Boulder 812 Preamp/Headphone Amp/Dac
Oct 2, 2022 at 4:46 PM Post #91 of 121
Was able to hear the 812 at CanJam SoCal since the Audeze booth had one. The LCD-3 on it was one of the best things I heard at the show. Actually bought an LCD-3 based on it, and I hope it’s somewhere near as good with my existing setup. Very wide and unique soundstage and some of the best mids I’ve ever heard. The same with the TT2 they had was just terrible. Lifeless and so different that I questioned if I was really listening to the same LCD-3. Went back to the 812 with it and nope, still amazing on it. If I wasn’t a tube person and in the market for such a DAC & amp I’d probably be saving up for it.
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Oct 2, 2022 at 4:47 PM Post #92 of 121
Was able to hear the 812 at CanJam SoCal since the Audeze booth had one. The LCD-3 on it was one of the best things I heard at the show. Actually bought an LCD-3 based on it, and I hope it’s somewhere near as good with my existing setup. Very wide and unique soundstage and some of the best mids I’ve every heard. The same with the TT2 they had was just terrible. Lifeless and so different that I questioned if I was really listening to the same LCD-3. Went back to the 812 with it and nope, still amazing on it. If I wasn’t a tube person and in the market for such a DAC & amp I’d probably be saving up for it.
Damn I wish I saw that.
They had the 812 at Munich, but not plugged in or available for demo. So could only look at it.
There was also one in the Headamp private room at SoCal but no one was allowed to use the headphone amp on it, only use it as a DAC for the BHSE unfortunately. So couldn't try that either.
Oct 2, 2022 at 4:55 PM Post #93 of 121
Damn I wish I saw that.
They had the 812 at Munich, but not plugged in or available for demo. So could only look at it.
There was also one in the Headamp private room at SoCal but no one was allowed to use the headphone amp on it, only use it as a DAC for the BHSE unfortunately. So couldn't try that either.
How come they didn't allow people to try the headphone out? Something to do with blowing it up using the DAC at the same time? Or was it just not working or something?
Oct 2, 2022 at 4:59 PM Post #94 of 121
How come they didn't allow people to try the headphone out? Something to do with blowing it up using the DAC at the same time? Or was it just not working or something?
No idea unfortunately. I went to plug something in and was told "We're not doing that".

There was a lot of gear on the table and I've no idea how it was all connected so maybe there was a reason. It was a shame though as that was the device I was most looking forward to trying in that room
Oct 2, 2022 at 9:16 PM Post #95 of 121
No idea unfortunately. I went to plug something in and was told "We're not doing that".

There was a lot of gear on the table and I've no idea how it was all connected so maybe there was a reason. It was a shame though as that was the device I was most looking forward to trying in that room
Thats a shame :frowning2:
Nov 2, 2022 at 11:17 PM Post #96 of 121
This thing is insane!!!!

It is dynamic and full as Wavedream yet much more natural with great air as well!

I am more and only interested in 802 as a preamp though in that I found as a dac /headamp, while it is beefy, full, kicking ass, lacking a bit three dimensionalities and spatial presentation, just a tad too over my face. That is why it could benefit largely from a better power amp. Other than that, this piece alone could be an end game system.

After listening to this, I could understand why Jay from Jay’s Audio Lab uses Boulders for that high resolution and full, natural and dynamic Boulder sound.
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Nov 3, 2022 at 12:23 AM Post #97 of 121
This thing is insane!!!!

It is dynamic and full as Wavedream yet much more natural with great air as well!

I am more and only interested in 802 as a preamp though in that I found as a dac /headamp, while it is beefy, full, kicking ass, lacking a bit three dimensionalities and spatial presentation, just a tad too over my face. That is why it could benefit largely from a better power amp. Other than that, this piece alone could be an end game system.

After listening to this, I could understand why Jay from Jay’s Audio Lab uses Boulders for that high resolution and full, natural and dynamic Boulder sound.
Yes, it is ashame Boulder did not give the HP amp the power they normally place in their amps. A great preamp I am sure.
Feb 5, 2023 at 11:08 AM Post #98 of 121
Can anyone confirm whether the Boulder 812 can stream via Wi-Fi? I have had two different answers from two dealers so am still not certain. I’m thinking of putting my headphone amp not near any Ethernet port so Wi-Fi streaming of Roon, Tidal etc like the Naim Uniti Atom HP Ed. Is needed.
Feb 5, 2023 at 11:26 AM Post #100 of 121
Yes you can but Wi-Fi is the killer for sound quality. 812 will benefit from a high end network switch with a decent Ethernet cable in that its stage and dimensions are rather lacking, comparatively speaking.
Thanks for the suggestion. Are analog inputs digitised or left analog to the outputs? I’m asking because I’m wondering whether, if you have a top class dac already it worth trying to use analog inputs or an network cable? Which would provide best quality?
Feb 5, 2023 at 11:29 AM Post #101 of 121
Thanks for the suggestion. Are analog inputs digitised or left analog to the outputs? I’m asking because I’m wondering whether, if you have a top class dac already it worth trying to use analog inputs or an network cable? Which would provide best quality?
812 is mostly a streamer DAC. If you already have a top class dac and just need a headphone amp, there are tons of better choices than 812 as a pure headphone amplifier, even its built in amp is by no means slouch.

If you want Boulder amp why don’t you buy a Boulder speaker amp and use speaker to xlr taps. I know people using Boulder 866 driving TC
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Feb 5, 2023 at 11:54 AM Post #102 of 121
812 is mostly a streamer DAC. If you already have a top class dac and just need a headphone amp, there are tons of better choices than 812 as a pure headphone amplifier, even its built in amp is by no means slouch.

If you want Boulder amp why don’t you buy a Boulder speaker amp and use speaker to xlr taps. I know people using Boulder 866 driving TC
You’re probably right. However I really don’t want a full width piece so 866 is not suitable either. My ideal search is for a high quality Wi-Fi enabled streaming dac headphone amp.
Feb 5, 2023 at 2:39 PM Post #103 of 121
The two balanced analog inputs on the 812 is off course kept purely analog (and balanced) to both the headphone amp and the balanced output from the pre amp. It's not like the Unity Atom headphone edition where the analog input is digitized and then converted back again (a serious corner to cut in my opinion).
I have been using my 812 purely as a headphone amp for more than 7 months now, and mostly with the analog inputs (CD's from a BCD-3 and vinyl from a Whest phono stage), and I'm only using the built in DAC with streaming from Roon for inspiration and checking out new music. The headphone amp in the 812 is very very good, and to me that alone makes the 812 worth every penny, but the DAC is also very good and I could easily live with only the built in DAC, also for CD's from a proper transport.
I have not tried to connect by wi-fi (with the wi-fi dongle), but in every other context regarding music reproduction, wi-fi has always been inferior to a hard wired ethernet connection, and I agree with hifixman that the 812 deserves a proper network switch with a decent ethernet cable.
I have never considered a wi-fi connection for streaming, so I don't have any good suggestions for an alternative to the 812 as a streaming DAC , if the wi-fi dongle solution doesn't work. But with only a wi-fi connection, either to the 812 or to another DAC, you will not get the full benefit from the 812.
Feb 5, 2023 at 7:12 PM Post #104 of 121
The two balanced analog inputs on the 812 is off course kept purely analog (and balanced) to both the headphone amp and the balanced output from the pre amp. It's not like the Unity Atom headphone edition where the analog input is digitized and then converted back again (a serious corner to cut in my opinion).
I have been using my 812 purely as a headphone amp for more than 7 months now, and mostly with the analog inputs (CD's from a BCD-3 and vinyl from a Whest phono stage), and I'm only using the built in DAC with streaming from Roon for inspiration and checking out new music. The headphone amp in the 812 is very very good, and to me that alone makes the 812 worth every penny, but the DAC is also very good and I could easily live with only the built in DAC, also for CD's from a proper transport.
I have not tried to connect by wi-fi (with the wi-fi dongle), but in every other context regarding music reproduction, wi-fi has always been inferior to a hard wired ethernet connection, and I agree with hifixman that the 812 deserves a proper network switch with a decent ethernet cable.
I have never considered a wi-fi connection for streaming, so I don't have any good suggestions for an alternative to the 812 as a streaming DAC , if the wi-fi dongle solution doesn't work. But with only a wi-fi connection, either to the 812 or to another DAC, you will not get the full benefit from the 812.
Very useful, thanks. Glad to hear that you are still enamoured with the 812 after 7 months. That bodes well. May I ask how the Boulder app is holding up? Some reviews say that it is not the best? If I was to venture down this road it would probably still mainly be streaming so the interface to the normal streaming services is important. Thanks.
Feb 6, 2023 at 10:12 AM Post #105 of 121
The Boulder app is only used for controlling Boulder devices, not for connecting to any streaming services.
Some of the functions in the Boulder app are duplicates from the front panel, like selecting input and adjusting volume, but some functions are only present in the app, like separate attenuation of each input (for volume levelling between inputs). I have experienced a few times where the app couldn't recognize the 812, but it has not made any impact on using it since these functions are rarely used once you have made the initial setup.
The connection to a streaming service is not done from the Boulder app, and in my normal use with Roon, I don't use the Boulder app at all. I just start up Roon and the 812 is recognized, and this has not caused any problems whatsoever. Off course this requires that the initial setup has been made.
I assume this will be the same with the wi-fi connection from the wi-fi dongle, but the manual states that the wi-fi connection is made from the Boulder app, and since I haven't tried that, I can't say for sure that is the case.

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