Canada: Monster Turbine Pro Copper (Future Shop - Boxing Day)
Dec 28, 2011 at 8:50 PM Post #31 of 53
Listening to mine right now. Bass is excellent, sound stage is very wide, almost as much as the IE8 or maybe the same.. they're little bright for my taste though. I prefer the slightly darker sound sig of the IE8. I'll give them a little more time, but I think I'm gonna see if someone wants to trade for IE8s in the Classifieds... ya never know, right? :)
All the extras they include in the box is really nice though... they provide a LOT of tips, unfortunately none of them fit or sound good. I'm using some Sony hybrid tips which are working very well.
Are these worth $400? Definitely not. I'd say $200 would be a more realistic price for them.
Dec 28, 2011 at 9:05 PM Post #32 of 53
Nice, I have wanted to the Coppers for the longest time and will be getting mine next Tuesday since I didn't ship them to my current place. Very interested to see how they stack up against my all time favourite universal the IE8s. Golds were a let down so hopefully these will fair better =)
Dec 29, 2011 at 2:00 AM Post #34 of 53

Yes, mine's arriving tomorrow! Do you guys think it's necessary to amp this? It's going to be paired up with iPhone 4 and iPod touch 2g.

I haven't used an amp in some time now... they sound great with my iPhone 4, not so much with my Macbook Pro (sound out is dirty, dunno why Apple never fixes this).
I'm going to try them out with my Sansa Clip in a few minutes... I have a feeling I'm gonna be hearing a LOT of bass... lol.
Dec 30, 2011 at 1:29 PM Post #35 of 53
Really enjoying my pair - I can't decide which I prefer, the Golds or the Coppers. The Golds are definitely more bass heavy but I feel the Coppers are just more refined. Overall for ~$100 I'm more than pleased!
Oh and I definitely prefer them using my E7 but am VERY excited to try them when my ZO2 comes in.
Dec 30, 2011 at 6:55 PM Post #36 of 53
Mine has finally arrived 

Jan 3, 2012 at 11:54 PM Post #38 of 53
i got lucky enuff to get thi s phnes..mine aarived on 27th got so excited ..w8 till someone willing to trade thier senn IE8..lmk
Jan 4, 2012 at 10:49 PM Post #40 of 53
I didn't get mine until today.  Took a while to find tips that gave me a decent seal, and none of the gel ones seem to but I finally narrowed it down to the white or black foam supertips.  I'm not 100% sold on them though and might try to find an aftermarket alternative.  Pretty happy with the sound of the MTPC so far though.
Jan 5, 2012 at 3:08 AM Post #41 of 53
The Sony hybrid tips work really well. Much better than any of the included tips.
Jan 5, 2012 at 4:31 AM Post #43 of 53

lol that's in some ways ironic - they provide you with 20tips or so...and none of them you liked? lol
I loved the super tips!

I'll admit, I didn't try them all... I actually didn't see the package labeled Super Tips, but all of the silicone ones with the gel in them didn't offer any bass. When I first put them in, I was wondering where all the bass was. It wasn't until I put on the hybrids that I heard all of the bass.
Are the foam tips as good as complys? I was thinking some foam tips might tame the treble a bit... I find these 'phones a tad bright for my taste.
Jan 5, 2012 at 4:41 AM Post #44 of 53

I'll admit, I didn't try them all... I actually didn't see the package labeled Super Tips, but all of the silicone ones with the gel in them didn't offer any bass. When I first put them in, I was wondering where all the bass was. It wasn't until I put on the hybrids that I heard all of the bass.
Are the foam tips as good as complys? I was thinking some foam tips might tame the treble a bit... I find these 'phones a tad bright for my taste.

From experience:
Comply tips:
Bloat the bass + tone down the mids/highs.
I could NOT listen to my denon C710's without the comply's - due to their sibilant/bright nature - without the complys the denon's sounded harsh and bad, with them on, they sounded heavenly :)
Comes down to taste
Jan 18, 2012 at 10:47 PM Post #45 of 53
I ordered some Comply's a week ago and they just came in today.  Not really impressed with them though, they seal well and are comfortable but they do take a bit away from the highs. It's a subtle change, but I prefer the sound of the foam Supertips the best.  Bass doesn't seem to be affected much.  If I'm just going to be sitting around in the office I think the Supertips would be my choice, but if I were on a 6 hour flight I would go with the Comply's.  The main issue I have with the Comply's is that they don't fit tight to the nozzle of the MTPC and keep sticking in my ear canal when I try to take my earphones out.  Maybe I just got a bad batch. 
Keep in mind this is only for Comply + MTPC combo.  I also got some for my MEE M6 and those ones work great and are quite an improvement over the stock tips.

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