Dec 4, 2011 at 10:03 PM Post #332 of 1,453
my 23yo, his kidneys are just starting to go. i pray it is very slow. it is encourgement that recently cats have lived 40 years or more. i understand that is not the norm but it is something to strive for.
Dec 11, 2011 at 1:15 PM Post #336 of 1,453
I wish I had a cat, but we won't get another one. We have a chihuahua, since our last two cats, Zack and Zeek, went out our door one day and supposedly got ate by the local wildlife, coyotes, mountain lions, possibly a bear...
Dec 11, 2011 at 1:55 PM Post #337 of 1,453

Sorry to hear it, Wiz. They leave an awfully big hole for such a small critter when they're gone, don't they?

We lost our baby girl of 18 years a month ago or so. Not a day goes by that I don't miss her like crazy.

Ugh, sad. Looks exactly like my cat except a smaller face.
Dec 13, 2011 at 10:42 PM Post #338 of 1,453
Here's my little gray Garfield (read: fatty kitty! three years ago was like q5lbs who knows what it is now lol)!133&parid=680DD1A57B6855DB!105
We found him while raking leaves, he just popped out. He was scrawny then, and he is not really a domestic cat, he had no owner, just neighborhood stray. He has been in lots of fights. When we found him (Mom and I) he had no hair on the part of his right ear that's on his face, not the ear itself (you can see in the pic). He also has a bit chipped from one ear, haven't paid any attention to which, and I think left eye it is has a ripped tear duct so he has tears coming out all the time and they dry up on him :frowning2:
The only think keeping apart from being a full on French Chartreux cat is his eye color apparently. He has the dog like behavior (drinks from toilet, follows you around, my mom even found him chasing his own tail once lol) and the thick, gray fur. He's a nice cat, we even trained him to retract his claws when he wants to play when we say "Be niice!" :) He loves to knead all over me though and come sniff my food so I can't keep him inside. I wish I could spend more time with him, but he just takes up all of my space. I hope to begin to do better soon.
You can see how both of his ears have chips off of them around the edges and his right (viewer of pic's right) eye has tears running down from the ripped tear duct.]!131&parid=680DD1A57B6855DB!105
One cool fight know how animals roll around in the dust on the ground in cartoons? I watched my cat do this with a local Bobcat near my house (my mom claims it was a bobcat, it was some kind of dangerous wild animal like a wolf or bobcat, something in the same ballpark) and win :) My cat also will attack raccoons and they just run away. He even scared a golden retriever towards a tree and scared another dog up to the top of my some 9ft. tall fence, which he can jump and walk on with one jump. One epic cat!!
Dec 14, 2011 at 1:34 AM Post #339 of 1,453
i don't have pictures but my cat had 3 kittens last night. she wanted me by her side the whole time(seriously),so i sat there all night watching over her to make sure nothing happened. i finally got to chance to fall asleep at 4:30AM(i usually wake up this time cause i love waking up early to work-out).happy everything went well. but man,she seriously did not want me going anywhere. kept peaking out the box to see if i'm still there and the moment where i went to fill my water bottle up so i can fill her water bowl as well(i carry gallon jug with me cause i like to stay hydrated) she hopped out looking for me. everything went well though.

her box and her is in my listening room since my room is ''dead'' sounding from loads of 6'' and 9'' thick rigid fiberglass as acoustic treatment i used(don't worry all covered up of course) cause i heard they need quiet area to stay in. won't be using speakers for long time but i'm cool with that since i can deal with headphones.

Sadly i will not be able to keep the kittens, but will keep them long as possible cause i refuse shelters. kinda like a pride/conscience thing where if i can't take care of someone or something i feel empty inside and a failure. i would like to see them off at a good home when they become old enough. gonna try to put ads up as soon as they hit the right age.
Dec 14, 2011 at 2:30 AM Post #340 of 1,453
Congrats on the kittens!  Have you gotten a look at their colors/patterns yet?  Wha are they?
My sister found homes for a mama and three kittens earlier this year.  The mama showed up at her school and gave birth in the lost and found box, so she took them home.  Her strategy was to bring people over ostensibly to "see" them bouncing around.  People were sold before they even knew it and all got nice homes.
They kept a sweet little orange guy, though.  He loves everyone in the family and has been with them since day one, so he had to stay.
Dec 14, 2011 at 3:17 AM Post #341 of 1,453
thanks! yea. one is black with dark grey stripes and the other one is white with black markings(like a pattern) and last one is just white with like a black dot on it's head. i think though the patterns will come in more when she/he(haven't checked yet) get older. right now they're hanging out in my area and when i'm home,always able to watch over them cause my other cats get curious and don't want fights starting since she is still very protective stage. also it's my main area i always hang out at cause very peaceful/quiet,is another reason why i can keep an eye on her.
Dec 14, 2011 at 3:50 AM Post #342 of 1,453
I was pointed over here from another thread (thanks Art!) and I wanted to share my two kitties:
Orion - Bluepoint Dollface Himalayan


Mr. Sophie - Flamepoint Himalayan

Orion was 'helping' me solder my b22. Everytime I got out of my chair he was hopping back in it. And Mr. Sophie is in one of his favorite positions, doing his favorite activity. He loves to prop his head up on anything and then sleep. I have a shot of him doing that to an old laptop somewhere.
I read through the entire thread, and I absolutely love the picutres. And I wanted to pass along to those who have lost a furry little friend my deepest sympathies. When I get my raid drive going properly, I'll get some more pictures up and share where their names come from. :)
Dec 14, 2011 at 7:13 AM Post #343 of 1,453
Nice story. Drinking from toilet seem to be classic cat behaviour though. They don´t like to have the water beside the food and and rater drink straight from the crane or even better toilet or other sources with rinning water. Some chemicals has been suggested but dunno about that in our case.
Wonder if it´s a desert thing where standing water means possibly polluted or something.
Here's my little gray Garfield (read: fatty kitty! three years ago was like q5lbs who knows what it is now lol)!133&parid=680DD1A57B6855DB!105
We found him while raking leaves, he just popped out. He was scrawny then, and he is not really a domestic cat, he had no owner, just neighborhood stray. He has been in lots of fights. When we found him (Mom and I) he had no hair on the part of his right ear that's on his face, not the ear itself (you can see in the pic). He also has a bit chipped from one ear, haven't paid any attention to which, and I think left eye it is has a ripped tear duct so he has tears coming out all the time and they dry up on him :frowning2:
The only think keeping apart from being a full on French Chartreux cat is his eye color apparently. He has the dog like behavior (drinks from toilet, follows you around, my mom even found him chasing his own tail once lol) and the thick, gray fur. He's a nice cat, we even trained him to retract his claws when he wants to play when we say "Be niice!" :) He loves to knead all over me though and come sniff my food so I can't keep him inside. I wish I could spend more time with him, but he just takes up all of my space. I hope to begin to do better soon.
You can see how both of his ears have chips off of them around the edges and his right (viewer of pic's right) eye has tears running down from the ripped tear duct.]!131&parid=680DD1A57B6855DB!105
One cool fight know how animals roll around in the dust on the ground in cartoons? I watched my cat do this with a local Bobcat near my house (my mom claims it was a bobcat, it was some kind of dangerous wild animal like a wolf or bobcat, something in the same ballpark) and win :) My cat also will attack raccoons and they just run away. He even scared a golden retriever towards a tree and scared another dog up to the top of my some 9ft. tall fence, which he can jump and walk on with one jump. One epic cat!!

Dec 14, 2011 at 2:20 PM Post #344 of 1,453
my cats love drinking water out the tub. i always keep the water dishes clean and put fresh water in it everyday but they insist the tub instead.

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