before trying out the c37, but very pleasantly surprised with the results. So, he called me and asked me if I would be his first customer to have a SO modded player with the c37 lacquer. I said "sure." I trust Brice implicitly. He's nice, knowledgeable and totally modest (a "modest modder", if you will). He never oversells -- it's not his nature. So, while I cannot say if the c37 adds incremental value because I never heard my players sans c37, I am glad I have that mod, I trust Brice on this.

My player is also a "level 3+." I have what e_dawg has except the addition of the c37 lacquered chips and wood chips and the superclock 3 in lieu of the trichord 4 (my request, and I paid a premium for it). I cannot say if the transients and bass slam are weak; it sounds mighty fine to me...I'd need a comparison cd player that is not my previous myryad mc-100 (different league) to make this assessment. I do have a ps audio power punch (modest $50 aftermarket power cord) instead of the stock cord per Brice's suggestion. He said this would make a noticeable impact on the bass; perhaps that is the difference between my perception of the bass compared to e_dawg's? Also, I have a really "fast" integrated amplifier that is reknown for it's speed, PRaT and transient response (Sim Audio I-5), and speakers that have very good bass (vandersteen 1c's). So, along with the power cord upgrade, I might have mated the level 3+ modded music hall with other components to better cope with the relative weaknesses that e_dawg has noticed. A better assessment is then through my headphones...I have no issues with transient response or bass slam, but again, I have few points of comparison, too.

- walkman
Apr 9, 2005 at 4:24 PM Post #15 of 28
walkman have you tried an aftermarket powercord on your integrated. In my case it made the biggest difference. A more noticeable difference than with the cdp. It affects the bass and background more. In my experience the cord on the cdp adds some more bass but more importantly gets rid of some of the grungy sound.

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