Brand New : Tralucent Audio Ref.1 Too & original Ref.1
Nov 4, 2016 at 10:49 AM Post #4,261 of 4,426
Glad to hear your enjoying them mate. As expected... I miss them already 

Most definitely enjoying them :)
I ordered a Mojo once I came to the realization the reason I wasn't completely enamored from the start was because I was trying to drive them directly from my Nexus 6p. After trying them on my Wolfson WM8740-based iBasso D10 I decided from this point on I shall never run TOTL phones without a high quality DAC/AMP. What's weird is initially when I bought the D10 I couldn't tell a difference but now it just seems "better". I think it's due to the DAC/AMP having much less distortion so the soundstage/distance between notes seem clearer. 
Now I really want those Purplehearts, lol. Hook me up 

Nov 4, 2016 at 11:12 AM Post #4,263 of 4,426
Z5 are great as well, but I prefer the Ref 1 Too by far.

Interesting- it seems like the stage is taller on the Ref.1 but sonically both of their outputs are excellent to my ears. Are you still thinking about getting the Dorado?
Nov 4, 2016 at 10:24 PM Post #4,265 of 4,426
Ref 1 is already much better than Z5 when I audition both, I am sure Ref 1 Too is even better.

Z5 is a great IEM for its price, and if you like the sound signature of Z5, Ref 1 or Ref 1TOO will be a big upgrade.

Sold my Z5 after testing out Ref 1, JH Siren series.

Will try out Ref 1 TOO next week comparing Ref 1 when have time.

Z5 are great as well, but I prefer the Ref 1 Too by far.
Nov 15, 2016 at 10:36 AM Post #4,266 of 4,426
Hello all, first post for me and what a strange one you'll probably think it is, for I post a mystery towards which your help is much appreciated.
Funnily enough I recently bought a pair of IEMs, which were acquired through another headfi member by yours truly, similar in shape to these and of exquisite sound quality.
Alas a driver or its wiring gave way on the right monitor some months after purchase. They were sold to me as 1+2s, as is also indicated by the serial number on the IEMs. Imagine my surprise when I sent the mail requesting Gavin to repair them only to hear they were indeed no 1+2's and could not service them. 
Then again imagine my surprise to see this thread holding pictures of monitors if not exactly the same, then very, very similar to the ones I have, presented as the new product launched by none other than Tralucent. Not only are they identical or similar in shape, the sound quality is astounding. Shure's 846s are easily outclassed by them, the soundstage is phenomenal, the bass accurate, deep and spacious of the highs and lows. They are indeed sublime, if not for the faltering right monitor. But that leaves the question, if this is a singular prototype, how did I get my hands on something so similar in look and phenomenal in sound?
A mystery indeed, but my more direct problem is that I know of no place that can service them and I'm loathe to listen to anything through my 846s replacements. I miss them so much.
Can anyone help me?
Perhaps there is someone willing and capable of having a look and repair these mystery IEMs.
Nov 15, 2016 at 11:13 AM Post #4,267 of 4,426
Hello all, first post for me and what a strange one you'll probably think it is, for I post a mystery towards which your help is much appreciated.

Funnily enough I recently bought a pair of IEMs, which were acquired through another headfi member by yours truly, similar in shape to these and of exquisite sound quality.

Alas a driver or its wiring gave way on the right monitor some months after purchase. They were sold to me as 1+2s, as is also indicated by the serial number on the IEMs. Imagine my surprise when I sent the mail requesting Gavin to repair them only to hear they were indeed no 1+2's and could not service them. 

Then again imagine my surprise to see this thread holding pictures of monitors if not exactly the same, then very, very similar to the ones I have, presented as the new product launched by none other than Tralucent. Not only are they identical or similar in shape, the sound quality is astounding. Shure's 846s are easily outclassed by them, the soundstage is phenomenal, the bass accurate, deep and spacious of the highs and lows. They are indeed sublime, if not for the faltering right monitor. But that leaves the question, if this is a singular prototype, how did I get my hands on something so similar in look and phenomenal in sound?


A mystery indeed, but my more direct problem is that I know of no place that can service them and I'm loathe to listen to anything through my 846s replacements. I miss them so much.

Can anyone help me?

Perhaps there is someone willing and capable of having a look and repair these mystery IEMs.

How weird! If they are fake, then someone has gone to a lot of trouble. Have you spoken to whoever sold them to you?
Nov 15, 2016 at 12:39 PM Post #4,268 of 4,426
Hello all, first post for me and what a strange one you'll probably think it is, for I post a mystery towards which your help is much appreciated.

Funnily enough I recently bought a pair of IEMs, which were acquired through another headfi member by yours truly, similar in shape to these and of exquisite sound quality.

Alas a driver or its wiring gave way on the right monitor some months after purchase. They were sold to me as 1+2s, as is also indicated by the serial number on the IEMs. Imagine my surprise when I sent the mail requesting Gavin to repair them only to hear they were indeed no 1+2's and could not service them. 

Then again imagine my surprise to see this thread holding pictures of monitors if not exactly the same, then very, very similar to the ones I have, presented as the new product launched by none other than Tralucent. Not only are they identical or similar in shape, the sound quality is astounding. Shure's 846s are easily outclassed by them, the soundstage is phenomenal, the bass accurate, deep and spacious of the highs and lows. They are indeed sublime, if not for the faltering right monitor. But that leaves the question, if this is a singular prototype, how did I get my hands on something so similar in look and phenomenal in sound?

A mystery indeed, but my more direct problem is that I know of no place that can service them and I'm loathe to listen to anything through my 846s replacements. I miss them so much.

Can anyone help me?

Perhaps there is someone willing and capable of having a look and repair these mystery IEMs.

How weird! If they are fake, then someone has gone to a lot of trouble. Have you spoken to whoever sold them to you?

I have, and they have been courteous enough in their offer to refund or replace them, but if I'm honest, the sound quality of the IEMs was simply so good that I'd much rather see them repaired than replaced. As stated before, the 846s sound gruff and unrefined by comparison.
Nov 16, 2016 at 6:50 PM Post #4,269 of 4,426
Well, I think the lesson from this is to be cautious now that we know that there are fakes in the market. :frowning2:
Nov 16, 2016 at 8:19 PM Post #4,271 of 4,426
If there are fake 1+2, I wonder how many of the Tranlucent Ref 1 and Ref 1 TOO could also be fakes?

Whenever there are good products, there's always a chance. Generally speaking. Since Tralucent iems are directly purchased from Gavin, there is some form of control there. :)
Nov 16, 2016 at 8:59 PM Post #4,275 of 4,426

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