Campfire Chat - Official Campfire Audio 2024 Thread!
Apr 14, 2024 at 7:08 PM Post #1,037 of 1,595
Had fun at Axpona today!

I spent a considerable amount of time with CFA as well as Empire Ears and 64 Audio.


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Apr 14, 2024 at 10:54 PM Post #1,038 of 1,595
Hi, everyone.

Please recommend ear tips. Form tips don't fit my ears. Do you have any good ear tips? The earphones are using Supermoon.
I am currently using Acoustune AET08's on my Andromeda ES - and I am LOVING the sound pairing of the two. I have tipped rolled like crazy on the ES, and found a bunch of good pairings - but the AET08's are my current fav so far. Not sure what they would be like on the Supermoon.
Apr 15, 2024 at 9:41 AM Post #1,039 of 1,595
I am currently using Acoustune AET08's on my Andromeda ES - and I am LOVING the sound pairing of the two. I have tipped rolled like crazy on the ES, and found a bunch of good pairings - but the AET08's are my current fav so far. Not sure what they would be like on the Supermoon.

Is there a distributor within the US for Acoustune? I’m only finding MTM Audio from China that sells these tips.
Apr 15, 2024 at 10:19 AM Post #1,041 of 1,595
Is there a distributor within the US for Acoustune? I’m only finding MTM Audio from China that sells these tips.
Not that I know of. Same deal with the Corrier Brass tips and the FAudio tips.
Thankfully Spinfit/JVC/AZLA are all amazon prime stocked.
Apr 17, 2024 at 6:17 PM Post #1,043 of 1,595
Any sales planned on marketplace?.... I'd like to buy something but feel incurring import duties for one item is a waste :joy:

Hi @Tristy, we are a bit overdue for a Market sale. We've been so busy with trade shows and a bunch of other projects that its taken a bit of a back seat. I have a round of stuff to get processed on the site and whatnot but I'll see if we can get something going for CA Market watchers soon!
Campfire Audio Campfire Audio - Nicely Done. Stay updated on Campfire Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 18, 2024 at 4:53 AM Post #1,045 of 1,595
Hi @Tristy, we are a bit overdue for a Market sale. We've been so busy with trade shows and a bunch of other projects that its taken a bit of a back seat. I have a round of stuff to get processed on the site and whatnot but I'll see if we can get something going for CA Market watchers soon!
Thanks for getting back to me Chris, I’ll be sure to keep an eye out! Also, im not sure if it’s just me but I keep receiving undeliverable messages when trying to contact
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Apr 22, 2024 at 3:55 PM Post #1,046 of 1,595
Does anyone experience some harsh on bonneville. Just received it today. It was OK until I played some Arianna Grande track in Enternal Sunshine albums. Some how the high mid got really harsh and straight forward? I tested with several songs and i found that some track that have high tone thin vocal have this issue. Does anybody encounteredthe same?. My source is Ibasso Dx220 Max with low gain
Apr 22, 2024 at 8:07 PM Post #1,047 of 1,595
Does anyone experience some harsh on bonneville. Just received it today. It was OK until I played some Arianna Grande track in Enternal Sunshine albums. Some how the high mid got really harsh and straight forward? I tested with several songs and i found that some track that have high tone thin vocal have this issue. Does anybody encounteredthe same?. My source is Ibasso Dx220 Max with low gain
What tips are you using
Apr 23, 2024 at 3:04 AM Post #1,049 of 1,595
Both of the tip stock that I have the issue
Try a wide bore like AZLA crystal, a thicker material like the spinfit omni, or a foam hybrid like the symbios.

Edit: thin wide bores like JVC spiral dots can open up staging a bit but may accentuate your issue
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Apr 23, 2024 at 12:03 PM Post #1,050 of 1,595
Hi, everyone.

Please recommend ear tips. Form tips don't fit my ears. Do you have any good ear tips? The earphones are using Supermoon.
Divinus Velvet are my favorite for the Supermoons.

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