Buying an ms1-Should I get a pair of 414 pads?
Oct 10, 2006 at 6:48 PM Post #16 of 34

Originally Posted by mattg3
Thanks 107,and is the hole you cut to go over the phone based on a quarter mod size hole or should i use something else to measure the hole? thanks again Matt

Hi Matt!

I started by driving a 13/16" socket through the material after they had been installed for a day or so, so they may have stretched a bit before I punched the holes.(I took the pads off the cans first!
) At any rate the holes weren't quite large enough to reveal all the "rows of holes" visable in the driver screen, so I ended up cutting them big enough that all the rows were then barely showing.

Yuck! My ears are so small that they were hitting the screen!

THAT'S when I took them off and put them on the other way!


...actually; a hole about the size of the one already in the pads for mounting would probably work just fine!
Oct 11, 2006 at 2:30 PM Post #18 of 34
Because im one of those people who cant draw a straight line Im thinking of just using the ms1 with no modding at all for fear of ruining a good thing.If I just use the ms1 as it is with my PA2V2 amp will the sound be okay.I might buy a set of 414 pads for comfort benefits but keep them as they are with no cutting.
Oct 11, 2006 at 4:49 PM Post #19 of 34
I just recalled something! I used a 13/16" socket rather than perhaps something a bit bigger only because my 13/16" had a sharper edge to it!!

All you do, after taking the pads off, is center the socket in the center of the pad and wail away with a hammer!!

I used a piece of soft wood under the pad to take up some of the shock and allow the socket to cut through more easily, but it worked great!!
Oct 11, 2006 at 6:35 PM Post #20 of 34
i finally got my ms1 last week as well

i used reversed and modded 414 pads from the start till today and just tried out the other combinations: comfies, modded comfies and unmodded 414s.
right now i am using non-modded 414s and i really like thier signature as well as their comfort.
STOCK COMFIES: first i tried stock comfies but i missed the clear highs i got used to wearing modded 414s over the past days. tiny soundstage though.
MOD COMFIES: after making ~3cm wide holes into the comfies i tried them again and found a very nice sound with good bass as well as much better highs. still tiny soundstage.
MOD 414: as said i used holed reversed 414 pads for the last days and found very clear and wonderful highs but little bass. the soundstage is bigger than with the comfies.
414 PADS: now i am using my second pair of non-modded hd414 pads; they got nice clear highs as well as a decent bass, soundstage is bigger than with comfies, but i cant say if theres a difference to modded/reversed 414s.

i expierienced no discomfort with any of the pads.
right now i like unmodded 414 pads the most (slightly followed by modded comfies); but i might test all pads again in a few days and might get a different result then

all in all great phones with wonderful sound and a good value

i might get myself a third pair of 414 pads and make a smaller hole (my rev'd mod pads have too big holes to wear them non-rev'd regularly but sound a bit clearer than unmodded 414s) in it some time.
Oct 11, 2006 at 7:08 PM Post #21 of 34
I miss some treble with unmodded 414s, and I miss soundstage with modded comfies. Reversed 414s are just fine (together with slight EQing to bring some bass back). Guess I would like bowls as well, but ~40 bucks shipped to the EU is a ridiculus price for a silly piece of foam.
Oct 11, 2006 at 7:10 PM Post #22 of 34
That's one of the things that makes MS-1(actually, most Grados' in general)so convienient! We all have different hearing and ear sizes and music preferences, and a bunch of other stuff that effects what we hear, but here we are ablre to find what works best for our own particular situation!

Choice is great!

I ran out of fingers before I ran out of pad sellections availble to us Grado fans

Good stuff indeed!
Oct 12, 2006 at 1:44 AM Post #24 of 34

Originally Posted by Cynric
i finally got my ms1 last week as well

i used reversed and modded 414 pads from the start till today and just tried out the other combinations: comfies, modded comfies and unmodded 414s.
right now i am using non-modded 414s and i really like thier signature as well as their comfort.
STOCK COMFIES: first i tried stock comfies but i missed the clear highs i got used to wearing modded 414s over the past days. tiny soundstage though.
MOD COMFIES: after making ~3cm wide holes into the comfies i tried them again and found a very nice sound with good bass as well as much better highs. still tiny soundstage.
MOD 414: as said i used holed reversed 414 pads for the last days and found very clear and wonderful highs but little bass. the soundstage is bigger than with the comfies.
414 PADS: now i am using my second pair of non-modded hd414 pads; they got nice clear highs as well as a decent bass, soundstage is bigger than with comfies, but i cant say if theres a difference to modded/reversed 414s.

i expierienced no discomfort with any of the pads.
right now i like unmodded 414 pads the most (slightly followed by modded comfies); but i might test all pads again in a few days and might get a different result then

all in all great phones with wonderful sound and a good value

i might get myself a third pair of 414 pads and make a smaller hole (my rev'd mod pads have too big holes to wear them non-rev'd regularly but sound a bit clearer than unmodded 414s) in it some time.

Congatulations onf your purchase!! the MS-1 grew bigger everyday
Oct 12, 2006 at 1:46 AM Post #25 of 34

Originally Posted by F107plus5
I just recalled something! I used a 13/16" socket rather than perhaps something a bit bigger only because my 13/16" had a sharper edge to it!!

All you do, after taking the pads off, is center the socket in the center of the pad and wail away with a hammer!!

I used a piece of soft wood under the pad to take up some of the shock and allow the socket to cut through more easily, but it worked great!!

now that's some idea LOL! Hammer & Headphone modding was unheard of before but I will give it a try in my quest for a perfect cut
Oct 12, 2006 at 9:04 AM Post #27 of 34

Originally Posted by knalb
comfies are the pads it comes with? i'm near ordering my pair...

Yep, the very same comfies used for SR60. While it's fairly good for comfort but it also introduced a veil to the sound. That's why you get to see so many holed comfies here in Head-Fi
Oct 12, 2006 at 10:42 AM Post #28 of 34
Since were talkin' about pads here, I'm gonna drift off topic for just a moment.

I wandered out here this morning and instantly put on some tunes with my MS2i with bowls and noticed that, having had my MS2i for just about month now, the bowls have magically gotten softer overnight!

They actually DO get better over time!
Oct 13, 2006 at 1:15 AM Post #29 of 34

Originally Posted by F107plus5
Since were talkin' about pads here, I'm gonna drift off topic for just a moment.

I wandered out here this morning and instantly put on some tunes with my MS2i with bowls and noticed that, having had my MS2i for just about month now, the bowls have magically gotten softer overnight!

They actually DO get better over time!

Yeah I read the same thing too. Bowls get comfy as you use them frequently. The Soundstage and articulation they offer will justify running them in and endure the breaking in soreness
Oct 13, 2006 at 1:40 AM Post #30 of 34

Originally Posted by EFN
Yeah I read the same thing too. Bowls get comfy as you use them frequently. The Soundstage and articulation they offer will justify running them in and endure the breaking in soreness

Very true! They do sound a bit better than my reversed 414s and are getting to be even closer in comfort as well.

One thing I may have done to slow down the break-in process was doing some pad swapping early on.

I suppose it goes without saying, but I failed to note the orientation of the pads when I removed them so that when I reinstalled the bowls I didn't get them back in the same relationship to either my ears or the housings...oops!

Did it really make a difference? I dunno; but I guess it could.

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