Caffeine addicts anonymous
Aug 22, 2016 at 5:53 PM Post #616 of 3,173
  You might like many of Dave Weckl's tracks. You ever listen to Yellow Jackets?
That article mentions Jaco Pastorius, he played in Weather Report which I also like. It's a pity how Jaco ended up. I used to work in the music business some time ago and got to personally know many of my favorite artists and even befriended some very popular ones that I didn't care much for their music

Never heard 'em.
Wow, I did not know that! The furthest I got in the music business (separate from countless performances, which I never got paid for) was running a small underground metal distro. I'd love to have a digital music store someday. I also plan on giving away my own music once I get around to recording it.
I think we should continue our discussion via PM or something, though...getting a bit too off-track again.
Aug 22, 2016 at 6:12 PM Post #617 of 3,173
What's the most energetic music you guys listen to with caffeine?

As you know, I enjoy metalcore (which some may say is not metal at all) but you may not know that I also enjoy some bass heavy electronic music as well. One of my favorite tracks is Mr. Mermaid's remix of All of Me. Link:

Other than that it's all metalcore and whatever Disturbed and Five Finger Death Punch count as.
Aug 22, 2016 at 7:29 PM Post #618 of 3,173
Never heard 'em.
Wow, I did not know that! The furthest I got in the music business (separate from countless performances, which I never got paid for) was running a small underground metal distro. I'd love to have a digital music store someday. I also plan on giving away my own music once I get around to recording it.
I think we should continue our discussion via PM or something, though...getting a bit too off-track again.

It's hard to find any good Dave Weckl material on youtube as he polices his copyrights vigorously. Try the below. It's pretty tight for live.
Aug 22, 2016 at 8:41 PM Post #619 of 3,173
What's the most energetic music you guys listen to with caffeine?

I find that extreme metal (especially black metal and death metal) provides the most intense effect for me. I'm so high right now thanks to the combo of Mountain Dew and my crazy music. lol. Wouldn't be nearly as high without the tunes. Some electronic music (typically with heavy bass and strong beats) is also good for this. And of course, some of the more dramatic classical material (particularly with choirs) can create a stellar experience, but it's more intellectual than visceral, and doesn't have the blasting impact required for maximum stimulation.

Just did four shots out of my machine. Still it does not affect me much? Not as much as when I was a kid?

Two shots is my daily routine. Sometimes a little more?

Aug 22, 2016 at 8:55 PM Post #620 of 3,173
Anyone new to owning a machine will notice that you can dial in your expresso with adding either a light or super packed amount.

Even after my 35 years of drinking coffee, the heavy straight expresso can taste a bit strong. Adding a small amount of chocolate is a great simple way to smooth the experience without having to drink the girly drinks.

Aug 22, 2016 at 9:11 PM Post #621 of 3,173
Anyone new to owning a machine will notice that you can dial in your expresso with adding either a light or super packed amount.

Even after my 35 years of drinking coffee, the heavy straight expresso can taste a bit strong. Adding a small amount of chocolate is a great simple way to smooth the experience without having to drink the girly drinks.

I think this depends on the coffee bean as well as the quality of the espresso pull. There's plenty of coffee that tastes amazing as a pure straight espresso shot and some that taste awful. I do make a morning mocha with very very light splash of dark chocolate. I probably use about 10% of what a starbucks or other coffee shop would use on the syrups. Gives me a little bit of filler in-case I dont have time for breakfast.
Aug 22, 2016 at 9:29 PM Post #622 of 3,173
I think this depends on the coffee bean as well as the quality of the espresso pull. There's plenty of coffee that tastes amazing as a pure straight espresso shot and some that taste awful. I do make a morning mocha with very very light splash of dark chocolate. I probably use about 10% of what a starbucks or other coffee shop would use on the syrups. Gives me a little bit of filler in-case I dont have time for breakfast.

Well yes, I guess there would be some drinkers which would be put-off by changing a perfectly good taste. And.....your right this could be a reaction to the amount I'm using in the machine (the max) and the brand of beans used. I have also found slight variations even with all the possible changes being in control. The only thing I can guess would be that there is finer coffee at the end of my bag, as I buy it ground? Every once in a while I get a different taste. Part of it at times, I'm sure, is that I didn't completely clean my machine after each shot. It seems any residue can effect taste, even small amounts of coffee left somewhere.
Aug 22, 2016 at 9:46 PM Post #623 of 3,173

I own two of these, one a different model I have owned from back around 2006. There is an issue where if the coffee is too fine it has clogged the filter. I found this out in early 2006 with my first machine. After the very small single hole is clogged you can push it open with the pin they give you, but later you can find the whole center chamber of the filter is filled with fine coffee making your machine useless.

They give you a single and double shot filter/holder but to fix this issue you need to either buy a new filter for $25, or place the old filter on the stove and heat it up till it's red hot, burning and turning to ash any coffee clogging the center area.

So I play it safe, as I have grinders but have never been able to do my own grind as consistent as pre-ground. I just find a grind that is not that fine and stick with it.

In the last ten years I have only had to stove/burn one filter, my first one.
Aug 22, 2016 at 10:05 PM Post #624 of 3,173

I own two of these, one a different model I have owned from back around 2006. There is an issue where if the coffee is too fine it has clogged the filter. I found this out in early 2006 with my first machine. After the very small single hole is clogged you can push it open with the pin they give you, but later you can find the whole center chamber of the filter is filled with fine coffee making your machine useless.

They give you a single and double shot filter/holder but to fix this issue you need to either buy a new filter for $25, or place the old filter on the stove and heat it up till it's red hot, burning and turning to ash any coffee clogging the center area.

So I play it safe, as I have grinders but have never been able to do my own grind as consistent as pre-ground. I just find a grind that is not that fine and stick with it.

Yes this is an issue with every machine no matter the size. The filters will clog up over time. You are suppose to clean those filter screens weekly but I clean mine maybe once a month or two months. Best way to clean them is with a hard bristle brush (they have ones made for espresso machines) and boil it with calcifying powder. It'll help get that grime out. I usually replace my screen once or twice a year. A lot of machines also have an o-ring that needs to be replaced too, but I know people who never replace them (not really a good idea).
Ive used a few machines, and single shot filters have never worked out that well for me. Double shot portafilters are better. I even have a triple shot one, but I've never used it.
Though not that I'm writing it, I hope I'm not mixing the terminology. Portafilter is the part that holds the shot. There's also a screen filter that is attached to the machine itself where the water comes out of. That's the part that gets clogged with coffee for me. The portafilter usually does not but it does require cleaning too.
Grinds - You may not get good tastes with preground coffee because, and this is a tad snobby, but really true - ground coffee's shelf life is about 2-4 hours and pushing it at about 2 days. Beans themselves are good for maybe 2-3 weeks after roasting. It's not to say that you can't drink it past this time, but it wont taste the same and that crema you get when making a good espresso pull, or making a drip or press, just won't be there anymore.
Coffee storage helps though. If you don't already, try getting a vacuum sealed container, or a container that doesnt let oxygen in. I use one at for my roasted beans or storing ones I buy at the store, that costs like $5.
Which grinder(s) have you used in the past that have not given consistent grinds? You have a pretty solid machine, so I'd recommend complimenting it with a good burr grinder if that's within your budget. A entry level grinder that is capable of grinding fine, consistent espresso-level grinds start at $130 USD new (Baratza Encore/Maestro or Capresso Infinity), but really you should be looking at something $200+ (Baratza Virtuoso, Breville's new one, etc.) I had the Virtuoso originally and loved it. I currently use the Rocky by Rancilio. 
If that's well above your budget, hand grinding is a good option though it's a lengthy work out to get an espresso grind unfortunately.
Aug 22, 2016 at 10:07 PM Post #625 of 3,173
  So does anyone else get ultra-paranoid after drinking caffeinated beverages? The stuff can do strange things to your brain...less so with coffee, though.

Hmm nope. Sometimes when I drink a pepsi, my teeth start grinding randomly. It must be the sugar and caffeine messing with my head.
Aug 22, 2016 at 10:15 PM Post #626 of 3,173
  Hmm nope. Sometimes when I drink a pepsi, my teeth start grinding randomly. It must be the sugar and caffeine messing with my head.

Mountain Dew has more caffeine than Pepsi, and I probably drink more at once than you. Lately I've downed about a liter at once. My brain is already very active, so doing that to it just makes it hyperactive, and I instantly think of any number of things that could go wrong with my life.
Aug 22, 2016 at 10:22 PM Post #627 of 3,173
Mountain Dew has more caffeine than Pepsi, and I probably drink more at once than you. Lately I've downed about a liter at once. My brain is already very active, so doing that to it just makes it hyperactive, and I instantly think of any number of things that could go wrong with my life.

Generally caffeine doesn't have that effect on me. I am however getting paranoid about my tolerance though. I drank most of a 24oz cup of coffee this morning and then had a cherry Coke Zero at about six, and I'm exhausted. Maybe I should cut back? But that's rediculous, that isn't really a massive amount of caffeine.
Aug 22, 2016 at 10:26 PM Post #628 of 3,173
Generally caffeine doesn't have that effect on me. I am however getting paranoid about my tolerance though. I drank most of a 24oz cup of coffee this morning and then had a cherry Coke Zero at about six, and I'm exhausted. Maybe I should cut back? But that's rediculous, that isn't really a massive amount of caffeine.

Drink a liter of Mountain Dew (within an hour or two) per day for a few days and tell me how you feel.

Aug 22, 2016 at 10:53 PM Post #630 of 3,173
Generally caffeine doesn't have that effect on me. I am however getting paranoid about my tolerance though. I drank most of a 24oz cup of coffee this morning and then had a cherry Coke Zero at about six, and I'm exhausted. Maybe I should cut back? But that's rediculous, that isn't really a massive amount of caffeine.

I made a cup of coffee after work and immediately passed out after drinking it. so yea.. just woke up. time to go out and drink beers. :)

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