Beyerdynamic T5 (3rd Generation)
Sep 5, 2020 at 12:06 PM Post #76 of 766
First impressions.... The 3rd Generation is actually very good. I enjoy it a lot more than the outgoing model.

I'll write more when I get home. :)

I spent nearly 3 hours listening to these 2 headphones, with a slice of the Dan Clark Audio AEON 2 Closed thrown in, for good measure.

So, let's get on, shall we? :)

Firstly, the lows. You'll still get a healthy boost in the mid-bass, so that's something nice to start with. However, it appears that the sub-bass region has been given a shot in the arm, as it rumbles a little more, with a tad better extension. Moreover, the lingering decay of the T5p (2nd Gen) has been fixed in this version; beats are tighter, with greater attack and slam.

The midrange is also the happy recipient of an overall positive correction. For starters, mids are more forward on the T5 (3rd Gen), if ever so slightly. To add the proverbial cherry on top, vocals have more presence and weight, with better texture throughout. The outgoing model has decent vocal capabilities, but they can sound hollow at the worst of times.

On to the treble, and this is where things start to get contentious. Gone are the infamous treble peaks that caused the T5p (2nd Gen) to, at times, appear overly harsh and sibilant. The highs are a lot smoother now; it has good control and a dash of brilliance. However, the airy presentation of the previous model has been axed in favor of a relatively subdued region. For those who enjoy the treble delivery of the T5p (2nd Gen), you won't enjoy the 3rd Gen's take.

Thankfully, the T5 (3rd Gen) retains the outgoing model's imaging chops, but the soundstage has been reduced for a more intimate sound. The lack of air in the higher registers is probably a major culprit. Whilst the 2nd Gen model has a wide and deep stage with excellent layering, the revised model has a narrower, and a slightly-cramped presentation. Tonally, the new model retains a good level of warmth, but reduces the bloom that results in a more distinct and clearer sound.

Ultimately, the new T5 distinguishes itself from its predecessor in more ways that one. It's quite a leap from the previous model, but not always in ways that are good. From a subjective viewpoint, this new incarnation sounds more pleasant to my ears than the old. However, it might not appeal to fans of the older version, since the new kid on the block sacrifices a few crucial factors to achieve a signature that I'd describe as a 'quality consumer-friendly sound' - the treble brilliance of the 2nd Gen is lost, so out the window goes that airy sound, and soundstage size has been reduced in all 3 dimensions, resulting in a more intimate and cramped presentation.

Personally, I greatly enjoyed my time with the T5; I was this close to pulling the trigger at the store earlier. With that said, I'll probably be selling the T5p (2nd Gen) very soon, though.

Source: Chord Hugo 2
Sep 5, 2020 at 1:04 PM Post #77 of 766
The Amiron Wireless doesn't use the cable like you see for the, T1, T5 and Amiron Home. It uses a single cable.
The sound from the Wireless is brighter than the Home and yet it's very silky smooth, bass is very well done when needed. I love both Amirons.
If you'll ever get the Wireless, make sure to apply the earpads on your ears so it won't leak bass.
The Amiron Home has a very lovely bass, it's just so damn good!

It would have been nice if either the T1 or T5 would be 250ohm. 600ohm fine too. Look at the T1 and T5, they are now for hi-fi amplifiers too. The T5p.2 wasn't:
The Amiron wireless cable is a single connection - and since Amiron Wireless is 32 ohm it should be easier to drive than Amiron Home 250 ohm, so I won't need to run them balanced to get the extra power of my devices. I got them to run primarily wireless so running wired is secondary. They are arriving today; I'll try them out for a month and see how I like them.

Speaking of pads and ears to improve bass, did you try any other 3rd party pads?

What do you think about the T5 vs Amiron Home?

Thank you for sharing your experience on both the Amrion Wireless and Amiron Home. :)
Sep 5, 2020 at 1:18 PM Post #78 of 766
I spent nearly 3 hours listening to these 2 headphones, with a slice of the Dan Clark Audio AEON 2 Closed thrown in, for good measure.

So, let's get on, shall we? :)

Firstly, the lows. You'll still get a healthy boost in the mid-bass, so that's something nice to start with. However, it appears that the sub-bass region has been given a shot in the arm, as it rumbles a little more, with a tad better extension. Moreover, the lingering decay of the T5p (2nd Gen) has been fixed in this version; beats are tighter, with greater attack and slam.

The midrange is also the happy recipient of an overall positive correction. For starters, mids are more forward on the T5 (3rd Gen), if ever so slightly. To add the proverbial cherry on top, vocals have more presence and weight, with better texture throughout. The outgoing model has decent vocal capabilities, but they can sound hollow at the worst of times.

On to the treble, and this is where things start to get contentious. Gone are the infamous treble peaks that caused the T5p (2nd Gen) to, at times, appear overly harsh and sibilant. The highs are a lot smoother now; it has good control and a dash of brilliance. However, the airy presentation of the previous model has been axed in favor of a relatively subdued region. For those who enjoy the treble delivery of the T5p (2nd Gen), you won't enjoy the 3rd Gen's take.

Thankfully, the T5 (3rd Gen) retains the outgoing model's imaging chops, but the soundstage has been reduced for a more intimate sound. The lack of air in the higher registers is probably a major culprit. Whilst the 2nd Gen model has a wide and deep stage with excellent layering, the revised model has a narrower, and a slightly-cramped presentation. Tonally, the new model retains a good level of warmth, but reduces the bloom that results in a more distinct and clearer sound.

Ultimately, the new T5 distinguishes itself from its predecessor in more ways that one. It's quite a leap from the previous model, but not always in ways that are good. From a subjective viewpoint, this new incarnation sounds more pleasant to my ears than the old. However, it might not appeal to fans of the older version, since the new kid on the block sacrifices a few crucial factors to achieve a signature that I'd describe as a 'quality consumer-friendly sound' - the treble brilliance of the 2nd Gen is lost, so out the window goes that airy sound, and soundstage size has been reduced in all 3 dimensions, resulting in a more intimate and cramped presentation.

Personally, I greatly enjoyed my time with the T5; I was this close to pulling the trigger at the store earlier. With that said, I'll probably be selling the T5p (2nd Gen) very soon, though.

Source: Chord Hugo 2
Very helpful and incisive, as ever. Alas, like the T1 3rd gen, it seems the T5 3rd gen isn't for me. I already found the 2nd gen a little too smooth for me and even needing a bit more air in the upper end, so the increased smoothness of the treble on the 3rd gen wouldn't be for me. I guess I'm not overly surprised the direction Beyer have gone in - it was already hinted at with the previous generation and also the Amiron Home, and I can also see how this will have widespread appeal. I guess it just makes me appreciate the "glory days" of the DT880, DT990, and T90 all the more.

Out of slightly morbid curiosity, how would the treble compare to any of the recent Audio Technica models (especially the 2000Ti or WP900)?

Edit - also out of interest, how's the comfort? Did they fix the pad issue?
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Sep 5, 2020 at 1:26 PM Post #79 of 766
The Amiron wireless cable is a single connection - and since Amiron Wireless is 32 ohm it should be easier to drive than Amiron Home 250 ohm, so I won't need to run them balanced to get the extra power of my devices. I got them to run primarily wireless so running wired is secondary. They are arriving today; I'll try them out for a month and see how I like them.

Speaking of pads and ears to improve bass, did you try any other 3rd party pads?

What do you think about the T5 vs Amiron Home?

Thank you for sharing your experience on both the Amrion Wireless and Amiron Home. :)
Nice, which Wireless? The normal one or the Copper? I use the Wireless for my PC and phone wired and sometimes when need it, I use it wireless.
I like to preserve its battery :p

I don't use any 3rd party pads, I don't want to torture my precious Amirons :p
But to improve the bass and comfort, I use those earpad covers:

Currently I only own the T5p.2 but both are amazing. I use the Amiron Home the most because of its immersive sounds and detailed bass extension, the bass is so damn good! And 2nd is the Amiron Wireless and then T5p.2. It depends on the mood actually and they are so good.
Sep 5, 2020 at 2:22 PM Post #80 of 766
On to the treble, and this is where things start to get contentious. Gone are the infamous treble peaks that caused the T5p (2nd Gen) to, at times, appear overly harsh and sibilant. The highs are a lot smoother now; it has good control and a dash of brilliance. However, the airy presentation of the previous model has been axed in favor of a relatively subdued region. For those who enjoy the treble delivery of the T5p (2nd Gen), you won't enjoy the 3rd Gen's take.

Thankfully, the T5 (3rd Gen) retains the outgoing model's imaging chops, but the soundstage has been reduced for a more intimate sound. The lack of air in the higher registers is probably a major culprit. Whilst the 2nd Gen model has a wide and deep stage with excellent layering, the revised model has a narrower, and a slightly-cramped presentation. Tonally, the new model retains a good level of warmth, but reduces the bloom that results in a more distinct and clearer sound.

- the treble brilliance of the 2nd Gen is lost, so out the window goes that airy sound, and soundstage size has been reduced in all 3 dimensions, resulting in a more intimate and cramped presentation.
I wonder if, instead of redesigning the driver for less treble in the problem areas, they just damped the whole thing, losing the extreme top air and effectively throwing the baby out with the bathwater?
Sep 5, 2020 at 2:50 PM Post #81 of 766
Very helpful and incisive, as ever. Alas, like the T1 3rd gen, it seems the T5 3rd gen isn't for me. I already found the 2nd gen a little too smooth for me and even needing a bit more air in the upper end, so the increased smoothness of the treble on the 3rd gen wouldn't be for me. I guess I'm not overly surprised the direction Beyer have gone in - it was already hinted at with the previous generation and also the Amiron Home, and I can also see how this will have widespread appeal. I guess it just makes me appreciate the "glory days" of the DT880, DT990, and T90 all the more.

Out of slightly morbid curiosity, how would the treble compare to any of the recent Audio Technica models (especially the 2000Ti or WP900)?

Edit - also out of interest, how's the comfort? Did they fix the pad issue?
Yes Malevolent, please tell us how it compares and contrasts with the wp900 😁. Sometimes I think Nostoi and I have similar taste, and then other times I feel like we might be polar opposites 🤔. Based on your brief description, I think this 3rd gen could be something I would like.
I also agree with the poster who said the 3rd gen looks better than the 2nd.
Sep 5, 2020 at 9:14 PM Post #82 of 766
Nice, which Wireless? The normal one or the Copper? I use the Wireless for my PC and phone wired and sometimes when need it, I use it wireless.
I like to preserve its battery :p

I don't use any 3rd party pads, I don't want to torture my precious Amirons :p
But to improve the bass and comfort, I use those earpad covers:

Currently I only own the T5p.2 but both are amazing. I use the Amiron Home the most because of its immersive sounds and detailed bass extension, the bass is so damn good! And 2nd is the Amiron Wireless and then T5p.2. It depends on the mood actually and they are so good.
That's all great news @CTR640, and my Amiron Copper Wireless has arrived a short time ago. :)

Sorry to the others about the OT Amiron talk, but I'm thinking of getting the T5 2nd / 3rd gen to compare next month - I'd been waiting for the old gen Tesla's to go on sale and had trouble deciding which to get - T1.2 T5p.2 AH AWC DT990/600ohm - all while trying to stay within a 1 headphone / 1 IEM per month ration. :wink:
I did pick up the DT770 Pro 16 ohm - what a great headphone that is, and the DT 880 Chrome Premium 250ohm - even better, and I was planning to get the DT990 Premium Black 600 ohm next - for many months, and then the changing of the Tesla Generations finally crossed that path and changed my next Beyerdynamic purchase to the Amiron Wireless Copper when it dropped from $699 to the $525 range, right now $499:

I've been focusing on IEM's over the last few months, Dunu 2001, Tinhifi P1, Blon BL-03 / BL-05, with only 1 headphone purchase for this year the SendyAudio Aiva's - using the BTR5, BTR3k, M15 - and when I got the desktop D90 MQA / A90 I started thinking about headphones again and focused on the Beyerdynamics.

Oh yeah, my Amiron Wireless Copper came and right out of the box it's awesome - updated the firmware, did the hearing test, and am letting it finish charging - was less than 80% out of the box so I had to charge it for 20 minutes before the PC Updater would let me apply the firmware update . 59. It's really great so far, no glitches.

Surprisingly the FiiO M15 is resolving the "buzzing" edge of the Cybermen's voices ( "Ascension of the Cybermen") somewhat better through the AWC (Amiron Wireless Copper) than the D90 MQA / A90 -much better crunch and definition... hmmm... stuck on unbalanced 3.5mm may be more of a problem than I thought - maybe it's the cable.
Maybe I need a T5 3rd gen / 2nd gen with a balanced cable for the A90? Or even a Amiron Home with a balanced cable? all depends on the price drops over the next month - and the reviews for the 3rd gen Beyerdynamic Tesla's :)

Continued here:
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Sep 5, 2020 at 10:27 PM Post #83 of 766
That's all great news @CTR640, and my Amiron Copper Wireless has arrived a short time ago. :)

Sorry to the others about the OT Amiron talk, but I'm thinking of getting the T5 2nd / 3rd gen to compare next month - I'd been waiting for the old gen Tesla's to go on sale and had trouble deciding which to get - T1.2 T5p.2 AH AWC DT990/600ohm - all while trying to stay within a 1 headphone / 1 IEM per month ration. :wink:
I did pick up the DT770 Pro 16 ohm - what a great headphone that is, and the DT 880 Chrome Premium 250ohm - even better, and I was planning to get the DT990 Premium Black 600 ohm next - for many months, and then the changing of the Tesla Generations finally crossed that path and changed my next Beyerdynamic purchase to the Amiron Wireless Copper when it dropped from $699 to the $525 range, right now $499:

I've been focusing on IEM's over the last few months, Dunu 2001, Tinhifi P1, Blon BL-03 / BL-05, with only 1 headphone purchase for this year the SendyAudio Aiva's - using the BTR5, BTR3k, M15 - and when I got the desktop D90 MQA / A90 I started thinking about headphones again and focused on the Beyerdynamics.

Oh yeah, my Amiron Wireless Copper came and right out of the box it's awesome - updated the firmware, did the hearing test, and am letting it finish charging - was less than 80% out of the box so I had to charge it for 20 minutes before the PC Updater would let me apply the firmware update . 59. It's really great so far, no glitches.

Surprisingly the FiiO M15 is resolving the "buzzing" edge of the Cybermen's voices ( "Ascension of the Cybermen") somewhat better through the AWC (Amiron Wireless Copper) than the D90 MQA / A90 -much better crunch and definition... hmmm... stuck on unbalanced 3.5mm may be more of a problem than I thought - maybe it's the cable.
Maybe I need a T5 3rd gen / 2nd gen with a balanced cable for the A90? Or even a Amiron Home with a balanced cable? all depends on the price drops over the next month - and the reviews for the 3rd gen Beyerdynamic Tesla's :)
The AWC is such a beauty, the most beautiful headphone from Beyer IMHO. I don't know why Beyer doesn't Copper the Home and perhaps the T5.3 too.
The grey colorscheme is getting a bit boring and plain. Although the T5.3 looks nicer than 2nd but give it full alcantara and velourpads and I'm sold. Pleather is so damn sticky when sweating in summer. It's really good Geekria makes earpad covers so no more pleather on your skin.

I wonder if headband replacement for AWC can be ordered to use it for T5.3 and 2nd gen :p

What are the true differences between BTR5 and BTR3K? I'd like to get one of them so I can use the A.Home and T x.x wireless when needed.
Sep 6, 2020 at 6:50 AM Post #84 of 766
Very helpful and incisive, as ever. Alas, like the T1 3rd gen, it seems the T5 3rd gen isn't for me. I already found the 2nd gen a little too smooth for me and even needing a bit more air in the upper end, so the increased smoothness of the treble on the 3rd gen wouldn't be for me. I guess I'm not overly surprised the direction Beyer have gone in - it was already hinted at with the previous generation and also the Amiron Home, and I can also see how this will have widespread appeal. I guess it just makes me appreciate the "glory days" of the DT880, DT990, and T90 all the more.

Out of slightly morbid curiosity, how would the treble compare to any of the recent Audio Technica models (especially the 2000Ti or WP900)?

Edit - also out of interest, how's the comfort? Did they fix the pad issue?
The new T5 certainly sounds better in the bass department; however, for fans of a crisper treble section, its muted highs might turn them away.

You're right, this is the vector that Beyerdynamic has moved toward - consumer-friendly signatures, in bodies that are equal parts portable and easily driven. Looking at both the T1 and the T5, and its other recent releases, it's clear that they know where the money lies, and that's where they want to be.

I didn't compare the T5 (3rd Gen) to the WP900 directly, but the treble on the latter is definitely more prominent, with sharper attack and ostensibly, greater definition. I'll be sure to compare the 2 together, as I'm almost convinced that I'm getting the new T5. I'll probably be heading down for another audition soon, before I make up my mind. I'll be sure to test the WP900 then. :)

Comfort-wise, I couldn't really tell them apart, to be honest. They felt very similar when worn, and the pads are pretty alike in texture and body. At best, my 2nd Gen's pads feel a little softer, but that's probably due to prolonged use.
Sep 6, 2020 at 8:37 AM Post #85 of 766
The new T5 certainly sounds better in the bass department; however, for fans of a crisper treble section, its muted highs might turn them away.
Are they really muted or just not as prominent as they have always been on Beyers?
Sep 6, 2020 at 11:13 AM Post #86 of 766
Are they really muted or just not as prominent as they have always been on Beyers?
In terms of treble presentation, this is certainly the least-Beyer-sounding Beyerdynamic headphone that I've ever heard. There is still a semblance of definition in the higher registers, but it is well controlled; thus, the T5 (3rd Gen) loses a lot of the sparkle and air that its predecessors were noted for. Attenuating the treble response was probably the "safe" tuning choice.
Sep 6, 2020 at 1:55 PM Post #87 of 766
In terms of treble presentation, this is certainly the least-Beyer-sounding Beyerdynamic headphone that I've ever heard. There is still a semblance of definition in the higher registers, but it is well controlled; thus, the T5 (3rd Gen) loses a lot of the sparkle and air that its predecessors were noted for. Attenuating the treble response was probably the "safe" tuning choice.
Thanks. Definitely a bit of a shame for those who value the old Beyer tuning but still. Maybe the revival of "bright" headphones will be the next big trend :L3000:
Sep 6, 2020 at 6:04 PM Post #88 of 766
Looks like Jaben has buy T5 3rd gen, get T5 1st gen free. Seems like a good deal esp if you can sell the free 1st gen cheaper to someone for a win/win.
Sep 7, 2020 at 5:33 AM Post #89 of 766
Looks like Jaben has buy T5 3rd gen, get T5 1st gen free. Seems like a good deal esp if you can sell the free 1st gen cheaper to someone for a win/win.
Please share a link for that combo deal, I couldn't find it, Jaben has both on sale with the 1st gen T5p @ $699SGD and the 3rd gen T5 at $1400.93SGB with no mention of a free T5 1st gen :frowning2:

"What's inside the Box
- Beyerdynamic T5 3rd Gen x 1
- 1.40 straight cable (double-sided), OCC 7N copper, textile braided, 3.5 mm jack plug x 1
- 6.35 mm jack adapter x 1"
Sep 7, 2020 at 12:20 PM Post #90 of 766
Looks like Jaben has buy T5 3rd gen, get T5 1st gen free. Seems like a good deal esp if you can sell the free 1st gen cheaper to someone for a win/win.
Please share a link for that combo deal, I couldn't find it, Jaben has both on sale with the 1st gen T5p @ $699SGD and the 3rd gen T5 at $1400.93SGB with no mention of a free T5 1st gen :frowning2:

"What's inside the Box
- Beyerdynamic T5 3rd Gen x 1
- 1.40 straight cable (double-sided), OCC 7N copper, textile braided, 3.5 mm jack plug x 1
- 6.35 mm jack adapter x 1"
I suppose this is one of those bundle deals that Jaben routinely cobbles together; they are quite famous for that.

@hmscott You might want to contact them via Facebook Messenger to enquire further. They are quite active on that platform.

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