Cayin N30LE DAP: A Transformative Milestone (30th Anniv. Limited Edition)
Sep 16, 2023 at 4:49 AM Post #961 of 3,010
I don't think so...I think something is not working right... @Andykong sorry to bother you again...but besides the toggle bug I reported...the A/AB setting doesn't seem to affect the audio at all. I've tried listening for extended periods and still no difference. C9 is entirely different experience with A/AB.

I know you juggling a lot...just please check when you can. Thank you!
thats funny, I hear way less difference between A/AB on C9 than I do on N30LE or N8ii
Sep 16, 2023 at 5:17 AM Post #966 of 3,010
Shouldn’t class A produce more detail?
From my produces more power... more bass, but less control.. see someone's review below

Soundstage perception varies a bit based on your selected combination of amplifier class and timbre. I found the largest combination to be NuTube+Class AB for perception. This is because in Class A the bass is much less controlled, lending the perception of depth and air to not be as significant as the more controlled, dynamic speed of class AB. I also found solid state to be a little treble light compared to NuTube which had more sparkle and air leading to greater space and separation from bottom to top. I found solid-state to also contribute to a more forward bass impact comparative to tube.
Sep 16, 2023 at 7:13 AM Post #968 of 3,010
It was answered that it's sutble...but it appears to be nonfunctional on my unit. Would appreciate if you guys could test. There is subtle...and then there is it doesn't nothing audbly. Please guys...test it thoroughly. This is concerning, plus the bug I found...

The P/P+ with A/AB has a bug when toggling Settings menu (not from top slider). Andy confirmed and Cayin will address.

It is subtle. On almost every DAP I’ve tried the diff between A and AB is negligible. It was like this on N8ii, R6 Pro 2, and RS8 as well.
Sep 16, 2023 at 10:00 AM Post #971 of 3,010
I have a question for all those experiencing any distortion related it only Class A, and then is it consistent across P/P+/Hyper......should gather information to help solve the issue, any consistencies will help Cayin find the source of the issue.

RE: Distortion in my personal instance, distortion = waterfall hiss / static in Class A in P/P+/Hyper AND ONLY with 1 specific 4.4 terminated Meze UPCHD upgrade cable for my Meze 109 Pro. Waterfall hiss in Class A in P/P+/Hyper DOES NOT occur with the identical 4.4 terminated Meze UPCHD upgrade cables (copper and silver) for my Meze Elite.

Found the stock cable included with 109 Pro. It's 3.5 terminated and exhibits NO waterfall hiss in Class A in P/P+/Hyper.

Owners need to better describe "distortion" they're hearing. Distortion = too generic.

It hasn’t been long enough to see if the distortion issue (biggest complaint for me) will return. It becomes unusable on Tidal when this occurs, and Apple Music just won’t play at all (it shows that it’s playing but you can’t hear anything).

Is the distortion a waterfall-like hissing sound in Class A or Hyper? Or is the distortion a different sound.

1) Question: How many people here have experienced the hissing issue? So far I just saw 1 person writing about this. Is it possible to make a poll here?

2) There seems to be a firmware update for N30LE. Anyone tried this already?

1. I recall at least two others @zoidbb and @Allears79.
  • In my personal instance, what I've narrowed it down to 1 specific 4.4 terminated Meze upgrade cable – UPCHD copper for 109 Pro. Unfortunately I don't have other 4.4 term cables for 109 Pro
  • Stock 3.5 terminated cable included with 109 Pro exhibits NO waterfall hiss in Class A in P/P+/Hyper.
  • The identical 4.4 terminated Meze upgrade cable - UPCHD copper and UPCHD silver – for my Meze Elite do not exhibit waterfall hiss in Class A in P/P+/Hyper.
  • Also no waterfall hiss in Class A in P/P+/Hyper with my 4.4 terminated / miniXLR EA Code23 headphone cable does
  • Personal note: waterfall hiss level is consistent and not affected by P/P+/Hyper or gain
While not ideal, I've ordered replacement 4.4 term cables for my 109 Pro to test – another 4.4 Meze UPCHD copper and affordable Audiophile Ninja.

2. Tried firmware update, no changes
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Sep 16, 2023 at 11:12 AM Post #972 of 3,010
1) Question: How many people here have experienced the hissing issue? So far I just saw 1 person writing about this. Is it possible to make a poll here?

I had the hissing issue.

Only started once the unit got over 100F, and briefly seemed to get better after a day or so of use, but then came back just as bad and stayed that way.

Was present on both 3.5mm and 4.4mm outputs, regardless of cables (happened with stock cables on IE600 and EE Odin as well as my own). Affected Class A/AB modes and SS, both Tube Classic and Modern modes. Never tried P+ ... didn't really matter ... it was not usable in the modes I was going to use.

Hiss level was loud enough to hear clearly over whatever was playing.

2) There seems to be a firmware update for N30LE. Anyone tried this already?

I did the firmware update before returning my unit.

Made no difference to the hiss, nor the static at all.

It fixed some UX bugs, introduced some others.


Seeing more issues arising, on such a small number of units, and some of them being cable-dependent (mine either weren't or ALL the cables I have are affected ... which would to much more serious and fundamental issues, as all of my STOCK cables were affected as well), does not give me warm and fuzzy feelings.

My unit is on its way back to MusicTeck to be replaced, but if the issues are a DESIGN problem, rather than a fault specific to my unit, then I'll take a refund instead ... not up for waiting around for days/weeks on multiple rounds of shipping and/or having to have units go back to Cayin to be modified if/when they figure out what the issue is.
Sep 16, 2023 at 11:24 AM Post #973 of 3,010
My unit is on its way back to MusicTeck to be replaced, but if the issues are a DESIGN problem, rather than a fault specific to my unit, then I'll take a refund instead ... not up for waiting around for days/weeks on multiple rounds of shipping and/or having to have units go back to Cayin to be modified if/when they figure out what the issue is.

Yep this is how I feel, if it is a design flaw I will be sending mine back also whether or not it currently exists for me. At $5000 (or any price tbh) I’m not taking any chances of this showing up down the road with more gear. I’m eagerly awaiting what Cayin has to say about it, but staying patient.

It’s a shame because this is the best portable source I have ever used and anything else for me is a downgrade, so selfishly I’m hoping it’s just a few faulty units but I’m not feeling positive.
Sep 16, 2023 at 12:02 PM Post #974 of 3,010
I can confirm the waterfall hiss on Class A as mentioned a few pages back. It was unmistakeable since it was as loud as when people turn the AC onto maximum power. Using Brise Shriogane 8wire so basically the same Pentaconn as the Yatono. I thought I also tested the Centurion with Anni 2023 and the hiss was still there, but I can't remember. That was when I demoed a loaner unit from another customer.

Strangely nothing at all with my personal unit - listening right now, switched between all settings and tried all of my cables - nothing. I am not sure if the loaner unit was overheating or something but it seemed unlikely since it was like a few minutes tops, but I could not replicate it on my personal one. Maybe something wrong with the Nutubes?

As a side note I can hear a difference between Class A and AB, with A being smoother and not as dense sounding. Not anything drastic, but there.

Maybe I got lucky with mine - not sure what would happen after extended use.
Sep 16, 2023 at 12:03 PM Post #975 of 3,010
Yep this is how I feel, if it is a design flaw I will be sending mine back also whether or not it currently exists for me. At $5000 (or any price tbh) I’m not taking any chances of this showing up down the road with more gear. I’m eagerly awaiting what Cayin has to say about it, but staying patient.

It’s a shame because this is the best portable source I have ever used and anything else for me is a downgrade, so selfishly I’m hoping it’s just a few faulty units but I’m not feeling positive.
Will do like this too, but then which DAP is on par with or close to N30LE performance? I'm not going back to N8ii for sure 😂
I was interested with 320max Ti before the N30LE news coming, but I think it has a different flavor.

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