bookshelf speakers + sub - how well does it work?
Mar 30, 2004 at 2:15 AM Post #31 of 68

Originally posted by ooheadsoo
If you're going to mix and match from different companies (more importantly, mix and match designs) then the phase control becomes more important.

I think so too. The Aperion had a 0-180 phase toggle switch which was something at least. While I used it, I actually had to use that switch at 180.
Mar 30, 2004 at 2:24 AM Post #32 of 68
IMO, if you're not using a nice, bug sub with your bookshelf speakers (provided your bookshelfs are really nice), you're not gettign the full sound spectrum and the full presentation. I know many of the Klipsch bookshelf speakers have crossovers in the 40-60 hz. range. You NEED a sub to get deep. The same goes for floorstanding speakers in the same crossover range, provided they don't already have a large woofer cone in them.
Mar 30, 2004 at 1:49 PM Post #33 of 68
two sub companies that have very good reputations are REL and Definitive .

Thanks for saving me a trip listening to the Velodyne.
Mar 30, 2004 at 5:24 PM Post #34 of 68
Mirage BPS 150/150i

Has anyone heard of this sub? I think the RELs are a little too expensive for me, I'm not sure about the Definitives. But I would gladly upgrade my speakers before considering what I heard in Future Shop.
Mar 30, 2004 at 5:36 PM Post #35 of 68
The Dayton Titanic kit sub is supposed to be very musical. I woulda bought that if I hadn't wanted to save some money.

Ask Sean_H about it, he highly recommended the Dayton sub.
Mar 30, 2004 at 6:12 PM Post #37 of 68
I have heard of the Mirage sub - nice Canadian brand incidentally, and aligned with Energy and Athena.

The BPS is a solid performer, though I do not own it.

I built my own sub, it was fun, and MAY have cost less in the end - depends on how one costs one's time etc.

I would go listen to the Mirage, it is a good brand, and may integrate well with what you have for speakers.

Your room will, or course, ultimately dictate how well these two will work together.

Best of luck, and if in the West end, give me a shout Tomek.

Mar 30, 2004 at 6:17 PM Post #38 of 68

Originally posted by eyeteeth
What are your speakers? Sorry if you've already said.

They are by a smaller manufacturer. FAB Audio Brats.

They are very efficent and very, very fast speakers.
Mar 30, 2004 at 9:46 PM Post #39 of 68

Originally posted by tomek
They are by a smaller manufacturer. FAB Audio Brats.

They are very efficent and very, very fast speakers.

Wow, they look sweet. "very efficent", you're not kidding,10db more efficient than my monitors! How much were they? Personally I have trouble spending more than half the main speaker's amount on a sub. The Brat's 41Hz - 20kHz +/- 3db seems pretty good though?
Mar 30, 2004 at 10:59 PM Post #40 of 68
Wow, nice looking speakers and integrated stands! Used lead instead of bracing...interesting strategy! Wonder why they didn't just brace

If it's true that they go down to 45hz flat and you have an amp that will drive them down there, you're going to have a HECK of a time getting a sub that can better it without going DIY. Unless you're willing to spend $$$$. Personally, I'd go with a new system from scratch
Mar 30, 2004 at 11:37 PM Post #41 of 68
i don't know.

are they flat to 45hz? does the room or positioning matter in this? how can i really tell aside from the specs they come with?

i just compared my paradigm mini monitors to them, run from the same amp. sure, they sound like they're playing from behind a pillow, but there seems to be more bass.

like i said, i have these things in the near field, many feet away from the wall. when i put them up closer, it fills out some more, but then i don't get that soundstage that goes 7 feet back behind the speakers.

anyone can come by and listen to them btw, and as for cost, they were about $ 2K CDN and are being run by a modded ASL 1003 tube amp, although we had them running off of aerius' headamp a few days ago for kicks, to see if they really were that efficient.
Mar 31, 2004 at 12:16 AM Post #42 of 68

Originally posted by tomek
and as for cost, they were about $ 2K CDN

Yep, it's a dilemma.

If you do delve into the used market, are you aware of the Canadian online used market?

It's so much nicer to just knock on a door in Toronto and pick up your item, rather than worry about the honesty of sellers or the lateness/clumsiness of Fedex. Once during a phone call to a seller, upon learning where I lived he said "I drive by there everyday at 4:30pm, will you be there tomorrow?". And he delivered to me
Mar 31, 2004 at 1:21 AM Post #44 of 68
Good call on the Servo 15, that is one heckuva sub.

There is another Canuck online audio site that I check out, in addition to the excellent Canuck Audio Mart, and that is Audio Eden.

The speakers going flat to 45Hz are no doubt room and placement dependent. With the speakers situated way out in the room, you are likely to trade off some bass for the delightful soundstage depth you describe.

Mar 31, 2004 at 7:38 AM Post #45 of 68
I tried this out back in the day. i bought jbl n26 and a huge 500watt 15' cerwen vega sub. after loads of setup time for the eq on the sub to get it right it sounded ok. but I still wasent happy so i went out a bought full stading mirage om-9's.

this was a few years ago and i just sold my mirage's and recently had a interest in speakers again. so for giggles I placed my 2 jbls (which were in the closet all the time) on 2 side tables and placed my leather rocking chair in the middle (like a triangle). the sub is being used in another room for a ht setup, nor do i want to use it.

hooked it up to a oldddddd technics amp and gave it a go, here is what I thought....

volume up..........

press play........

sit down in the chair.....

HOLY ****!!! THE SOUND OF OF THESE SPEAKERS ARE AMAZING!!! the bass is perfect, you can feel it and hear it but its not to distant like from the sub.

in the setup before (with the sub) the bass was big but it sucked. the bass is suposed to come from the speakers giving the highs and mids not from the corner. these jbls are amazing and now I feel I waisted $1500 on mirages cause the sound is so damm amazing......even with a crappy amp and cables.

screw the sub, its not for music...its for ht only. get a ok pair of book shelves and demo them. they will blow you away with the bass they have.

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