Campfire Audio Chromatic Series
Jan 8, 2024 at 10:44 PM Post #376 of 490
I really wish I could speak to a comparison between the Black Star and Cascaras.. Maybe I’ll pick one up in the coming weeks since I’m becoming a true CA fanboy. Comfort is great for me, but the only set I’ve really had a slight issue with on my journey were the FF Grand Maestros, but those are HUGE and a terrible comparison. Ive had the Black Stars in my ears for almost 3.5 hours now with zero discomfort or pressure build up. As far as music, I’m a little all over the place. Main jams would be progressive metal > metalcore but I also listen to a fair amount of alternative/ classic rock/ bluegrass. Really depends on my mood and set but I don’t discriminate. I’m a sucker for talent. Xe6 isn’t a great comparison other than treble. Xe6 has an outlandish amount of mid bass. It’s incredible, but nothing like the Black Star. I would also say the Black Stars timbre and tonality is way more natural. I almost exclusively only use my Xe6 for hip-hop/ EDM. What type of music do you listen too? What are your preferences?

If I go by favorite artists, stuff like Radiohead or Bowie, but having listed to it so much, these days I'll easily veer into modern pop, jazz, orchestral, or game soundtracks. I don't actively avoid hip hop or rap, but it's lower on the list. Blues and country are what I don't really listen to. I like bass over treble, but ideally it's not going to be muddy. For reference, other IEMs I've tried and liked included the Ne4, EXT, and U6t.
Jan 8, 2024 at 10:51 PM Post #377 of 490
Currently SpinFit Omni but I will tip roll a little more over the next few days.. I have an outrageous collection of tips lol. In my humble opinion, tips have a more substantial impact on sound than cables. I roll both, but tips are well worth an investment.
I keep reading that about tips from people that seem to know their stuff, so I'm slowly accumulating a collection of tips. So far no real standouts of the half a dozen I’ve tried, but I’m also making a list of recommendations. I tried SpinFit CP100. I’ll need to look at how the Omni are different. I’m liking the Spiral Dot++ right now, but should be getting some Divinus Velvet to try very soon.
Jan 8, 2024 at 11:06 PM Post #378 of 490
I keep reading that about tips from people that seem to know their stuff, so I'm slowly accumulating a collection of tips. So far no real standouts of the half a dozen I’ve tried, but I’m also making a list of recommendations. I tried SpinFit CP100. I’ll need to look at how the Omni are different. I’m liking the Spiral Dot++ right now, but should be getting some Divinus Velvet to try very soon.
I would consider Omni’s closer in comparison to the W1’s. My top 5 recommendations with a comparable alternative would be:
1) SpinFit CP145 ~ SpinFit CP360
2) SpinFit W1 ~ SpinFit Omni
3) Azla SednaEarfitLight ~ Azla SendaEarfit Crystal
4) Divinus Velvet ~ Eletech Baroque
5) Symbio W ~ HiFiGo x Zeos Render
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Jan 9, 2024 at 2:17 AM Post #379 of 490
Ok, here are my impressions after 2 hours. I am using stock cable (3.5mm) with WM1ZM2

The Black Star sounds very clean and crisp. Bass focuses on quality over quantity. Solid punch and WELL controlled.. Absolutely no bloat from the mid bass. Mids come off pretty linear, maybe a tad lean. Guitars have some fantastic texture to them. Female vocals are forward and frankly intoxicating. Treble is best described as ‘safe’, maybe a little on the ‘dark’ side. Cymbal strikes have a good zing with just the right amount of decay. Not a whole lot of air but enough to discern between instruments. Stage has good width, decent depth but definitely a more intimate experience. Respectable imaging and dynamics. Very enjoyable and a great complimentary set to the Bonnevilles. I think after a bit of burn in and cable rolling, these things will polish right up. The tuning immediately reminded me of the Khoas, just not as technically proficient. But that set is also $3.5k. If I had to guess, I think they’d graph as a modest W-Shaped signature. Another impulse buy I don’t regret!
Thanks for sharing your impressions, these sound very interesting particularly as a complimentary set to Bonneville. Wondering where to put some cash next, Cascara as a general walk around set or Black Star. Absolutely loving the Bonneville and now keen to experience more of their recent offerings.
Jan 9, 2024 at 8:05 AM Post #380 of 490
That's the decision I'm trying to make. I wish there was some kind of graph for both, if only to get a slightly better idea of where the differences lie. I don't mind a W-shape as long as the treble isn't too strong, but ultimately I'd just like something pleasant sounding with solid clarity which I can easily leave in for much of the day while doing work.
Jan 9, 2024 at 8:39 AM Post #381 of 490
That's the decision I'm trying to make. I wish there was some kind of graph for both, if only to get a slightly better idea of where the differences lie. I don't mind a W-shape as long as the treble isn't too strong, but ultimately I'd just like something pleasant sounding with solid clarity which I can easily leave in for much of the day while doing work.
I'm sure graphs will be available sooner than later. I honestly just impulse bought since there are only 99 sets available. Again, I want to emphasize the word 'moderate' in me calling it W-shaped. To me, the overall tuning is well balanced and neutral leaning with a splash of CA's house sound. I think this IEM is a great contender for your needs listed but as always YMMV.
Jan 9, 2024 at 8:47 AM Post #382 of 490
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Jan 9, 2024 at 8:47 AM Post #383 of 490
One con I will bring up is hiss. I've only used the provided 3.5mm so far and noticed a slight hiss when paired with my WM1ZM2 & Cayin N7. CA sets are notorious for their low sensitivity. I'll almost guarantee I can eliminate with some cable rolling but just want to put that out there.
Jan 9, 2024 at 8:53 AM Post #385 of 490
Thanks for sharing your impressions, these sound very interesting particularly as a complimentary set to Bonneville. Wondering where to put some cash next, Cascara as a general walk around set or Black Star. Absolutely loving the Bonneville and now keen to experience more of their recent offerings.
Blackstar would be the complement to Bonneville I would think. Cascaras are quite similar to Bonneville. That said, Cascaras are my walk-around set and are perfect for that. Comfortable all rounder with such full bass presence that they isolate you from the world
Thanks for the impressions. All things aside, they're roughly $200-300 more than the Cascaras when you take the accessories out of the equation. I guess my question is to whether or not they're really worth the extra money, considering you're forced into the accessories. How is the comfort, and what kinds of genres do you usually listen to? I see you have the Xe6 in your signature; I had one for a little bit and loved it (and honestly wish I kept it, although I don't have that kind of cash to spend these days). It might be a bit apples and oranges, but that's the kind of tuning I personally enjoy. I've been out of the loop and it seems like the price to quality ratio in the $500-1000 range has gotten a lot better in the last year or so.
If you like XE6 tuning, then the Cascaras are my rec. Blackstar will be much more linear and balanced. Cascaras are an insane deal in the bass-heavy/big soundstage category. Plus they do instrumental/jazz insanely well because they have such organic mids...
Jan 9, 2024 at 9:08 AM Post #386 of 490
If you like XE6 tuning, then the Cascaras are my rec. Blackstar will be much more linear and balanced. Cascaras are an insane deal in the bass-heavy/big soundstage category. Plus they do instrumental/jazz insanely well because they have such organic mids...

I'd say that vocals are fairly important, but that's probably true to a lot of people. I might listen to female vocals a bit more these days, but that's if I'm going off random radio/shuffles on Apple Music which I do more often than not. I did like the Xe6 tuning a lot, and I really should have kept them rather than move to whatever else I did at the time. Initially I had the Ne4 and enjoyed it a lot, but the Xe6 was a notable jump in the bass without clogging up everything else.

How's the shape as far as comfort goes? Every angle of them looks a little weird, so I can't get a good feel for it. I don't have big ears which is why larger IEMs never worked super well, but FiR or 64 Audio models were great. I'm not a huge fan of the blue cable and wish they simply paired a black one with the black models by default without having to order directly from CFA, but cables only matter to me for aesthetic and ergonomics, so I might pick up another cheap one at some point. The $500 difference from the Black Star is pretty significant though, so any reason to lean towards the cheaper model is fine with me.
Jan 9, 2024 at 9:51 AM Post #387 of 490
I'd say that vocals are fairly important, but that's probably true to a lot of people. I might listen to female vocals a bit more these days, but that's if I'm going off random radio/shuffles on Apple Music which I do more often than not. I did like the Xe6 tuning a lot, and I really should have kept them rather than move to whatever else I did at the time. Initially I had the Ne4 and enjoyed it a lot, but the Xe6 was a notable jump in the bass without clogging up everything else.

How's the shape as far as comfort goes? Every angle of them looks a little weird, so I can't get a good feel for it. I don't have big ears which is why larger IEMs never worked super well, but FiR or 64 Audio models were great. I'm not a huge fan of the blue cable and wish they simply paired a black one with the black models by default without having to order directly from CFA, but cables only matter to me for aesthetic and ergonomics, so I might pick up another cheap one at some point. The $500 difference from the Black Star is pretty significant though, so any reason to lean towards the cheaper model is fine with me.
Again it all depends what signature you are looking for. Cascara is much more similar to XE6/NE4 than Blackstar. As far as fit, they fit me like a custom. As for blue, I like it - to differentiate from my black Bonnevilles! But ordering direct from CFA is super easy and quick, so why not custom order the black if you want it?
Jan 9, 2024 at 10:31 AM Post #388 of 490
Again it all depends what signature you are looking for. Cascara is much more similar to XE6/NE4 than Blackstar. As far as fit, they fit me like a custom. As for blue, I like it - to differentiate from my black Bonnevilles! But ordering direct from CFA is super easy and quick, so why not custom order the black if you want it?

Easy pickup relatively close by plus impatience. It's mostly just the small blue connection, regardless. Very superficial. 🙂
Jan 9, 2024 at 1:07 PM Post #389 of 490
Cascaras are quite similar to Bonneville. That said, Cascaras are my walk-around set and are perfect for that
That’s where I‘m going I think….love everything about Bonneville which I’m enjoying for more serious listening, having something similar for a walkabout, where I probably won’t notice enough of the difference could be ideal.
Jan 9, 2024 at 1:27 PM Post #390 of 490
That’s where I‘m going I think….love everything about Bonneville which I’m enjoying for more serious listening, having something similar for a walkabout, where I probably won’t notice enough of the difference could be ideal.
Yes, not the same resolution without those BAs, but more coherence and actually better overall bass in my opinion.

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