Help with choosing
Hello Everyone today my family had a discussion about the cellphones we have and when we are going to go and get new ones. I personally like the Iphone 6 when i got it a couple of years back, but to this day my new Samsung galaxy s7 edge is just absolute garbage most of the times, and it has a...- musicalychallenged
- Thread
- dac iphone ldac lgv30 samsung galaxy s7 samsung galaxy s9+ smartphone smartphones sonata hd dac cable
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations
Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)
Previous Thread: Please help rectify my Table if spec is wrong. Any recommendation is welcomed. =============================================================================== Google Doc for Smartphone Table...- artpiggo
- Thread
- smartphones
- Replies: 5,303
- Forum: Portable Source Gear