Binaural samples to download if u please :)
Jun 5, 2003 at 2:16 AM Post #46 of 61

Originally posted by jimbobuk
Nice to see you liked it... impressive leeching doing it all in 1 go... my ISP must of actually been working ok.. either that or you get it better in the US than i do in the UK... if you are in the US, can't see from the reply info below..

More is coming...

Ha! And I didn't even use a download manager! It took me a couple of hours... But I passed the time by listening to them as I downloaded.

I look forward to your updates.
Jun 5, 2003 at 4:07 AM Post #47 of 61

Originally posted by jimbobuk
Enjoy some guest samples by Dallas Simpson.. he's got some excellent quality mics, and has been very generous in the length of samples he's given me... some really interesting environments and sounds.. give it a whirl

I've been meaning to start a thread about Dallas Simpson -- he's amazing! I have a couple of tracks by him on the em:t catalog of discs, and one he sent me, and intend to (eventually) get everything he's done.
Jun 5, 2003 at 10:36 PM Post #48 of 61
Give that CD he's done linked on my page a whirl its great... I've heard a good few of his tracks now and yes I agree its all good stuff... his equipment and knowledge of what sounds good spatially and musically makes his work very interesting to hear... The way his mics resolve wind.. annoy the hell out of me.. as in i really struggle with it and it just sounds great on his recordings
Jun 15, 2003 at 3:00 PM Post #49 of 61
I finally got my last recording put online.. its been a while... i have been busy but also i wanted to do it properly... I took a camera out with me and took shots of the places i was recording in... I've built up a timed picture sequence to play simultaneously with the audio tracks so that they should roughly sync up giving you pictures of what you are hearing... its done in powerpoint so you need to have that to watch it.. may look for a free powerpoint show viewer..

Anyways check it out

As i say on there.. comments would be really appreciated... i would like to know how people find the mix of images and audio...

Ohh and I've just updated it by putting one of the new files online as a monkeys audio lossless audio file... perfect quality of course... compresses down much smaller than normal music does (around 30% which is getting near to high bitrate lossy stuff.. at about 400k/s) ... see if you can spot the differences... MPC is pretty darn good.. I've not tried comparing it but its nice to have the option of the original master..
Oct 7, 2003 at 11:45 PM Post #50 of 61
ok its been a very long time since i've uploaded any new recordings but its now time to start putting up some recordings from summer... i've finally got my broadband back too so i can actually upload such large files... by now you should know what to expect, if not read the previous posts of the threads

I've yet to verify this, am currently downloading it as we speak.. I'll post again when its confirmed that the file is definately valid.. if anyone beats me to it (as i have to sleep soon) please post to say that the download was ok and worked..

For now enjoy a taste of a summers day as we head into the cold of winter...
Oct 8, 2003 at 1:30 AM Post #51 of 61
Yup, the file works. Thank you again for uploading all this great stuff. I really love binaural recordings and can't wait to get a setup to try my own.

I really enjoy hearing people talk in other binaural recordings I have heard. It would be interesting to hear a conversation you have with someone while wearing them?
Oct 8, 2003 at 8:56 PM Post #52 of 61
There are bits and bobs of that all over my recordings but generally i try to stay out of the mix... the person wearing the mics sounds strangely centred on recordings... sounds around you sound much more like it.. also most people tend to think you are listening to music with these stealthy mics so its kinda arkward to talk to people who dont know about it when they think you are listening to music

The latest one has probably more (reluctant) conversation than any previously...

I've made one a few weeks ago which i question if i'll release... not listened yet but i found it quite difficult treking around without breathing too heavily.. not the fittest but crucially was on the way to a series of colds which i'm on the 2nd or 3rd now... this kind of self noise is a bugger to fix... use of a dummy head can obviously eliminate this.. hopefully my head will clear before i want to make the next few recordings
Jul 6, 2005 at 11:08 PM Post #53 of 61
For a good while my site has been operating in reduced form whilst i moved over to a new host.. This change happened ages ago but i never got round to fully restoring my site. In the mean time i've dabbled with phpnuke and got the basics of that working. My old page is now back online with all files hosted again.. the links have changed to nuke pages where you can get info on their ratings/comments (if you're registered).

I'd really appreciate it if people could have a look around and vote whenever they can on tracks.. comments would be appreciated.. the rest of my site isn't really developed, but there are forums and all other things in place. Point being it should be possible for you to leave some comment somewhere for me.

Beyond that checking that the downloads work ok and all that, and of course.. as its been 2 years since an update this post is to remind new readers of headfi of these samples being available to download. I also thought it was better to keep it all in the same thread so the history of it could be looked through by those interested.

The new site URL is in my signature but its here

Comments appreciated... Is this forum (Dedicated Source Components) still the best place for it?
Jul 7, 2005 at 12:26 AM Post #55 of 61
Glad to be back

Please can you spread it around on here, as really this one site is the one site where i'd imagine most users would want to at least listen to a few of my recordings, being free, high quality (well the codec.. MPC.. the tech and my skills just about get by i think
) files. I hope they get the right exposure on this forum

Sep 6, 2005 at 8:44 PM Post #57 of 61
Dallas Simpson sent me a couple of recordings and i'm in the process of getting them online. The first one is online now, it is an MPC version of an entire 30 minute seascape recording. Here's its description


Originally Posted by Dallas Simpson
"Filey Promenade and seascape", Filey, Yorkshire, UK, 5th August 2004. (complete) This recording features a walkabout along the promenade and seashore at the Yorkshire seaside resort of Filey on a calm evening using no windshields. There is a powerful yet intricate seascape and a wonderful backdrop of human presence and activity. The recording is a continuous real time single take recorded in binaural stereo and must be heard on headphones for full surround sound.

It is available on my binaural homepage here

I've announced this on another thread that happened to have sprung up about binaural recordings

But this is my original thread announcing my recordings, so i will continue to post updates on here too.
Sep 25, 2005 at 10:07 PM Post #58 of 61
I've just finished uploading a 2nd guest sample by Dallas Simpson. At the usual address.


4th May 2002: Guest sample: Dallas Simpson's "MUD!" Lambley Dumbles, Lambley, Nottinghamshire (extract) "An exploration of a muddy stream valley around midnight. The stream passes through grazing pastures and this section has two troughs cut into the steep clay bank to allow grazing cattle access to this wooded stream valley for water and shade. The activity of the cattle is to churn up the clay subsoil to create a magnificent "mud bath" along the stream bed. There are two metal gates across the steep valley to constrain the cattle to this section of the stream bed and this recorded extract of my activities takes pkace between these two metal gates. At one point an owl flew down the small, steep, wooded valley passing my head at a distance of about 1 metre. It was, of course completely silent and left no trace on the recording. I have attempted to transcend the physical reality in producing this soundwork so that the mud, breaths and hearbeats, plus other improvised found sounds, offer an imaginative sonic narrative for the listener to dwell in and engage their imagination. Recorded in binaural stereo for headphone listening. "

Apr 2, 2006 at 1:22 AM Post #59 of 61
Hi folks.. I've just uploaded another set of recordings that i thought i'd uploaded a few months back.. I did all the processing on them and just never got round to putting them online. Anyways have a look.. usual place..

5th August 2003: Frisbee down the park with a marching band

Though they can be gotten directly from the php site downloads section, though to be honest i think the main old page is still a cleaner way of finding what you want.. If only i had the time to improve things on the site further, but at the moment i just don't.

Anyways its a new/old recording of me playing with a frisbee with a few friends, and then a marching band takes to the field and has a practice session with lovely directional echos reasonably well captured.

I still have a lot of old material to put online, i will try to get round to it. Will probably have to start taking old material offline to make way for the newer stuff. At the moment in my spare time (and finances) i've been getting into photography and cameras more and more, so new recordings aren't being made at this time. Still at the pace i'm releasing there is still a few months/years left of material to get online.

Enjoy. As always, comments are appreciated
Aug 9, 2014 at 8:31 AM Post #60 of 61
Hi, Sorry to resurrect this ancient thread of mine. But it seemed a good idea so that hopefully anyone who'd posted on it all those years ago and were interested in my recordings would see the reply.
I recently did a couple of new binaural recordings when I took a visit to the coast and thought i'd post them here for you guys to hopefully enjoy. I have strong memories of a childhood in the 80s spent by the seaside with certain arcade machine's attract sounds seemingly permanently etched into my brain. My pilgrimage to try and track down these sounds was reasonably successful, unfortunately a lot of the charm of the arcades has really been lost now. Still there's something there, and I'm relatively happy with the recordings, aside from a few technical quirks throughout.
For reference I'm using the same Mics that I used all those years ago, but am now able to use a zoom recorder with no pre-amp necessary. I don't know whether the quality is better or worse, but the kit is far more portable, and it wasn't exactly bad back in the day. Still remember fondly recording them all with my Creative Jukebox 3 with custom hdd :)
I do plan to try and find all my old recordings and get them all online again, they're currently offline. Also I will try to put files up for download should anyone not want to be bound to their connected devices and listening via mixcloud.
I'm also heading up to Edinburgh next week for the Fringe festival and plan to do some recordings there, that I will get online just as soon as I can.
Anyways, here they are. Hope you enjoy listening.
"A Binaural recording walking around a beach and into an old arcade"
"A binaural recording of walking through the pier, fair, and beachside at Skegness. 
nb. at the beginning of the recording my mics are clipping and failing due to the amount of wind, it passes once I get off the pier itself. Also at around 20 minutes I have a game of air hockey for a short while, the sounds of this are quite loud."

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