Bitten By Ety Bug???
Aug 21, 2006 at 6:45 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 82


Headphoneus Supremus
Apr 15, 2003
I've been saying for 6 months I have been completely satisfied with my E4's but now after snagging a pair of ER-6i's I am intoxicated by the meticulous detail. There is still an awful lot to like about the E4 and I'm not sure I could ever part with it but I never should have tried the Ety. I thought the E4's were plenty detailed but the Etys seem MORE detailed than the original recordings (LOL!).

1) I hear some say that ER-4 has silkier highs or they don't cut as hard as on ER-6i. True?

2) Does ER-6i have more bass or same as ER-4?

3) Does ER-4 have enough of an improvement over ER-6i to upgrade?

4) How long before E500 owners are looking for the next upgrade?

5) Should I just stay the hell away from Head-Fi?
Aug 21, 2006 at 10:51 PM Post #3 of 82

1) I hear some say that ER-4 has silkier highs or they don't cut as hard as on ER-6i. True?

I own both and I would definitely classify the highs on the ER-6i as harsher and less extended than the ER-4P. The ER-6i can sound harsh on certain recordings and I've never found this to be the case on the ER-4P.


2) Does ER-6i have more bass or same as ER-4?

ER-4P bass is deeper and is greater in quantity than the ER-6i, at least to my ears. In fact, I think the bass on the ER-4P is just as as present as it is on the Shure E4. Although the bass on the the E4 does seem to extend lower.


3) Does ER-4 have enough of an improvement over ER-6i to upgrade?

Absolutely. But one thing that keeps me from offering an unqualified recommendation to upgrade is the ergonomics on the ER-4P. I use them portably quite a bit on the move in NYC and they can be a pain sometimes. They are so microphonic, you are forced to use the shirt clip or wear them using one of the "behind the ear" mods some people have tried. I find either solution to be somewhat of a hassle. But unamped out of my 4G iPod the ER-4P trounces the Shure E4. I only use the Shure E4 amped, which does sound fantastic when amped.


4) How long before E500 owners are looking for the next upgrade?

As I don't own the E500, although I do own Sensas, I can only surmise that it will be when UE releases their triple driver universal IEM.


5) Should I just stay the hell away from Head-Fi?

That might be the sane decision, but I've tried and I keep getting pulled back in. Although I'm at the point where I am done looking for the perfect portable rig. Everything I've tried has its limitations. So I'm sticking around to start building the perfect home rig.

Summary: If you enjoy the ER-6i, you will definitely enjoy the ER-4P, and you can always add the P->S cable later if you want them to double as amped home phones when you need a little isolation. Just keep in mind the downsides, especially if used for heavy portable use, and that they may not represent that huge a jump in overall improvement than an amped E4.
Aug 22, 2006 at 1:25 PM Post #4 of 82
ProleArtThreat....Thanks, great feedback. Yes, I would agree that when you have a little more amplification behind E4's, they really shine....I think the clarity comes out a little nicer while overall still staying warm with a relatively wide soundstage.
Aug 22, 2006 at 3:52 PM Post #5 of 82
i definitely think the er4s are the way to go, especially if you have an amp for them.

as mentioned earlier, microphonics are an issue and i always use the shirt clip when i wear my phones -- the cables going up to the earpieces are best if they're touching as little as possible.
Aug 22, 2006 at 5:51 PM Post #6 of 82
i went from the er6 to the er4p-s and never went back. the er6 has a grainier, edgier treble that is not as extended as the er4s. i've even heard the new e500 and while they sounded very good, they didn't have the solid image the ety's have. i've never heard headphones that have the kind of bass depth and control (especiall the latter) the ety er4s has.
Aug 22, 2006 at 6:42 PM Post #7 of 82
I am glad I have both the ER-6i and the ER-4. I use them differently and would not want to be without either one.

I like the ER-6i's ergonomics much better for travel/portable use: the cable is less microphonic, I can easily wear it up-and-over the backs of my ears* and down my back Shure-style, there's no bulky module at the junction of the wires, the earpieces are very small and 'stealth,' and the whole apparatus is ultra-small, easy to tote around, and inexpensive enough that I don't fret about loss or damage. And it sounds great.

At home or at the office, though, I use ER-4S with an amp, for even better sound, but at the cost of less mobility.

[size=xx-small]*remove the shirt clip from below the junction of the wires, and reattach it just above that junction. Now you can slide it up to snug the wires in place behind your head, same as you would the sleeve on your E4's.[/size]
Aug 23, 2006 at 8:44 PM Post #8 of 82
I find the ER4s have a more textured and extended bass than the ER6's..

Contrary to popular opinion I'm starting to think that these are one of their greatest strengths - though they don't produce much quantity of bass (certainly not exaggerated) and can benefit from a slight +2-3dB boost in your favorite part of the spectrum, what *is* there is so beautiful. Bass drums *sound* like bass drums (not awfully clipped at 50hz). Represented right down deep to 20hz. Bass guitars strings have their character and texture retained.

And yeah the highs are sweeter too.

You may want to consider an IM716 in the interrim if you're interested in the ER4s as they're dirt cheap and somewhere in between.
Aug 24, 2006 at 6:26 PM Post #9 of 82
I am seriously considering selling my E4's (and throwing in some other goodies) and getting some new ER-4P's.

I do not want to start a bashing thread here but it seems that as long as you are not a basshead, the Ety's are the way to go. Seems many have taken the plunge and never looked back, or they realize the E4 is a little dark and veiled. Has anyone regretted the Etys and went back to Shures? I'm having a hard time with this one. You'd think I would be content after getting ER-6i's and owning those AND the E4's. I hate this place........

Any other advice going all Ety? Thanks.
Aug 24, 2006 at 6:39 PM Post #10 of 82
Just do it. You will wonder why you didn't do it sooner.

Aug 24, 2006 at 6:49 PM Post #11 of 82
My only advice... keep up with your ear hygiene. I have gone through more Q-Tips since owning and using my Etys. It's so embarrassing to pull them out on the plane and have a wax booger just hanging there (eeeewwwwwww!!!). Especially if there is a hot chic sitting beside you. Plus, it greatly improves the sound quality
Aug 24, 2006 at 7:14 PM Post #12 of 82

Originally Posted by Spyro
Any other advice going all Ety? Thanks.

I still own my E4 (and E2C for that matter), and I just never use it. I only use my ER-4 and ER-6i. I thought I'd use the E4 at the gym or something, but I like the ER sound so much that I just don't bother with the Shures any more.
Aug 24, 2006 at 7:48 PM Post #13 of 82

Originally Posted by nightfire
You may want to consider an IM716 in the interrim if you're interested in the ER4s as they're dirt cheap and somewhere in between.

does the bass mode switch on the iM716s sort of act like changing between er4s & 4p? is this kind of like having both built into one phone without having to use an adaptor cable? these phones strike me as one of the best bargains out there.
perhaps an iM716 could serve as an er6, er4s, and er4p all rolled into one for less $ than the er6 alone! like i said, one of the great bargains in candom.
Aug 24, 2006 at 8:08 PM Post #14 of 82

Originally Posted by daveDerek
does the bass mode switch on the iM716s sort of act like changing between er4s & 4p?

The bass mode switch really pumps up the bass a lot, making the difference between 4P and 4S look subtle by comparison.

I personally didn't like the iM716. The big body makes it quite hard for me to get a seal, it's less efficient than an ER-6i, and I didn't feel it sounded as good as an ER-6i (maybe it is if you're a basshead). To me it seemed to have an odd-sounding resonance or two somewhere in its range.

I think if you want ER-4 sound, there's no substitute for an ER-4. They come up for sale used for good prices often enough, and sound superior enough, that I'd rate them a huge bargain. I certainly get more use and pleasure out of them, both absolutely and on a per-dollar basis, than I would have from my Altecs (had I kept using them and not put them aside after a couple of days).
Aug 24, 2006 at 8:54 PM Post #15 of 82
You ETY Heads crack me up. If Etymotics spend as much money refining and updating their product as they do paying bloggers to wax enthusiastic about their "beloved" ETYs, they would be better off. LOL

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