Budget good quality IEMs - Soundmagic E10?

Oct 12, 2014 at 5:26 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


Oct 12, 2014
I've been looking for a good quality IEMs for a long time, and after a lot of research I chose Soundmagic E10 due to a mass of positive feedbacks on them, although I've seen some bad ones too. When I finally got them I discovered that they are too big to fit comfortably in my ears (and not only mine) and keep falling out with most of the tips except those with two "stages". In the beginning I really loved the sound, but after few days of use I paid attention that the sound seems to get changed, and it gets my eardrums tired after prolonged listening (like I've been listening to a very loud music). And I also got a feeling of vacuum in my ears while wearing them. Both those things didn't happen in my previous and much cheaper Panasonic RP-HJE120.
So my question is is it possible for all those things to be just a part of getting used to them or should I just return them while I can and buy something better? And what do you suggest to buy if I do return them? I really liked the sound signature of my Panasonics, although they lacked a bit bass in my opinion (I listen to a wide range of music, so I need something pretty universal).
Thank you.
Oct 12, 2014 at 6:03 PM Post #2 of 16
I too have small ear canals so larger bodied iems are not too friendly.  Try some Vsonics and small tips, work great for me and fairly reasonable priced for the vsd1s.
Oct 12, 2014 at 7:16 PM Post #3 of 16
The RPHJE120 is a very bright earphone that is very bass deficient. The HJE120 is also very inefficient, at only around 96 db/mw. 
The Soundmagic E10 will play much louder with the same volume setting on your player. The E10 and ES18 also produce much more bass.
If you want more bass, you could get the Panasonic RPHJE450. It has plenty of bass impact. It uses 12.5mm drivers, while those on the 
E10 and ES18 are 10mm. Panasonic has the HJE450 on sale on their website for $20. I wonder if they are being replaced with a newer model?
The HJE355 is newer and gives more detail, but much less bass. Its drivers are 10.7mm. The HJE355 is the replacement to the HJE350.
I have been waiting a few years hoping to see a model HJE455, similar to the HJE450 but with more detail.
Oct 13, 2014 at 2:07 AM Post #4 of 16
Thank you for your answers!
I think I won't return my soundmagics after all. I've tested them once again, and the sound is actually pretty good if you don't insert them too deep. But they still feel uncomfortable and I keep feeling vacuum in the left ear. Is it OK to feel vacuum while using in ears?
Oct 13, 2014 at 7:55 AM Post #5 of 16
Thank you for your answers!
I think I won't return my soundmagics after all. I've tested them once again, and the sound is actually pretty good if you don't insert them too deep. But they still feel uncomfortable and I keep feeling vacuum in the left ear. Is it OK to feel vacuum while using in ears?

That 'vacum' feeling you are experiencing is likely due to the technique you are using to insert them. Have you tried using different tips?
Oct 13, 2014 at 12:24 PM Post #6 of 16
I'm using bi-flange tips because none of the regular ones that came with the earphones don't stay in my ear. I've also tried the tips of my previous earphones, but they don't stay as well, and the earphones just keep falling out. It's strange, because my ears are regular size and usually medium tips are the best fitting for me. I think the earphones themselves are just too big.
Oct 13, 2014 at 12:35 PM Post #7 of 16
I'm using bi-flange tips because none of the regular ones that came with the earphones don't stay in my ear. I've also tried the tips of my previous earphones, but they don't stay as well, and the earphones just keep falling out. It's strange, because my ears are regular size and usually medium tips are the best fitting for me. I think the earphones themselves are just too big.

It seems like the enclosures on the Soundmagic ES18 might be smaller than those of the E10? I don't have the E10
to compare my ES18 to. Those who have both claim they sound very similar, and probably use the same drivers.
Oct 13, 2014 at 3:16 PM Post #8 of 16
I've read that E10's and ES18's are pretty similar (E10's are slightly better), but the design is different indeed. In any case, you might be right. It seems to me that ES18's might be more comfortable because the part where you attach the tip on them is a little longer and maybe thinner. On the other hand, E10's have more compact and "short" body that prevents them from fitting deep into the ear canal. Anyway, my question is is there any way to prevent that vacuum feeling and get a better fit without buying some expensive foam tips or other stuff?
Oct 13, 2014 at 5:16 PM Post #9 of 16
You don't have tips from other earphones that might fit? The problem with foam tips isn't just that they are expensive, but that they don't last long, so you need to keep repurchasing them.
Oct 14, 2014 at 3:13 AM Post #10 of 16
As I said, I've tried the tips of my previous earphones that would fit perfectly with those, but still keep falling out with E10's. I think the problem is in the design of the phones themselves and not in the tips I use, but I'll still try different tips once again.
Oct 24, 2014 at 7:46 PM Post #11 of 16
Ok, so if someone is still interested, I've put the medium tips back and learned to put them in a right way to get a good seal. That way they are more comfortable than the bi-flange ones, but still the seal is far from perfect and they aren't as comfortable as my previous earphones. The sound is good, although the bass is kinda lacking due to the poor seal...
Feb 3, 2015 at 10:49 AM Post #12 of 16
I Own Soundmagic E10 I am thinking of upgrade   i have following options 
Brainwavz M5
Klipsch s4
Panasonic RP HJE450
Philips SHE9700
or any other
What should i Buy , just suggest by sound quality  only
Jan 7, 2017 at 1:42 AM Post #14 of 16
I have both. The E10 is a mids-forward IEM. It sounds great, but it is a budget item and in absolute terms, it lacks the last bit of transparency. The E50 is a much refined E10 with more of everything you want--soundstage, neutrality, transparency. I believe they are one of the great budget IEMs currently available.

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