Buying Without Auditioning
Jul 23, 2007 at 7:51 PM Post #17 of 60
$XXX HP2's- No regrets
$XXXX PS-1's- No regrets
$XXXX HE90's- No regrets

If you spend some time reading the reviews, getting a feel for peoples preferences and asking some questions there's a reasonbly good chance you'll get something you like without auditioning it.

I did buy the L3000's for $1600 and then after reading more the reviews decided I wasn't going to use them and sold them un-opened. No regrets.

The only regrets I have are the ones I've sold. At the time I thought I couldn't afford to keep them, now I realize I can't afford to replace them.

Jul 23, 2007 at 8:05 PM Post #20 of 60
Money spent: $1300

Item spent on: Grado GS1000 w/ Black Dragon + extra pads.

Do I regret it? No.

I haven't gotten them yet but I have a feeling they will work beautifully with my system.
Jul 23, 2007 at 8:07 PM Post #22 of 60
Naim CDX/XPS: $3,800.

Regret's a strong word, I think that's why people shy away from admitting to it in some cases. A better way to phrase it might be, "Would you do so again?". I didn't hold on to the Naim pieces, although they were decent. I wouldn't buy anything that substantial without audition again.

I've discovered that I'm surprisingly picky in what moves me emotionally in gear. Only a particular cheap boombox and my original car audio system have satisfied my need for excitement and emotion in my music. In fact, I'm very adamant about not buying anything now that I can't audition, return with no penalty, or sell at the very worst for slightly below what I paid.
Jul 23, 2007 at 8:18 PM Post #24 of 60
£360 on RS1s with no regrets, although they were closer to the HF1 than i perhaps would have thought.

Also about the same (before any import duties) on a mapletree Ear purist HD2, won't know if i regret it until i get it, which probably won't be for several months yet.

In fact the only purchase i made with an audition was a pair of SR80s, and i'd pretty much decided i was going to buy them before i heard them anyway :p
Jul 23, 2007 at 8:38 PM Post #26 of 60
$580 for Darth Beyers and then $360 for Corda Aria and $300 for E500s

actually... everything i've bought since I joined head-fi was done without auditioning, and i don't regret a single purchase
Jul 23, 2007 at 9:10 PM Post #27 of 60
All my audio gear was bought without hearing it first. Like many I did extensive research and a lot of private correspondence to owners before pulling the trigger. In a marathon acquisition spree over many years I have only regretted one purchase, a headphone that did not meet my expectations.
Jul 23, 2007 at 9:16 PM Post #28 of 60
I bought a Heed Canamp for $340, back when the introductory price was still in effect, and a used Heed Obelisk integrated amp for about $850 on audiogon. Very happy with both. I bought a used Lector 0.6T CDP on audiogon for $860 and again, am very happy. It's interesting that I haven't had the same luck with headphones. Prior to head-fi days, I bought Ety ER4Ps and Grado SR60s...I paid new prices was/am happy. Since head-fi, and after reading glowing reports, I purchased MS1s and Proline 2500s and was pretty disappointed.

However, I've had K340s and DT770/80s modded by headphile (hadn't heard the mods before, but already knew I liked the basic sound) and am completely satisfied. Oh, I guess I bought RP-22Xs and thought they were what others said they would be, but don't like them enough to keep them. Do those then count?

I guess it's always going to be hit or miss, but I'm more careful now about reading advice here and not buying just because a lot of people may like a particular item. I now read up on the people (profiles, other posts) who are recommending an item I may think I want. I also pay attention to the type of comments and how detailed the impressions are vs. "great headphone..killer bass." The new Denons are an example for me. I'm now seeing posts touching on small details that would have clued me into that they may not be my cup of tea, but if you don't read carefully and pay attention to who is posting, it's easy to get caught up. I've had a chance to listen to them, and won't be buying them.
Jul 23, 2007 at 9:23 PM Post #29 of 60
All my purchase of audiophile stuff is made without auditionning. So far i have regret some but rarely as i am also a deal seeker. All in all i have to say that i don't regret all of my i need to sell some too so my GF say!
Jul 24, 2007 at 12:11 AM Post #30 of 60
W5000's, HA5000, Azure740C and Zu cables...around $3500...absolutely no regrets.

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