Bookshelf Speakers with a Pioneer Receiver...
Mar 10, 2004 at 2:29 AM Post #16 of 31
I found an interesting shoot out for you to read, vwap. Compares the VR1, Onix reference, and GR research diluceo. The VR1 you know, the Onix is a Chinese speaker that has gotten huge response in certain forums as a real reference speaker, and the GR research is a diy speaker that you can buy as a kit (and I think someone will build a cabinet for you if you don't want to build it.)


I think Onix speakers are only available at
The link to the diluceos is:
Mar 10, 2004 at 2:59 AM Post #17 of 31
I've heard so many great things about the Onix reference and GR-Research speakers that I was sorely tempted to order each at one time or another. I ended up with ACI Sapphire speakers, which only extend down to about 40 Hz. However, I sometimes play them without a sub and they sound excellent.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you seem to be on the right track. But, don't rule out ACI. If on a budget, I'd also recommend Ascend or Axioms.

I'd go back to the site and do a search of all of these speakers and hear what people are saying. From what I understand, they, like most speakers, have their individual sonic footprints. By reading what others say, you'll be able to better determine what meets your particular tastes. I must have read a thousand posts before choosing my Sapphires, but I've never looked back. Best speakers I've ever owned, but, again, that's my taste.
Mar 10, 2004 at 3:02 AM Post #18 of 31
By the way, I noticed you're in the L.A. area. If you're interested, I can set you up with an internet friend to go audition the Ascend speakers. Actually, the moderator for the Ascend forum, Curtis, lives in Manhattan Beach and I don't think he'd mind you popping by. If I recall, he's recently had the Onix and ACI Sapphires in his house to test.

Just looked and their top bookshelf speakers plus a Hsu VTF-2 sub go for under $800. I'm going to visit Curtis one of these days, but everything I hear about these speakers is that they are wonderful. Some people don't like the looks though.

Here's a link to some reviews:

Let me know if you're interested.Link

Mar 10, 2004 at 3:42 AM Post #19 of 31
CBM-170 looks like a cheap Kurre knock off heheh.
Looks like they use the same Audax driver and a cheaper tweeter.

Wait the driver looks abit different actually.
Mar 10, 2004 at 4:24 AM Post #22 of 31
Thanks for the link. The description is indeed similar to some of the things I've heard about Ascends. Alas, I've heard neither, although I will drop by Curtis's place soon to hear the Ascends and perhaps a few more (he's always doing comparisons between different speakers).

I will say I like the cabinetry of the Kurres better than the Ascend, at least from what I can tell from the picture in the link.
Mar 10, 2004 at 4:27 AM Post #23 of 31
Kewl let us know how the Ascends sound.

The veneer is very very beautiful.
The speaker weighs a ton.
Mar 10, 2004 at 4:39 AM Post #24 of 31
Hehe, actually, it's vwap that's looking for speakers, not me. I was just trying to give him some options besides the VR-1's which, as I mentioned before, sure seem to pop up on Audiogon A LOT.

Still, I'd love to hear the Ascends. I've heard wonderful things about them, and also that they are very bright. People pretty much prefer the Onix Reference over the Ascends, but you gotta keep in mind the Onix References are close to 5x more expensive. If you want to arrange a get together, I'd be interested in lugging my NHT monitors over to have a little comparison. However, I'm prepared to LOVE my speakers no matter what because I can't afford anything at the moment

Ctn: The Ascends use a custom Audax aerogel driver. Pretty sure it's audax because I don't know anyone else who makes an "aerogel" carbon fiber/kevlar woofer like that
Mar 10, 2004 at 4:51 AM Post #25 of 31
People usually sell their speakers when they dont like it.
Tells you something.

Yep hehe Im pretty sure it's Audax too.
The phase plug looks abit shorter than on the Kurre's.
Mar 10, 2004 at 5:00 AM Post #26 of 31

Originally posted by Ctn
People usually sell their speakers when they dont like it.
Tells you something.

Not sure if that's what I'm hearing. Half of the sellers are dealers. And most of the rest are just up grading. Some of these people are just going up the Von Schweikert audio chain.
Mar 10, 2004 at 5:14 AM Post #27 of 31
I hear you, darkclouds, but it still seems to have a bit more of a presence than the other high end brands. I mean, I really noticed these guys on audiogon and I'll tell you - I'd never read a single review or piece of hype about the VR-1's until I read the link I found today on Audiocircle. Ok, I might have read an ad once, a few weeks ago linking to their website. I really only know of them through their classified ads on Audiogon.
Mar 10, 2004 at 5:28 AM Post #30 of 31
The other thing is, the VR-1 are a gateway product, kinda your first pair of good headphones, like Grado SR-80. It's expensive, compare to what you may get at best buy for a pair of bookshelves, or headphones, respectively. But they are really just an entry level product. Something to "hook" you. They are fantastic for a grand, and a steal for $600-700 used.

I've been seriously thinking about upgrading to something much more expensive (something about 2k used, to match my componenents price wise). But I just couldn't really find anything wrong with them; and they do so many things right. So I've decided to ad the matching sub instead.

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