Best Rock/Metal Earphones
Dec 27, 2003 at 7:31 PM Post #16 of 31

Originally posted by Iron_Dreamer
Sovkiller: You must have had a poor-sounding HD600, as I had a poor-sounding HD590, because the HD600 I have (stock cable, no less!) can rock with the best of 'em. I don't want to get you started, so I'll just leave it here.

Maybe is a matter of preference, Iron, and what is best suited for you, maybe is not for me, but this is a more general believe here, I'm not alone on that, that the HD600 is not "best suited" for rock and even less, for heavy metal, IMO and IME, toooo.... laid back, you can use it, but is not "best suited" (IMO not at all, but this just my personal opinion, you may like it, only if you like to listen a concert from the lobby of the venue instead, but they will never seat you where the action is taking place, in front of the band, inside the hall)
I used an HD600 brand new from the box, I get it new, and sell it like new, and I never liked any aftermarket cable, of course you are very welcome to like it, but it is "best suited" for other genres, in which I consider it is extremelly good, as I mainly listen rock and heavy metal, I do not like it, BTW, he asked for opinions and I gave mine, not better not worse than other, just mine....remember opinions are very personal...
Dec 27, 2003 at 7:39 PM Post #17 of 31
Hey Sovkiller, are the Sony MDR-V700 DJ phones really considered one of the best for rock? Far as I know, they seem to be bashed quite a bit on this forum, but I really have no idea what type of music everyone likes to listen to here.

It seems that the Sennheiser's are really good for classical/jazz type music, but I'm not quite too sure. It seems that way at least and it seems that the Grado SR-60 or SR-125's are really good for rock music. Am I right there?
Dec 27, 2003 at 10:12 PM Post #19 of 31

Originally posted by ojnihs
Hey Sovkiller, are the Sony MDR-V700 DJ phones really considered one of the best for rock? Far as I know, they seem to be bashed quite a bit on this forum, but I really have no idea what type of music everyone likes to listen to here.

It seems that the Sennheiser's are really good for classical/jazz type music, but I'm not quite too sure. It seems that way at least and it seems that the Grado SR-60 or SR-125's are really good for rock music. Am I right there?

Grados are mainly recommended here for that, but most of the people who bashed the V700DJ, IMO had never tried them seriously, OTOH and I never said they are one of the best for rock, the best for rock of the ones I have tried is the CD3000, but is out of your budget, the V700DJ were designed for DJ use, though they sound its best loud, but the sound is pretty good, pretty decent IMHO, (I like it overall better than the 7506, and less than the 7509.....for rock and heavy metal).
I can't say that they are at the same level of RS-1, CD3000, but for Rock and Metal they are OK, right now my brother has one pair of V700DJ's drivers in a V600 enclosure, as the V700 tends to be very uncomfortable, and the sound is very good, of course I'm recommending the ones I had tried (excluding the Grados) those Sony's sound very decent, 7509 is a little bit better IMO, but is more expensive....
Dec 28, 2003 at 5:12 AM Post #21 of 31
I've made my decision.

After going to HiFi Sound, and talking to a sales rep, it seems that the best decision to be made is the grado SR-80. He was all sold out, sold the last pair this morning. He said that everyone that had purchased a pair of 80s had them paired up with an ipod. (not that I was going to buy them from him

I tried the sr60's out on the ipod, I had the volume cranked almost all the way up.
But they did sound amazing... I guess the bass and overall responce, along with sound stage is better on the 80's. The 125+ are definetly better, but they are hard as hell to drive, and they come with the 1/4" plug...ehh

I am sold on the 80's.. and I will still have enough cash to make a headphone amp, and buy the shure 2c's!

I do realize that there are better phones than the 80's, but these seem to be the "just getting into hifi" move for me.

PS I love the grado sound!!!!
Dec 28, 2003 at 3:19 PM Post #22 of 31
The recommendations so far are all good, but I think you may also want to check out the Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro. IMHO, these are the best rock 'phones out there, with killer bass and extended highs. Of all the 'phones I own, these have the most "fun factor." Absolutely great with any high energy music. Just my opinion, of course.
Dec 28, 2003 at 3:28 PM Post #23 of 31
I like the Grado SR-225 for rock music and the other recommendations made so far are excellent as well.

One thing you should consider in addition to sound is comfort. The one major issue I have with the Grado line is comfort. After about 45 minutes the ear pieces almost feel abrasive. Non of the other headphones I have bother me in this way. It is not a problem if I want to listen to few songs but wearing them say while i work for 2-3 hours at a stretch is too uncomfortable.
Dec 28, 2003 at 4:12 PM Post #24 of 31
Out of the iPod? Unamped?

SRxx and xxx are OK, but well... The SR60* and 80 Gratos (cannot comment on the 125 or 225) aren't robust, practical, comfortable or secure for portable use. No doubt you'll start finding that out later if you succomb to the 'first taste' Grado attraction.

Ety ER-4... No I don't think so. More general purpose, and that more leaning towards the likes of classical.
Shure E2c... Once again, a general purpose phone. This time with a reasonable bass but slightly rolled off treble. May suit or not for rock... hard to be absolutely sure. Good for the money though. In-ear comfort is not that great.

My additions:
Forthcoming Shure E3c... a contender. More aggressive than the ER-4P, kinda cool with the iPod.

Beyer DT770*... yes, agree with everything said about them, but I don't believe the iPod powers them sufficiently to get the DT770-ness of them. A thinly driven DT770 is not particularly nice.
Sony MDR-V700DJ... Surprisingly entertaining for rock with the iPod, provided you can get over the sonic deficiencies. Comfort is effectively as bad as Grato, but in a different way... This phone is too heavy for general portable use. Not as bad as some say for this style of music, but not that recommended either.
A-T A900*... another generalist, with an even response and good extension at both ends of the sound spectrum. Although isolation makes it quite usable for travelling, the design is nn-portable so not recommended.
Sennheiser HD600*... I do hope whoever posted this was joking.
Sony MDR-V6/7506*... Very rock-orientated with a slightly hard-edged, bassy, very bright sound. Perks up even more when amped. Struck me as more fatiguing than most, not for the comfort but the psychological effects of the sound. Folds to the smallest size for a 'large format' phone. Quite easily driven. The best rock bang to be had under $100 (for the V6) but if your budget permits better, pick another.
Beyer DT250-80... Although the low end and midrange of this phone may seem to suit it for rock, the excessively rolled off highs take out any 'zing' that you want from this style of music. A nice mild unremarkable carpet slippers sort of sound as well as a similar level of comfort. Surprisingly hard to drive for a phone of this impedance rating, even from the iPod. Forgiving isn't really an issue, a bad MP3 will sound bad on this from the iPod as practically anything else. The only difference is that this phone can't resolve the upper-end artifacts of those bad files.

My additions:
Sennheiser HD25-1... recommended. Good partner with the iPod. Quite aggressive, very easily driven, clear, good bass, well isolated, lightweight and portable. Comfort is not as bad as the Gratos but may clamp.
Ultrasone HFI-650#... recommended with caution. Yet another excellent general purpose phone which does rock fairly well, is reasonably isolated, is fairly easily driven and is quite portable.

* = phones I haven't tried unamped with the 3G iPod.
# = phones I haven't owned, only listened to.

Edited to include other phones
Dec 28, 2003 at 4:34 PM Post #25 of 31
I agree with the fact that the grados arent portable at all...

I plan on using them at home, and using the shures for portable use. I mean, the shure E2c's have to be better than the ipod earbuds? Right?
Dec 28, 2003 at 4:49 PM Post #26 of 31
For metal, I like the 125's/Senn pads and the A900. They both have to impact to convey the energy of the genre.

The 770's mid dip IMO doesn't do metal justice and is better for rap or hip hop. The ipod may be able to power the 770, but I don't think it would power it well and it would drain the battery quickly from having to keep the volume up high enough for them.

For portable use with an ipod, I'd get some ksc-35's for rock. They have a somewhat Grado like sound with more bass and powered well enough they have enough impact.

The ER-4's are a good all arounder, but are too smooth and leave metal lacking to me. I might like the E2c better with it's more prominent bass, I may just have to find out someday.
Dec 28, 2003 at 5:57 PM Post #28 of 31
The problem with the V700DJ recommendations is that there is no low bass, and an excess of midbass, add that in with a mix of unusually unrealistic sounding treble, then you don't have a winning combination imho...

...That was listening unamped from a PCDP though, so maybe if you add beefy amplification (18v meta?) then the ball-park may change, but seeing the MDR-V6 can be had for a lot less, I know where my money would go if push came to shove.
Dec 28, 2003 at 6:05 PM Post #29 of 31
Someday just for fun I think I will take my CD-3000's and Traveler bag with my Cosmic to Starbucks and put them on. It would be a riot to watch peoples reactions.

Sorry, I too glossed over the portable requirement. I have used Ety's for such a long time when I need portability that I did not even think about it. The Grado's definitely are not a good choice for portability or sound containment.
Dec 28, 2003 at 6:17 PM Post #30 of 31
You have to admit though, the grados sound pretty damn good...

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