Bought a X-Series Walkman and I'm disappointed.
Feb 9, 2011 at 12:50 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 29


Now known as: HiFiGuy528
Nov 2, 2010
After reading about Sony has killed the X-Series, I wanted to get one before they're all gone.  Bought one new and received it yesterday.  After a few hours of playing/comparing the sound quality to my iPhone 4, I've come to the conclusion that it doesn't sound any better.  The ugly UI and the lack of Artwork/Album info on the Walkman with WAV. files is a pain in the you know where.  All the tracks are pulled into one album.  I need to add that I am using a Mac so all I can do is drag in drop from folders.  The included Sony software doesn't work on Macs. My iPhone 4 sounds better with Apple Lossless file than the uncompressed WAV. file which means that the Walkman isn't all that much better, hardware wise.  Another bad was the noise (hiss) it makes, even with non-noise canceling earphones (MDR-EX300).  My iPhone 4 is silent.  I'm gonna keep the Walkman because it is a piece of Walkman history, but that's all it has going for it.

Feb 9, 2011 at 12:59 AM Post #2 of 29
I do recall several people complaining about the hiss on the X - personally, I never had a problem. Still the best DAP I have ever owned.
Feb 9, 2011 at 1:13 AM Post #4 of 29
I love Sony audio gear.  Heck, I collect old Sony ES gear.  But this Walkman is a FAILED.
Feb 9, 2011 at 1:45 AM Post #5 of 29
I heard so many people saying it is/was the KILLER DAP but some said even the S-series sounds better. I really don't know but I believe pairing DAP and earphone is also a important factor. Different combination sounds differently.
Feb 9, 2011 at 9:50 AM Post #6 of 29
Best sounding DAP I ever owned, even better then the Sony A808 I had before that, but not that much better.
A very relaxed combination with the Senn IE8s.
But we all hear different, and of course great expectations are a recipee for disappointment.
I agree about the interface being mediocre, I hate the touchscreen, batteryl life is not as good as older Sonys and the hp-out distortst when I touch the headphonejack, and sometimes the left or the right channel give no sound; easily repaired with a little rummaging, but very annoying.
But again, I absolutely love the way it sounds, smooth and full yet detailed and dynamic.
Feb 9, 2011 at 6:34 PM Post #7 of 29

i think its overhyped just like the clip+

Friend, its ALL overhyped. There are 4 PR people for every professional journalist in the US today, and God-knows-how-many marketing spin doctors behind them - of course its overhyped. As for whether the X was 'oversold' on Head-Fi, the home of the blazing FOTM, why shame on you for even beginning to suggest that you may have been hoodwinked.
Your naivety disgusts me :)
Feb 9, 2011 at 6:56 PM Post #8 of 29
PFFT!!! TBH any player that you can pop Rockbox on and do a custom EQ job sounds better than any Sony. This isn't an opinion - it's a fact. Ask anyone who's compared the Sony's vs a Rockboxed iPod/clip/Fuze/clip+ - only a blatant fanboi will tell you different. And it's not even because of the EQ - it's that the sound is uncolored by any processing Sony slips into their devices. I'll admit, they do sound good - but they aren't true to the recording.
Still, that's why most of us love the Sony sound - it's flavored by the bass!!!
Feb 9, 2011 at 11:22 PM Post #9 of 29

I'll admit, they do sound good - but they aren't true to the recording.

I dont care how they make the milkshake, I just want it to taste good. I'll leave 'true to the recording' analyses to the folk at Stereophile.
Feb 10, 2011 at 1:03 AM Post #10 of 29

I dont care how they make the milkshake, I just want it to taste good. I'll leave 'true to the recording' analyses to the folk at Stereophile.

Then apparently you misunderstood what I said - especially since I'm a known EQ nut - aka (according to the elitist's on the site) as a non-audio purist. I'm after what sounds good - not what's best for the next day's audiophile toolkit.
Especially since you zeroed in on just one comment,...

Feb 10, 2011 at 3:54 AM Post #11 of 29
I loved the build quality and overal feel of the unit. The sound quality was steller using the line-out to my Arrow amp and this removed any hiss present. I sold it only because I couldn't stand the short battery life. The thing can't be turned off! The battery drains even when you don't use it. If they would've fixed this and added better video support I would've kept it and used it as my main player.
I didn't like the Iphone4's headphone out very much. It lacked the X1050's slightly warmer mids. The X had an overal warmer and more pleasant sound to my ears. Plus handling an Apple product makes me feel dirty inside. 

Feb 10, 2011 at 5:27 AM Post #12 of 29
Sorry you don't like the X fella, but you really ought to sell it on as there are still people who are looking for one. It's sound isn't hyped up, those of us who appreciate a refined subtle sq love it.
Feb 10, 2011 at 5:41 AM Post #13 of 29

PFFT!!! TBH any player that you can pop Rockbox on and do a custom EQ job sounds better than any Sony. This isn't an opinion - it's a fact. Ask anyone who's compared the Sony's vs a Rockboxed iPod/clip/Fuze/clip+ - only a blatant fanboi will tell you different. And it's not even because of the EQ - it's that the sound is uncolored by any processing Sony slips into their devices. I'll admit, they do sound good - but they aren't true to the recording.
Still, that's why most of us love the Sony sound - it's flavored by the bass!!!

That's hardly a fact, that's just an opinion.  
I hate the Clip+ now that was one overhyped piece of equipment. 
The Xs are okay... but too expensive for what they're worth. I love the sound. Very warm and full-bodied. I don't really subscribe to the "uncolored natural" thing, I like my sound colored.
I think the X is a really great player. But lately I've been falling back on iPods. The newer gen iPods sound really good.  I don't get this hiss problem with the X though... never heard any. 
Feb 10, 2011 at 9:24 AM Post #14 of 29
I'm waiting for the MDR-Z1000 to hit the streets in the U.S. Maybe it will pair better with the Walkman.
Feb 10, 2011 at 9:36 PM Post #15 of 29

That's hardly a fact, that's just an opinion.  
I hate the Clip+ now that was one overhyped piece of equipment. 
The Xs are okay... but too expensive for what they're worth. I love the sound. Very warm and full-bodied. I don't really subscribe to the "uncolored natural" thing, I like my sound colored.
I think the X is a really great player. But lately I've been falling back on iPods. The newer gen iPods sound really good.  I don't get this hiss problem with the X though... never heard any. 

Fact OR opinion, I've mostly gone back to my iPods as well. But, for the sheer driving power it possesses, I've chosen to use my Cowon D2 over all my other players at home (unless the system is thumpin', then the D2 gets shelved). It just powers all my cans w/authority - but it still lacks the sweet "boomy" low end the Sony's all have. Even the iPod's all lack that low end.
For overall enjoyment and sweet smooth mids & lows the Sony lineup can't really be beat,...especially the X Series.
PS: I don't use BBE on ANY Cowon I've owned/own - I personally do NOT like it.

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