Burson Conductor 3XGT
May 8, 2023 at 3:24 PM Post #137 of 170
Looks very interesting. Wonder if this will play nice with IEMs. Given the price of $2700, this is hopefully a no-compromise, no-nonsense all in one. I'll be keeping an eye on this for a future upgrade for sure.
Tried the conductor on low gain, was useless. Because they forgot to include the low gain of the soloist gt (1w,5w,10w) you only have 5w and 10w.

I admit with full size cans, the conductor gt sound crazy musical, seriously amazing, listening to it for days (it is just missing essential parts like the rca line-in quirck, only two gains, no crossfeed. As a dac/amp alone with no other wishes (it is amazing, I have to give them that). Not with IEM, volume 2 is already too loud. 5w on IEM is just a little to much
May 8, 2023 at 4:02 PM Post #138 of 170
Got a second hand Conductor 3X GT a few weeks ago. I really love the sound... it's so musical and crisp... Just being lost in the music... with plenty of details that are here but not pushed forward in an agressive way...
My HE6seV2 is working wonders with it... And the Power... I'm driving it SE in high gain between 15-20 (i suppose i'm a low volume listener). So far so good😀
BUT there is only one problem for my use case (listening quiet music in the evening laying in bed in a quiet room) : i can hear the noise of the fan between songs and even sometimes during a very quiet moment during a song... That's why i've put it in my classifieds for sale/trade...
But at the same time i'm also trying to find a way to reduce the noise of the fan as i'm 100% satisfied except for this...
Has anyone got the same problem ? And how did you deal it with ?
Thanks 😀
Try the noctua silencers (normaly they are supplied with the fan itself) but they also sell them seperately (they lower the dan around 400rpm. Beware though, they have to be space around it, because it gets a little warmer then. So test how hot it gets (propably also
depends how much power u are using, volume, headphone etc…)
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May 8, 2023 at 4:08 PM Post #139 of 170
Hey there, Soloist is pure amp, would be the best choice for your Holo. Conductor when used as an amplifier, whichever input you use, will do some upsampling and routing the sound through the internal DACs so you will finally hear the sound from the internal DACs, Burson have confirmed this when i asked the question, it is the same with all all in one gear (thats why they offer dedicated amps to use with dedicated dacs) Hope this helps
So that actually confirms, everything sounds like the 9038 dac. (I admit the build in dac is amazing, but with line in you don’t want that)
May 17, 2023 at 12:44 AM Post #140 of 170
Hi all. I am considering the Conductor vs a 11 Audio kDac and Broadway for my Diana TCs and Sennheiser HD800S. One question I’ve had and not been able to find an answer to is if the DSD support is native or if it converts it to PCM.

May 17, 2023 at 2:54 AM Post #141 of 170
Hi all. I am considering the Conductor vs a 11 Audio kDac and Broadway for my Diana TCs and Sennheiser HD800S. One question I’ve had and not been able to find an answer to is if the DSD support is native or if it converts it to PCM.

It supports native, but it depends in the device, phone it works, with ifi-stream it gives static noise every few seconds playing dsd native. (With phone the sound quality is just meh…. with pcm or dsd with the conductor.)

Found out the conductor 3xgt is really sensitive. Connecting a bluesound node2, I actually had to put a ifi spdif ipurifier between the conductor 3xgt and the bluesound before it did anything without dropouts (and yes I tried every setting om both devices.

Connected quite a good dac (musical fidelity xdac v8 - telefunken nos tubes) analogue to the conductor and actually had to put rca attenuators between it, yes the conductor is sensitive there as well, otherwise statique (and that dac worked on fiio, classe, rotel, musical fidelity nad, mcintosh, marantz and yamaha without issue)

Get the idea? So my advice test before buying really well. And yes it sounds amazing when it does, but it is picky on the connected devices
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May 17, 2023 at 3:40 AM Post #142 of 170
And you kept it? I’m not sure after all those hassles I would have.

Maybe you have a bad unit that should be returned. I suggest that because reviews or forums don’t seem to mention similar observations. In your shoes, I’d be concerned about my specific product.

I’ve not read that the iFi Zen streamer is a significant sound quality up from a DAP or Phone. But I’ll look into it. Thanks.

My source stream is likely either my Sony DAP or a raspberry pi or derivative running Roon feeding the USB C input on the Burson. Analog feed will come from a turntable.
May 17, 2023 at 4:02 AM Post #143 of 170
And you kept it? I’m not sure after all those hassles I would have.

Maybe you have a bad unit that should be returned. I suggest that because reviews or forums don’t seem to mention similar observations. In your shoes, I’d be concerned about my specific product.

I’ve not read that the iFi Zen streamer is a significant sound quality up from a DAP or Phone. But I’ll look into it. Thanks.

My source stream is likely either my Sony DAP or a raspberry pi or derivative running Roon feeding the USB C input on the Burson. Analog feed will come from a turntable.
I have it now for two weeks, but already in contact with the sales rep for returning.

The ifi zen stream, compared to phone (usb player pro bit perfect) at least sounded better (can’t speak about dap or rbp)

Just know analogue is not really analog, it is reworked through the 9038 dac chip, the only one treating it really analogue is the burson soloist 3xrgt
May 17, 2023 at 4:09 AM Post #144 of 170
Just know analogue is not really analog, it is reworked through the 9038 dac chip, the only one treating it really analogue is the burson soloist 3xrgt
Not unusual for a great deal of modern two channel stereo gear. My KEF LS60s and Devialet Expert 1000 Pro both do this. Pretty sure most multichannel home
theater receivers also do that at this point.

I can still very much tell the differences between the various phono preamps I have tried, so assuming similar implementation I don’t think it will bother me.

However you are right, I’d be far more upset if changes to analog sources did not result in differences in sound through the analog inputs.
May 17, 2023 at 4:36 AM Post #145 of 170
Not unusual for a great deal of modern two channel stereo gear. My KEF LS60s and Devialet Expert 1000 Pro both do this. Pretty sure most multichannel home
theater receivers also do that at this point.

I can still very much tell the differences between the various phono preamps I have tried, so assuming similar implementation I don’t think it will bother me.

However you are right, I’d be far more upset if changes to analog sources did not result in differences in sound through the analog inputs.
The reason why I actually mentioned this, is because in the Soloist 3gtx they use a real analogue volume control with 2x muses 72320 chip (for me it is a riddle why?, no space can't be the reason, because there is more than enough space inside to fit in something like that) In that case you don't have to rework it through the dac chip.
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May 17, 2023 at 5:29 AM Post #146 of 170
Found out another thing today, noticing why did some music sound better from one unit to the other? I thought it was playing native DSD, not a real problem it converts to PCM, BUT why one unit it upsamples to 192khz, the other 352khz, both using usb player pro bit perfect. and it is not the devices, because I connected those both devices to the xdsd gryphon as a test, and guess what 352khz (so the Burson dac again doing something weird, one device choosing 192khz converting the other 352khz for no reason).

(I really start to think, there is something weird going on that build in Burson dac?? and playing native through a ifi-stream dsd playing, is impossible (dropouts and static noise)

It maybe seems like reading this thread I am overly negative about the Burson, I have heared Burson amps before and they sound nice. But I am mainly negative the way the dac reacts in the conductor 3xgt. Too picky and weird reacting (coax and usb wise), in this price range it already should be perfect. (if a 599 Euro mobile Ifi xdsd gryphon, works perfect! with PCM, DSD, USB, Digital etc, than seriously COME ON!)

And yes the ifi-stream is a perky buggy device on it's own, but all the issues mentioned, dissapeared the moment I use the gryphon connected as a test.

Burson, with all do respect, you make great amps, but please fix the dac coax/usb issues in newer models will you?

Maybe it is my mistake I bought this device to use as a multi device, not only headphone amp (so maybe my bad) I wanted to use it as a preamp as well. Either there is something faulty with this device, or something else... I really don't know.
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May 17, 2023 at 11:44 AM Post #147 of 170
The reason why I actually mentioned this, is because in the Soloist 3gtx they use a real analogue volume control with 2x muses 72320 chip (for me it is a riddle why?, no space can't be the reason, because there is more than enough space inside to fit in something like that) In that case you don't have to rework it through the dac chip.

Not totally following you to be honest. It would make sense that the all Analog (no DAC) Soloist is all analog in terms of controls.

Equally not surprising is that the DAC+Amp all in one Conductor does more in the digital domain.

That said, I’m not sure I follow the concern about the volume implementation. So long as volume adjustment remains bit perfect what matters if the volume adjustment is done in digital vs analog domain? That is to say both have trade offs and issues. Any competently designed modern system will address their unique pro’s & con’s.

Is it a preference for keeping analog fully analog? If that’s the desire, I understand. At that point I would go for separate DAC and Amp boxes. Best way to guarantee no digitalness is to buy something non-digital. :xf_cool:

Sorry the Conductor turned out to be a dud for you.
May 17, 2023 at 11:48 AM Post #148 of 170
Found out another thing today, noticing why did some music sound better from one unit to the other? I thought it was playing native DSD, not a real problem it converts to PCM, BUT why one unit it upsamples to 192khz, the other 352khz, both using usb player pro bit perfect. and it is not the devices, because I connected those both devices to the xdsd gryphon as a test, and guess what 352khz (so the Burson dac again doing something weird, one device choosing 192khz converting the other 352khz for no reason).
Wait. What? You bought two Burson Conductors? And they both register different but rates? And all the issues you described above around input behaviors as well as sample rate randomness happens on both units?
May 17, 2023 at 2:02 PM Post #149 of 170
Wait. What? You bought two Burson Conductors? And they both register different but rates? And all the issues you described above around input behaviors as well as sample rate randomness happens on both units?
No I had two devices connected to the burson, but gave different sample rates on the display (both using usb player pro bit perfect.

The bizar is I connected those same devices, same settings same connection to another dac/amp, and than they both nicely reported 352khz conversion. It was the burson who treated it differently. And beeing both a android device with the same settings, that is wrong. That means the problem were not the devices but the Burson itself

The same with the ifi stream, playing dsd, the burson started to play static and dropouts, first I thought it was the ifi stream beeing buggy again, BUT it was not. Connecting the ifi-stream to another dac, the problem was gone, nicely playing dsd direct, no static, no noise or dropouts.

Yes all input behaviours, don’t know what it is going in that dac but it felt like after a week I was more troubleshooting than enjoying

Quite dissapointed because a soloist 3rxgt and a decent dac cost more, but a device with serious input issue’s a problem.

In other words, right now it is a conditional input, only if specific coax or usb rules are met it works okay, this is really annoying.
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