Cans to fall asleep to...
Jan 17, 2002 at 1:15 PM Post #16 of 31
I just got up from yet another tossing and turning night. I love all of your suggestions and I will comment when I get back from class. I think I am breaking out the plastic this evening
Always love do that....

Jan 17, 2002 at 1:33 PM Post #17 of 31
In answer to the specific question: get a pair of indestructible or easily reparable cans, such as the Beyer DT770 Pro's or the Sony MDR-V6's. I have fallen asleep with my Beyers on, too, and what's nice about it is that I spend the entire night on my back, so there wasn't any damage to them. (I usually toss and turn.)

But you might want to take the suggestion of separate sleeping arrangements. I have heard many a (successful) marriage work that way. It also adds a little bit of interest during the conjugal visits.

And it also might be her. I know, you don't want to admit it, but stress comes in two forms: distress and eustress (?sp). When people talk about stress, they usually mean distress, but good things can cause stress, too, and this may be what is happening.
Jan 17, 2002 at 2:04 PM Post #18 of 31
I fall asleep all the time with my Etys on, and usually on my side. The way that I figured out to do it is to wrap my arm up around my head so that when I lay my head down on my arm, my arm is supporting my head around my ear and there is still room for the earphone not to get shoved in too far. It's kind of hard to explain how to do it, but you would figure it out pretty quickly if you tried it. I haven't had any problems with the phones as a result of doing this and I'm not worried about hurting them at all...Etys are expensive but they're really not that fragile.
Jan 17, 2002 at 5:20 PM Post #19 of 31
By pure coincidence, I fell asleep with my HD-600's on last night. I don't recomment it.
Jan 17, 2002 at 6:32 PM Post #20 of 31
I fell asleep while wearing my Grado RS-1 once. The foam is squished, but the drivers are okay.
Jan 17, 2002 at 7:45 PM Post #21 of 31
Do a skippy mod on a pair of decent grados so the cable is replaceable...and anyway grado cables are indestructible

Though once it gets tugged out the end..hence the skippy mod.

I think its listed on headwize in the projects section for grado mods
Jan 17, 2002 at 9:29 PM Post #22 of 31
I discussed with my wife, and she is going to try and fall asleep with ear plugs for my benefit. If she finds that this works, we will stick with this method (damn...I thought I had an excuse to get my Etys
if this doesn't work I will go for the Etys. I don't want to sleep in another room just yet (only been married 18 months and I don't want to start that this early in the marriage

Thank you for all the input, it has given me much to think about beyond my original question.

A final Q, with the RA-1, would I ever need to convert the E4P to S to enjoy them?
Jan 17, 2002 at 9:33 PM Post #23 of 31
Personally, I couldn't possibly fall asleep with my DT770s on, as some have suggested. I sleep on my side, and even my KSC-50s are too bothersome to sleep in. I'm considering picking up a pair of MX-500s just to sleep in.
Jan 17, 2002 at 9:51 PM Post #24 of 31
Wow you wife must really love ya
, if I told my gf that I need to listen to music to fall asleep I'll be sleeping in the couch. Have you tried something more keeping a exercise regemine so you completly tired by evening..or even some herbal remedy. PM if you want further suggestions I have tons.
Jan 18, 2002 at 6:34 AM Post #27 of 31
I fell asleep with the ER6s in once, when I woke up I was sleeping on top of them and they were out of my ears (I must move around a lot at night) but they were fine. However the tips were not on as tightly as they could be so when I tried them again I was horrified to find crappy sound. Remedied after I put tips on farther. I really don't recommend sleeping with the etys, there is always a chance that you will roll over and they will be shoved into your ear. Then there's the fact that the 4P/S are really not that comfortable (at least to me), the tips are kinda big for me and put a lot of pressure around the tips. The ER6s on the other hand are very comfortable for me and I DO listen to them in bed lying down before I go to sleep, but I always remember to take them off before I fall asleep, except that one time. Listening to etys in the dark is the best. Unless you're afraid of the dark because then the monsters will get you and you can't even hear them coming so you can take out your gun from under your pillow and shoot randomly into the dark. Damn monsters..
Jan 18, 2002 at 9:22 PM Post #28 of 31
Oh my god! Mallow005 - you have the monsters as well - I thought it was just me. I've found a liberal sprinkling of broken glass around the bed and motion tracking submachine guns seem to keep them at bay - keeps the kids out on a Saturday morning as well.

Seriously though (as if!), I find the Sony EX-70's generally excellent for low level listening at night. Occasionally I treat myself with the Ety's but I would never willingly fall asleep with them on.
Jan 19, 2002 at 11:45 AM Post #30 of 31
yeah actually I have. Although they aren't mine anymore, sold them to my friend. I must say, coming from my CD player and amp they are quite impressive for sony streetstyles. They are still very clear, at least to me, but I'm no expert on open cans. The base however, is indeed boomy at higher volumes and the highs aren't really there like they are in the etys. They also sound very thin and 2Dish. For 50 dollars I'd go for the ksc35s over them and keep 20 dollars for ammo. But I think these are great for MP3s and games (imaging is decent, not great). The difference is not as day and night as I had expected, but I'm still very glad I got the etys because they do beat out the g82s in every way... Oh wait, I forgot how good the etys sound (I always do that), after listening to them for 2 minutes now I can now say the G82s suck.

edit: oh, and did I mention the detail in the etys (what makes them great) compared to the G82s is like comparing a stick figure to a portrait. And senn 570s for gaming is coming on Tues, yay! Got em for 65 including shipping. yeah yeah, V6s probably sound better for music but the 570s are probably much more comfortable and have great imaging.

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