Caffeine addicts anonymous
Aug 9, 2016 at 12:37 AM Post #241 of 3,173
Those are Schiit tier as far as stimulants go and have been around forever. I used to take them as a kid in the 70s. The best is go to a Chinese herbalist get a $50 Ginseng root and some ephedra power and green tea. Go pro!

The thing is, I'm looking for something that can serve as a substitute for soda and energy drinks. But it doesn't look like the pills or what you mentioned would come close in terms of something that makes me feel high and energized. I'm a half hour into the second pill and still don't feel much different, except I'm progressively tireder, ironically. There are a few unpleasant but mild side effects as well. Bleck.
Aug 9, 2016 at 12:54 AM Post #242 of 3,173
The thing is, I'm looking for something that can serve as a substitute for soda and energy drinks. But it doesn't look like the pills or what you mentioned would come close in terms of something that makes me feel high and energized. I'm a half hour into the second pill and still don't feel much different, except I'm progressively tireder, ironically. There are a few unpleasant but mild side effects as well. Bleck.

You might be ready for an intervention.
Aug 9, 2016 at 1:13 AM Post #243 of 3,173
  You might be ready for an intervention.


I'm so surprised that these caffeine pills have the opposite effect as intended in my case. I mean, I'm slightly more alert and jittery, but much more tired overall. Some of the other (mostly mild) side effects I've experienced in addition to the tiredness include dizziness, overheating, upset stomach, dehydration, having to go to the bathroom more often, general stress on my heart and other organs, and not being able to move around as quickly.
I guess what I'm really looking for isn't just caffeine, but the other ingredients in the energy drinks and soda...or something that would produce similar effects. Dunno if there are healthier alternatives that would make me feel the same or better. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, drink a Rockstar energy drink or two while blasting extreme metal and other energetic music. It puts your body into a frenzy, and for me, that's blissful.)
Aug 9, 2016 at 2:40 AM Post #244 of 3,173
Used alone, the caffeine pills are useless for me...but just add sugar (had a pack of Welch's Mixed Fruit Fruit Snacks) and WHAM! Instant intensity. A little too intense, actually, since I had 400 mg of caffeine in four hours, and that mixed with the sugar high put my body into overdrive instead of being tired. I'm afraid to drink soda tonight. Will have to experiment with that tomorrow. My conclusion at this point is that caffeine pills could be a useful supplement, but definitely not a replacement for anything.
Aug 9, 2016 at 3:59 AM Post #245 of 3,173
We'll, just so you know energy drinks are actually very close to these ancient herbal ideas. In reality there are 100s of plants that give the user energy. It's just that as humans things get a popular hype then get used and purchased more resulting in sales and habit forming daily routines for the users.

Monster is using a "stack" as it's called. By putting a group of stuff together you get an enhanced result.

The problem with Monster is all the other chemeicals. The bad chemicals are the sugar or the artificial sweeteners. Natural sugar is actually one of the best things you could put in your body. Natural unrefined suger has trace minerals and carbohydrates also vitamins. Natural suger ends up being a great source of antioxidants, though processed suger has absolutely none of these good things.

Most of the time even regular brown sugar is also just as bad, as they found it easy just to add molasses to regular white suger, fooling folks early on who thought it was natural.

The problem is Monster uses refined suger, because it's dirt cheap. Fructose or corn syrup are also used in energy drinks which add fast energy but are horrible for your health. Amazingly just a complex of B vitamins helps your body make energy out of food and work much like an energy agent just by themselves. Red Ginseng on the other hand, taps into energy stores saved in the body, which is why they recommend rotations every month, a month on, one off. Amazingly most of these agents work well alone, together though, they are synergistic, amplifying the results obtained from any single substance.

Monster uses caffeine. Monster uses B vitamins. Monster uses Ginseng.

The way I would do it is first find a Chinese herbalist and get just some straight red Ginseng root. It will be 100 times better for you than Monster. Get some B vitimins and use green tea.

Another stronger way is to add very small amounts of ephedra to the stack along with a vey small amount of aspirin.

Using trace material will get you off the crappy energy drink high, be way better for you and cost less in the end. It just takes the footwork to find the ingredients.

Monster also uses Taurine. Still if you study Ginseng use, your suppose to stop after a month. People who drink energy drinks don't stop. In moderation all these things are actually good for you, where energy drinks are actually super bad for you.

I actually grow American Ginseng in my yard. The stuff is less mental than red Ginseng but is more physical becoming an adaptogen for your body instead of tearing it down. All this gets used with a healthy natural diet, good sleep, and regular exersise and your life will actually be prolonged instead of being slowly killed by horrible crappy energy drinks. You end up looking years youger have more natural energy and mentally feel better. I normally drink about six energy drinks a year.
Aug 9, 2016 at 6:36 AM Post #246 of 3,173
So I went to the grocery store earlier in search of caffeine pills. I looked through the pharmacy for awhile to no avail. One of the workers showed me where they were. No wonder I had trouble finding them. I was expecting something with "extreme sports energy!!" type of marketing, but the packaging looked like any other type of pill, with caffeine mentioned in small print, and there were only three of them, at the bottom of the pain medication section.

Ended up getting this:

I was feeling tired around 10 PM, so I took one 200 mg tablet. Waited two hours to give time for it to enter my bloodstream.

Almost no effect at all!?

What's more, it made my stomach a little upset. I could feel my body working harder trying to digest the solid object.

Worse, I feel even *more* tired now.

Looks like my body has a high tolerance for caffeine...

This is my first time taking a caffeine pill, so perhaps I need to make myself get used to it.

I was hoping that this would not only make me more alert, but also make me high, like soda and energy drinks do.

Perhaps the "high" you get from energy drinks and Mountain Dew is more from sugar than caffeine. Caffeine is a slow, clean burn. It has a half life of 5 hours so half of it is gone in 5 hours and works by blocking the signal in your brain that makes you feel tired. Sugar however is a quick acting stimulant that also causes a crash. You use up the "energy" more quickly because it works differently.
Quick link:
Then the sugar you consumed causes your body to create insulin then uses up your glucose amounts as energy and your glucose levels quickly drop, causing a "crash".
Aug 9, 2016 at 10:13 AM Post #248 of 3,173
I think my tolerance is getting too high, but Im scared to take a break.

Group intervention?

Ween off of it and sit out a week. Remember, every 5 hours half of it leaves your body.
10hrs= 75%
15= 87.5%
And so on.
Your tolerance won't reset immediately. Your brain compensates for the signals you've been blocking by boosting them, so after a while it will go back to equilibrium.
Aug 9, 2016 at 10:18 AM Post #249 of 3,173
Ween off of it and sit out a week. Remember, every 5 hours half of it leaves your body.
10hrs= 75%
15= 87.5%
And so on.
Your tolerance won't reset immediately. Your brain compensates for the signals you've been blocking by boosting them, so after a while it will go back to equilibrium.

Yeah Ive taken quite a few tolerance breaks from caffeine before. Im a cold turkey kind of guy so it just sucks for like 2 days then Im good to go.
And to people saying they don't get much effect from caffeine and stuff, also try drinking more water. Any stimulant dehydrates you and that can drag you down more than the caffeine brings you up. I drink about half a large ponds worth daily and no matter how much caffeine I take in from any source it doesn't do much unless Im properly hydrated
Aug 9, 2016 at 11:11 AM Post #250 of 3,173
Ween off of it and sit out a week. Remember, every 5 hours half of it leaves your body.
10hrs= 75%
15= 87.5%
And so on.
Your tolerance won't reset immediately. Your brain compensates for the signals you've been blocking by boosting them, so after a while it will go back to equilibrium.

Yeah Ive taken quite a few tolerance breaks from caffeine before. Im a cold turkey kind of guy so it just sucks for like 2 days then Im good to go.
And to people saying they don't get much effect from caffeine and stuff, also try drinking more water. Any stimulant dehydrates you and that can drag you down more than the caffeine brings you up. I drink about half a large ponds worth daily and no matter how much caffeine I take in from any source it doesn't do much unless Im properly hydrated

There's also psychological addiction to consider.
 Just say'in

Aug 9, 2016 at 12:17 PM Post #253 of 3,173
We'll, just so you know energy drinks are actually very close to these ancient herbal ideas. In reality there are 100s of plants that give the user energy. It's just that as humans things get a popular hype then get used and purchased more resulting in sales and habit forming daily routines for the users.

Monster is using a "stack" as it's called. By putting a group of stuff together you get an enhanced result.

The problem with Monster is all the other chemeicals. The bad chemicals are the sugar or the artificial sweeteners. Natural sugar is actually one of the best things you could put in your body. Natural unrefined suger has trace minerals and carbohydrates also vitamins. Natural suger ends up being a great source of antioxidants, though processed suger has absolutely none of these good things.

Most of the time even regular brown sugar is also just as bad, as they found it easy just to add molasses to regular white suger, fooling folks early on who thought it was natural.

The problem is Monster uses refined suger, because it's dirt cheap. Fructose or corn syrup are also used in energy drinks which add fast energy but are horrible for your health. Amazingly just a complex of B vitamins helps your body make energy out of food and work much like an energy agent just by themselves. Red Ginseng on the other hand, taps into energy stores saved in the body, which is why they recommend rotations every month, a month on, one off. Amazingly most of these agents work well alone, together though, they are synergistic, amplifying the results obtained from any single substance.

Monster uses caffeine. Monster uses B vitamins. Monster uses Ginseng.

The way I would do it is first find a Chinese herbalist and get just some straight red Ginseng root. It will be 100 times better for you than Monster. Get some B vitimins and use green tea.

Another stronger way is to add very small amounts of ephedra to the stack along with a vey small amount of aspirin.

Using trace material will get you off the crappy energy drink high, be way better for you and cost less in the end. It just takes the footwork to find the ingredients.

Monster also uses Taurine. Still if you study Ginseng use, your suppose to stop after a month. People who drink energy drinks don't stop. In moderation all these things are actually good for you, where energy drinks are actually super bad for you.

I actually grow American Ginseng in my yard. The stuff is less mental than red Ginseng but is more physical becoming an adaptogen for your body instead of tearing it down. All this gets used with a healthy natural diet, good sleep, and regular exersise and your life will actually be prolonged instead of being slowly killed by horrible crappy energy drinks. You end up looking years youger have more natural energy and mentally feel better. I normally drink about six energy drinks a year.

I think all of us know that energy drinks are very unhealthy. The question is, can I get just as high from something healthier? I doubt it.
Perhaps the "high" you get from energy drinks and Mountain Dew is more from sugar than caffeine. Caffeine is a slow, clean burn. It has a half life of 5 hours so half of it is gone in 5 hours and works by blocking the signal in your brain that makes you feel tired. Sugar however is a quick acting stimulant that also causes a crash. You use up the "energy" more quickly because it works differently.
Quick link:
Then the sugar you consumed causes your body to create insulin then uses up your glucose amounts as energy and your glucose levels quickly drop, causing a "crash".

The sugar definitely adds to the high, but energy drinks are loaded with ingredients.
Also, last night when I had the two caffeine pills, they didn't have anything close to the desired effect, and ended up having the opposite effect, making me tireder, even when I was drinking water and had to go to the bathroom much more frequently...but when I ate just one pack of those fruit snacks, the effect became much more intense than I normally get from one pack of those fruit snacks. So like I said, the caffeine pills could be a useful supplement for me, but not a substitute. I'm gonna dry try a caffeine pill with Mountain Dew later today.
Aug 9, 2016 at 1:03 PM Post #254 of 3,173
I think all of us know that energy drinks are very unhealthy. The question is, can I get just as high from something healthier? I doubt it.
The sugar definitely adds to the high, but energy drinks are loaded with ingredients.
Also, last night when I had the two caffeine pills, they didn't have anything close to the desired effect, and ended up having the opposite effect, making me tireder, even when I was drinking water and had to go to the bathroom much more frequently...but when I ate just one pack of those fruit snacks, the effect became much more intense than I normally get from one pack of those fruit snacks. So like I said, the caffeine pills could be a useful supplement for me, but not a substitute. I'm gonna dry a caffeine pill with Mountain Dew later today.

What a cocktail, you have a death wish or something? And I thought that I drank too much high octane coffee.
Aug 9, 2016 at 1:14 PM Post #255 of 3,173
  What a cocktail, you have a death wish or something? And I thought that I drank too much high octane coffee.

haha. I said dry when I meant to type try. XD
Well, when I had 400 mg of caffeine last night, it did not have the desired effect at all until I had some sugar with it. And this was after having Mountain Dew many hours earlier that day. A 200 mg caffeine pill taken with Mountain Dew would be less caffeine than 400 mg; just more sugar, which is the combo I figure I need to feel the way I want to. I must just have a very high tolerance for caffeine. I mean, I've been drinking soda and energy drinks for many years now. (Though the energy drinks are much less frequent.)

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