CanJam London 2016 (August 13-14, 2016)

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Aug 2, 2016 at 3:28 AM Post #528 of 688
Any chance we swap day tickets? I have a Sat ticket but can only make the Sunday now.
Aug 2, 2016 at 4:27 AM Post #529 of 688
Taken some holiday flanking the weekend. If something is going on before and after CanJam weekend, count me in the fun!
Aug 2, 2016 at 10:23 AM Post #530 of 688
  Can I order a t-shirt even though I didn't go to the London CanJam?

If we have any left over I'll update the impressions thread on how to order one.
  Any chance we swap day tickets? I have a Sat ticket but can only make the Sunday now.

The best way to do this is the request a refund through Eventbrite for the Sat. ticket, and purchase a new Sunday ticket.
  Taken some holiday flanking the weekend. If something is going on before and after CanJam weekend, count me in the fun!

I know three is a Beer Festival going on nearby, and we are planning to do a drinks/meetup on Friday night in the Bar Area of the hotel after set up.......I'll post more details on timing as we get a little closer.
Aug 2, 2016 at 6:20 PM Post #531 of 688
Smyth Research Demo and Prize Giveaway

Smyth Research will be holding auditions of it's new A16 Realiser in Plaza Suite 11 during CanJam London. And to make things even more interesting, they will be giving one lucky show attendee an A16 as a prize to be announced along with the live SHaG prizes at 5:30pm on Sunday, August 14! To qualify for the A16 Realiser prize drawing, please visit the following link to register for a 10 minute demo of the A16 Realiser:
Similar to the SHaG contest guidelines, attendees are not required to be present during the drawing. Good luck to all and thanks to Smyth Research for this amazing opportunity!
P.S. Volunteers, please input "Volunteer" in the field asking for Eventbrite ticket.
Aug 2, 2016 at 9:16 PM Post #532 of 688
Head-Fi TV's CanJam London 2016 Preview

NOTE:  If you can't see the embedded video above, please CLICK HERE to see the video.
CanJam is heading back across the pond to London, and here's our video sneak peek at just some of the things you can see, hear, and play with at CanJam London 2016. All of the fun is taking place August 13-14, 2016 at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel, situated in London's South Bank, so be sure to watch the video, get your tickets, and be there for all of the personal audio goodness at CanJam London 2016!
Click here to find out more details about how to get there, and how to register.

Products mentioned in the video: There are too many products mentioned in this video to reasonably list, so you're just going to have to watch it. 



CanJam London 2016 Preview and Sneak Peeks - Head-Fi TV produced by Joseph Cwik and Jude Mansilla


We will occasionally post Q&A episodes of Head-Fi TV.  If you want to submit any questions (or comments), you can do so via email to

Aug 3, 2016 at 12:16 AM Post #535 of 688
Have a great show guys! Lots of cool stuff!
Aug 3, 2016 at 8:47 AM Post #539 of 688
That's Frank Cooter's one-of-a-kind 845 tube Stax/e-stat amp.  Listened to it once at SoCal a few years back, phenomenal with Stax SR-009!

I just listened to it at Jude's office fed by a Chord DAVE and the sound was amazing! I have listened to the SR-009 with the MSB Select combo ($150k 
), Jude's Cooter's amp, RSA A10 Thunderbolt, LL2, LL2 Hybrid, BHSE and Stax SRM-727 MkII.
To me the sound of the MSB set was the best but out of reach for most of us. Among the ones for us normal humans the Cooter amp is a the top of my list followed closely by the A10. Obviously is based on my taste of sound. I know other prefer the BHSE.
Moon Audio Stay updated on Moon Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Aug 3, 2016 at 9:34 AM Post #540 of 688
Too bad the Ayre QX-5 Twenty DAC/balanced amp won't be there. Just listened to the headphone amp single ended with Noble Savant's this weekend and was blown away.  Think Codex on steroids, lol.  They had the budget and didn't waste it, that's for sure.  I love the video's that this site produces. My favorite audio video's.  Thanks.
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