Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)
Oct 26, 2018 at 4:56 PM Post #2,027 of 5,189
If I am okay with Chinese models . Any suggestions please ??

I currently use an iPhone X which i feel is worthless with my oppo s . Any suggestions In buying dac amps is also appreciated .

If you are okay with carrying an extra device then there are many options including ifi products.
Oct 26, 2018 at 9:41 PM Post #2,028 of 5,189
If I am okay with Chinese models . Any suggestions please ??

I currently use an iPhone X which i feel is worthless with my oppo s . Any suggestions In buying dac amps is also appreciated .

Vivo xplay6

Or ifi idsd bl
Oct 28, 2018 at 7:46 PM Post #2,030 of 5,189
Hello guys.

Upgrade time, my V20 is a mess with all sorts of typical LG problems so I'd rather not go v30, G7 or V40.

I really like the Huawei P20 Pro. Are there any good USB-C dongles out there that perform as well as LG phones, even if they're expensive? Or is the HP20P a total mistake for audio?

Thanks a lot!
Nov 2, 2018 at 7:56 PM Post #2,031 of 5,189
I’ve been using Vivo Nex S for a few months. Very happy with its audio quality. Other pros including nice screen, good camera and large battery. However the touch screen is not as sensitive as other phones, and Bluetooth audio is buggy and will stutter with my WH1000-XM3. Anyway, I’m about to jump boat to a G7 and sell the Nex. Let’s see how it goes.
Nov 3, 2018 at 2:30 AM Post #2,032 of 5,189
Hello guys.

Upgrade time, my V20 is a mess with all sorts of typical LG problems so I'd rather not go v30, G7 or V40.

I really like the Huawei P20 Pro. Are there any good USB-C dongles out there that perform as well as LG phones, even if they're expensive? Or is the HP20P a total mistake for audio?

Thanks a lot!

Am not sure any small dongles do as good as LG but if you have easy to drive iems take a look at Hidiz Sonata type c to 3.5mm dongle. Also VE Odessey is there which is more powerful but doesn't have that much clarity as hidiz Sonata as reviews says.

I think it's time to move to dongles time. Either way good audio mobile phones are losing software support like the LG one or many are losing headphone jack.
Given that OnePlus 6t removed headphone jack and considering the fame of OnePlus in market i think in short time many earphone companies will bring with type c earphones. Just a guess.
Nov 3, 2018 at 2:31 AM Post #2,033 of 5,189
I’ve been using Vivo Nex S for a few months. Very happy with its audio quality. Other pros including nice screen, good camera and large battery. However the touch screen is not as sensitive as other phones, and Bluetooth audio is buggy and will stutter with my WH1000-XM3. Anyway, I’m about to jump boat to a G7 and sell the Nex. Let’s see how it goes.

Well try LG V40 also. Either way please do a overall comparison of LG vs Vivo emphasizing audio department
Nov 3, 2018 at 6:11 AM Post #2,034 of 5,189
Just wanted to chime in here and say my LG V30+ has been stellar for the last 6 mos. It sounds perfect (for me) with my TFZ King Pro IEMs and VSonic GR07s (37th Anni special edition) while out and about, but also drives my Nightowls and X2HRs flawlessly while puttering around the house.

It also pairs very well with my Sony WH1000-XM2 for travel, LDAC support makes the sound so transparent and accurate. Bluetooth pairing is always very fast (damn near instantaneous) and easy.

The V30+ comes with 128GB of internal storage, and I added an additional 128GB SD card for half a Terabyte of storage, so I have downloaded a ton of lossless files from Tidal and it makes listening in patchy cell reception areas very easy.

Extremely happy with it so far. I had a G4 and a G3 previously and liked them too, but they didn't have the same quad dac feature set of the V30. My G4 died an an fortunate death and the hands of my offspring (#dadlife), so I had a Note5 from its initial release until 6 months ago. The LG was a big upgrade as far as sound goes.

One additional note, streaming bluetooth Tidal from the V30 to my car sounds orders of magnitude better than streaming Prime Music from my Note5. It is seriously night and day, My son got in the car and the music started and he just spontaneously said, "Wow, this sounds awesome! Did you upgrade the stereo?"
Nov 3, 2018 at 9:23 AM Post #2,035 of 5,189
The V30+ comes with 128GB of internal storage, and I added an additional 128GB SD card for half a Terabyte of storage

Not to be pedantic, but 128 + 128 = 256 = a quarter of a terabyte, not half a terabyte.

I believe the technical term for your storage capacity is "a crapton of music". :beyersmile:
Nov 3, 2018 at 3:36 PM Post #2,036 of 5,189
Since I ditched my player, I've been using V30 for some time. P20 Pro came in a few days ago. It's own hi-fi dac decodes up to 32/384. This phone, to my amazement, sounds very sweet straight from USB type c (with their converter). I listen to iems like ie800s, no background noise, enough power. Compared with V30, I find myself leaning more towards P20 pro's tuning. Engaging, full sounding, brighter than V30. Huawei doesnt advertise hi-fi audio like LG does, but I hear my iem match better with P20 Pro.

So you really think it sounds as good or better than the V30 Exit??
Nov 3, 2018 at 5:50 PM Post #2,037 of 5,189
Not to be pedantic, but 128 + 128 = 256 = a quarter of a terabyte, not half a terabyte.

I believe the technical term for your storage capacity is "a crapton of music". :beyersmile:

You are correct, and I was wrong twice. My memory isn't what it once was. I actually put in a 256GB sd card, so I guess I could say I have "almost half a terabyte"?? 384gb... Who can remember that wierdass number? I'll stick with the more technical term (crap-ton) from here on out.
Nov 9, 2018 at 2:13 PM Post #2,038 of 5,189
I'm looking for some help identifying/simplifying the role of DACs as phones phase out headphone jacks. I've been using an HTC 10 for the past few years and bought it largely b/c of the high quality onboard DAC. I'm looking for my next phone and am leaning towards the OnePlus 6T or Pixel 3. I've read that the Snapdragon 845 has a built-in DAC, and that the 6T has an analog DAC as part of the USB C port. My goal is highest-quality sound without spending hundreds on external headphone DAC - should I be looking for a USB-C-3.5mm dongle with a built-in DAC? Does a USB dongle "cancel out" the onboard DAC (whether it's from the processor or in the USB port itself)? The 6T is new enough that I'm not finding a lot of info about headphone sound quality (just the crappy speakers) - any insight would be appreciated!
Nov 9, 2018 at 2:41 PM Post #2,039 of 5,189
I'm looking for some help identifying/simplifying the role of DACs as phones phase out headphone jacks. I've been using an HTC 10 for the past few years and bought it largely b/c of the high quality onboard DAC. I'm looking for my next phone and am leaning towards the OnePlus 6T or Pixel 3. I've read that the Snapdragon 845 has a built-in DAC, and that the 6T has an analog DAC as part of the USB C port. My goal is highest-quality sound without spending hundreds on external headphone DAC - should I be looking for a USB-C-3.5mm dongle with a built-in DAC? Does a USB dongle "cancel out" the onboard DAC (whether it's from the processor or in the USB port itself)? The 6T is new enough that I'm not finding a lot of info about headphone sound quality (just the crappy speakers) - any insight would be appreciated!

You can start with Hidizs Sonata HD 2 . Pretty good one. Don't expect LG G and V series loudness. But it is better than almalm all mobile dacs out there. Cost is 29 dollars after 10dollar discount from their official site. Head-fi has some good reviews about it too.
Ve Odessey is also another one which is cheaper at 10 dollars only but sound quality wise Sonata has the lead.
If you want similar to LG G and V series audio then Audioquest dragon fly black should be looked. But it's bigger of a pen drive size plus it needs extra usb otg cable and also it is quite expensive
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Nov 9, 2018 at 3:04 PM Post #2,040 of 5,189
I'm looking for some help identifying/simplifying the role of DACs as phones phase out headphone jacks. I've been using an HTC 10 for the past few years and bought it largely b/c of the high quality onboard DAC. I'm looking for my next phone and am leaning towards the OnePlus 6T or Pixel 3. I've read that the Snapdragon 845 has a built-in DAC, and that the 6T has an analog DAC as part of the USB C port. My goal is highest-quality sound without spending hundreds on external headphone DAC - should I be looking for a USB-C-3.5mm dongle with a built-in DAC? Does a USB dongle "cancel out" the onboard DAC (whether it's from the processor or in the USB port itself)? The 6T is new enough that I'm not finding a lot of info about headphone sound quality (just the crappy speakers) - any insight would be appreciated!

Most Snapdgragons have built-in audio but some manufacturers use a separate DAC chip for better quality. Similar to Intel CPUs with integrated graphics vs ATI/Nvidia graphics which are 10x better.

Software determines which chip handles the audio but we're still in the Android phase where those details are being worked out. Afaik, connecting a USB DAC overrides the internal chip but the only app that can force USB audio output (for devices that support it) is still UAPP.

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