Campfire Audio - Holocene and Mammoth
Jul 22, 2021 at 4:45 PM Post #256 of 332
I am on my end! It's currently in its honeymoon phase and I've had a lot more time on it versus my Andromeda currently. With your lineup, I would defo recommend trying out the Holocene first.

I took the Mammoth to the gym a few days ago and it was wonderful, the additional nozzle length really helps maintain a great universal seal with the right tips.

Great for on the go usage that's for sure, and the focus on low end helps a lot being outside with passive isolation.
All true.

i have been running since last year and cycled through a few IEMs. Lots of trade offs. Ones that would be great sitting at home or commuting sometimes would not be good for exercising.

Fit of course is important, but sound quality also. At first i thought any old one burner would be good. But it does seem to make a difference. Then the balance of sound, need a goodnlow end to motivate me, enough details for enjoyment, but also a decent coherence for over all satisfaction as i huff and puff away. Mammoth is pretty close so far.

Gotta work with Final Audio tips synergy wise as they seem to go deep enough to stay in the ears as i pound the pavement.

Still early days. Gotta do a few more runs - but this summer is so hot. Might have to stick to bicycling (no earphones though).

For regular listening One of the Andros or Solaris..if ya got em of course
Jul 22, 2021 at 4:56 PM Post #257 of 332
Mr. Rockwell, Mr. TjFont, and Mr. Chiu,

I have indeed been loving these, at home and on the go, walking, and during daily subway trips. Using them right now as I type. With the Xelastec and the Sedna Lites, they do indeed seal off a lot of the world outside, without hurting their sound (both do sound slightly different, but definitely a better sound balance than the Final E tips *for this particular IEM*, to my taste.) I find the large size stock silicon to work great ("best sound"-deep, clear, and natural) but its cons will be there, especially on the go (a bit worse isolation, soft silicon may ocassionally shift position, bass quantity mildly affected-will not become bass-light, however.)

With the usual caveats that graphs don't tell the whole story, if you have both the Honeydew and Dorado 2020, you may not "need" the Mammoth. If you had all the money to spend, it is more a "hifi", balanced IEM with the emphasis on the lows than a very bassy earphone. So will hear that bassy heft and emphasis over the mids and highs, but no bloat. The mids and highs are however tuned in such a way that even someone who loves mids and treble-like myself-can thoroughly enjoy them. So-called "energy", and "w signature". Still, I hear the violins the way they do sound in real life, both on stage and under the ear. There are many more "correct sounding" IEMs and headphones for sure, but the Mammoth can sound positively beautiful and atmospheric, without destroying the original recording. And of course they rule the bassier tracks.

Since you already own the Dorado, Mr. Rockwell, the Mammoth will be a variant on what you have. A bit more mids, and differently emphasized highs. The Dorado appears bassier, though the bass found on the Mammoth is of stupendous, realistic quality. Sadly I do not have your Dorado and cannot compare them side by side, but a few people do, and I also wish they posted their impressions here so they could help out more. I am personally satisfied with my Mammoth to the point they are my "bassy" IEMs, and am probably not looking in that direction anymore (that said, remember I am not a basshead.) I am sure the Dorado does likely sound great, and at least in theory I *love* the 8khz treble emphasis as I usually do. I would be more wary of its mids, but they may sound good to you already in real life experience.

Like with Mr. Chiu, I am still in "honeymoon" phase, but I expect my opinion not to shift very much. These are unique in my collection, and no other IEM or headphone *I have* surpasses them in their bass tonality. The biocellulose DD they used works so well for the whole musical balance and tonality. A basshead IEM that non-bassheads could love.

Take care all, and as always, feel free to disagree with me. Enjoy your music.
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Jul 22, 2021 at 4:58 PM Post #258 of 332
Mr. Rockwell, Mr. TjFont, and Mr. Chiu,

I have indeed been loving these, at home and on the go, walking, and during daily subway trips. Using them right now as I type. With the Xelastec and the Sedna Lites, they do indeed seal off a lot of the world outside, without hurting their sound (both do sound slightly different, but definitely a better sound balance than the Final E tips *for this particular IEM*, to my taste.) I find the large size stock silicon to work great ("best sound"-deep, clear, and natural) but its cons will be there, especially on the go (a bit worse isolation, soft silicon may ocassionally shift position, bass quantity mildly affected-will not become bass-light, however.)

With the usual caveats that graphs don't tell the whole story, if you have both the Honeydew and Dorado 2020, you may not "need" the Mammoth. If you had all the money to spend, it is more a "hifi", balanced IEM with the emphasis on the lows than a very bassy earphone. So will hear that bassy heft and emphasis over the mids and highs, but no bloat. The mids and highs are however tuned in such a way that even someone who loves mids and treble-like myself-can thoroughly enjoy them. So-called "energy", and "w signature". Still, I hear the violins the way they do sound in real life, both on stage and under the ear. There are many more "correct sounding" IEMs and headphones for sure, but the Mammoth can sound positively beautiful and atmospheric, without destroying the original recording. And of course they rule the bassier tracks.

Since you already own the Dorado, Mr. Rockwell, the Mammoth will be a variant on what you have. A bit more mids, and differently emphasized highs. The Dorado appears bassier, though the bass found on the Mammoth is of stupendous, realistic quality. Sadly I do not have your Dorado and cannot compare them side by side, but a few people do, and I also wish they posted their impressions here so they could help out more. I am personally satisfied with my Mammoth to the point they are my "bassy" IEMs, and am probably not looking in that direction anymore (that said, remember I am not a basshead.) I am sure the Dorado does likely sound great, and at least in theory I *love* the 10khz treble emphasis as I usually do. I would be more wary of its mids, but they may sound good to you already in real life experience.

Like with Mr. Chiu, I am still in "honeymoon" phase, but I expect my opinion not to shift very much. These are unique in my collection, and no other IEM or headphone *I have* surpasses them in their bass tonality. A basshead IEM that non-bassheads can love.

Take care all, and as always, feel free to disagree with me. Enjoy your music.
Great summary
Jul 22, 2021 at 9:55 PM Post #259 of 332
Mr. Rockwell, Mr. TjFont, and Mr. Chiu,

I have indeed been loving these, at home and on the go, walking, and during daily subway trips. Using them right now as I type. With the Xelastec and the Sedna Lites, they do indeed seal off a lot of the world outside, without hurting their sound (both do sound slightly different, but definitely a better sound balance than the Final E tips *for this particular IEM*, to my taste.) I find the large size stock silicon to work great ("best sound"-deep, clear, and natural) but its cons will be there, especially on the go (a bit worse isolation, soft silicon may ocassionally shift position, bass quantity mildly affected-will not become bass-light, however.)

With the usual caveats that graphs don't tell the whole story, if you have both the Honeydew and Dorado 2020, you may not "need" the Mammoth. If you had all the money to spend, it is more a "hifi", balanced IEM with the emphasis on the lows than a very bassy earphone. So will hear that bassy heft and emphasis over the mids and highs, but no bloat. The mids and highs are however tuned in such a way that even someone who loves mids and treble-like myself-can thoroughly enjoy them. So-called "energy", and "w signature". Still, I hear the violins the way they do sound in real life, both on stage and under the ear. There are many more "correct sounding" IEMs and headphones for sure, but the Mammoth can sound positively beautiful and atmospheric, without destroying the original recording. And of course they rule the bassier tracks.

Since you already own the Dorado, Mr. Rockwell, the Mammoth will be a variant on what you have. A bit more mids, and differently emphasized highs. The Dorado appears bassier, though the bass found on the Mammoth is of stupendous, realistic quality. Sadly I do not have your Dorado and cannot compare them side by side, but a few people do, and I also wish they posted their impressions here so they could help out more. I am personally satisfied with my Mammoth to the point they are my "bassy" IEMs, and am probably not looking in that direction anymore (that said, remember I am not a basshead.) I am sure the Dorado does likely sound great, and at least in theory I *love* the 8khz treble emphasis as I usually do. I would be more wary of its mids, but they may sound good to you already in real life experience.

Like with Mr. Chiu, I am still in "honeymoon" phase, but I expect my opinion not to shift very much. These are unique in my collection, and no other IEM or headphone *I have* surpasses them in their bass tonality. The biocellulose DD they used works so well for the whole musical balance and tonality. A basshead IEM that non-bassheads could love.

Take care all, and as always, feel free to disagree with me. Enjoy your music.
Jul 22, 2021 at 10:03 PM Post #260 of 332
Thanks for elaborating; again, very helpful. I have two BA IEMs and am also looking for a different sound signature to round out the collection. It will likely either be the Mammoth or Dorado. I don’t think that I have the keen ear that others have, but once the choice is made I’ll do my best to offer my impressions on either this thread or the Dorado thread. :)
Jul 23, 2021 at 2:13 AM Post #261 of 332
I’m always interested in new Campfire releases and just read every post in this thread. It’s made me realize how lucky I got with my first kilobuck iem purchase. I own the Andromeda Gold and just reacquired the Polaris 2. The AG is for at home listening with the Chord Mojo and I use the Polaris 2 for gaming, my unnatural obsession with Deadmau5 and out of the house listening with a BTR5. I’ve come so close to trading or selling the AG because I really want to try the LCD-X, but I think I’m going to hold off until I can afford to add them to my collection without selling the AG.

I’d like to add to the voices saying how important tip rolling can be. Each pair of CA iems I’ve owned had different tips pair well. It has been interesting and worth the cost of experimenting to find the sweet spot for each. I’d like to try the custom tips from Adv-Sound for the AG some day. Interested if anyone has any experience on that end.

Same to a much lesser extent with cables on super sensitive iems like the ones from Campfire. The ALO pure silver sounded great on the AG, but were ultimately fatiguing due to the higher treble. The silver pairs much nicer with the Polaris 2. I’d really like to try the SXC-8 with the AG.

Thanks for the insights from everyone in the thread. I still get that upgrade bug when the new stuff comes out, but you all helped me realize I’m good where I’m at. That call to upgrade or try the newest thing is strong. My budget just doesn‘t allow it.
Jul 24, 2021 at 7:46 PM Post #262 of 332
Onto the Mammoth. After spending some time a/b’ing it with the original Solaris and Solaris 2020 i assert that the Mammoth is not like the Holocene a rerelease - more the Mammoth shares the Solaris 2020 sonic signature in a more comfortable shell.
My interest is really peaked for the Mammoth as I love the Solaris. Looking forward to trying them at CanJam.
Jul 24, 2021 at 9:46 PM Post #263 of 332
My interest is really peaked for the Mammoth as I love the Solaris. Looking forward to trying them at CanJam.
Always good to try before one buys, difficult of course in this time of a global pandemic.

Mammoth does share the Solaris signature, similarly. But of course sonic quality is not the same. But it gives you an idea of the basic ballpark.

if you are at canjam you will be able to listen to them side by side and compare.
- Solaris OG, Solaris 2020
And Mammoth.
Jul 26, 2021 at 4:07 PM Post #265 of 332
I've decided that the Mammoth isn't the right fit for me in the long run, and would love to let it go to someone here who wants to try it.

Will sell it for $500 including shipping to the USA!
Jul 26, 2021 at 10:07 PM Post #267 of 332
Is there some scarcity issue with the Andromeda Golds I’m not aware of? I have a pair and have kept an eye on the resale market as a result. I’ve seen a few on reddit and a few here. There were even some B stock on ALO’s site a few weeks ago. One guy on reddit even lowball sold his for like 650 or something awhile back. They seem to come up often enough that you would be able to get a pair. Not trying to be critical, I’m genuinely curious.

I know the pair on eBay is $2000 but that’s always the case with the CA stuff there. There are always listings for Campfire iems from Japan that are priced outrageously. I have no ideas why, but it’s always been like that.
Jul 26, 2021 at 11:58 PM Post #268 of 332
Good luck, @Sebastien Chiu on your sell. Likewise, on your hunt for the AG. I've kind of accepted that the Mammoth are as close as I'll get to the AG.

Thanks buddy! Don't expect an issue sending it off to a good home and I am not in a rush.

Is there some scarcity issue with the Andromeda Golds I’m not aware of? I have a pair and have kept an eye on the resale market as a result. I’ve seen a few on reddit and a few here. There were even some B stock on ALO’s site a few weeks ago. One guy on reddit even lowball sold his for like 650 or something awhile back. They seem to come up often enough that you would be able to get a pair. Not trying to be critical, I’m genuinely curious.

I know the pair on eBay is $2000 but that’s always the case with the CA stuff there. There are always listings for Campfire iems from Japan that are priced outrageously. I have no ideas why, but it’s always been like that.

The gold has been weird like that. A bunch will pop up for sale, then there will be dry spell, and they're nearly impossible to find.

We have to generally wait till a few people are moving on to different things.

Those are the MW10 and C2019Q4 made for their Japan distributor Mixwave, and are genuinely limited to a hard 500 each.

The Gold is the most mass-produced limited edition and somewhere in the 2-3000 unit limit, because of the additional B-Stock drops that have come since and are unnumbered.
Jul 27, 2021 at 5:49 AM Post #269 of 332
Not trying to be critical, I’m genuinely curious.
You have a pair, so you must know they are limited run. Even with unnumbered B-stock, supply is low. They are sought after, so demand is high. It's easy to be miopic when you already have a pair.

Edit: This isn't the AG post, let's keep it to Mammoth/Holocene.
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Jul 27, 2021 at 12:12 PM Post #270 of 332
I must say I disagree with the strongly negative mini review by the well-known and generally well-regarded IEM reviewer (found it almost comically biased-to which I am sure he will disagree of course), and not fully agree with some of the positive reviews. My opinions about the Mammoth are positive, but sometimes in other ways.

So I must reiterate, the only graph available today (06/27/2021) shows you the general idea, but the treble is better and clearer than expected based on it, so it performs much better in my real life experience. It is not super extended, but not muddy at all, unless you prefer foam eartips or similar. Lower treble is great, and high treble is decent. I have tested my horribly mastered and super recessed treble music tracks with my good treble headphones and IEMs vs the Mammoth, and the latter really performs well regardless (not "the best" for sure, but better than most in my own collection.)

So for the second time in this thread: listen for yourselves, and make your own choices. Even good, experienced reviewers have their biases. I do as well. Give the Mammoth a try if you have the funds to spare-for me it's a "good bassy", well-balanced, clear, detailed, and easy to appreciate on the road and even at home. Not oddly tuned or anything unnatural sounding at all. Many thumbs up for me.

Stay safe, and feel free to disagree as always. We are individuals, not an audiophile collective. Peace to all.
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