Best open back earbuds with the most 3D soundstage ($ range 300-600)
Jan 15, 2012 at 3:55 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


New Head-Fier
Jan 15, 2012
Hi, I'm pretty new to audio equipment but I recently bought Bose IE2 earbuds for $100 and I loved how they sounded. The treble is so-so but the bass is deep and fast. They are open-air so you can hear your surroundings (which is what I prefer). I browsed around and did a few serches but it seems like most people are interseted in noise isolation, so I bought the expensive Shure SE535 ($540). The sound clarity was superb, but unfortunately the spaceousness was completely gone. It sounded like it was coming from within my head. I returned them and am now looking for something along the lines of my IE2s. Can anyone with experience recommend anything, because even the store clerks at J&R told me that the IE2s are as good as it gets in open-back earbud arena. Any advice appreciated, Thanks.
Jan 16, 2012 at 2:18 AM Post #3 of 5
I actually meant earbuds, because I didn't really liek the Shure 535s. I'm looking for open-back (or whatever it's called) earbuds (not the ones that go deep into the canal) they also have to <not> be sound isolating. Basically I'm looking for a very 3D sound, and the most airiest bass.
Jan 16, 2012 at 4:21 AM Post #4 of 5
sennheiser mx980! i have them in my ears right now and this thing is the most airy hf i ever used. the first to days i was dissappointed, but suddenly after about 12 hours, everything opened up, bass bacame tight and highs silky and sweet. right now they sound to me like a much more opened 3d-ish k701 with better bass.
Jan 19, 2012 at 4:17 AM Post #5 of 5

I actually meant earbuds, because I didn't really liek the Shure 535s. I'm looking for open-back (or whatever it's called) earbuds (not the ones that go deep into the canal) they also have to <not> be sound isolating. Basically I'm looking for a very 3D sound, and the most airiest bass.

Since you are prepared to invest some money and you're not bothered with using a portable amp, how about the Yuin PK1?
For soundstage, the Creative Aurvana Air seems to be good. However, the clip-on earpieces might be a bit annoying if you are not used to them. I've got the now discontinued Audio Technica CM700TI, and the Creative Aurvana Air is described as sounding similar to the CM700: airy and detailed with a good soundstage.
Here's a comparison between different high end earbuds:
If you are prepared to wait, Blox might come out with a new batch of the M2C in the not to distant future, The design is simple, the M2C looks like the old Sennheiser MX400, but it sounds very different. It is not as detailed as for example the PK1 (I haven't heard the PK1, only its smaller brothers PK2 & PK3), but the M2C has got a very good soundstage with plenty of depth. The price, when it is available, is around $40, and it is a very good price, I think.
If you have some patience and are prepared to watch Ebay, I would recommend the 20 year old Aiwa HP-D9. It was discontinued over 15 years ago, but to my ears it is the earbud with the best 3D soundstage. When you listen to it, it feels like you are inside a big dome and the different elements in the music are hanging in the air. With well produced music (in my case progressive rock) they can sound amazing. They are however very lean on bass, almost "bass anemic". Anyway, these are very rare but show up on Ebay sometimes. They can go for up to $400. You can look on the earbuds I have suggested, especially the Creative Aurvana Air, but I also recommend you to keep an eye out for the D9 if you do not have any problem with paying over $300 for a pair of earbuds.
I have to add another oldie: Sony MDR-E282. It was sold between 1985 and 1990, and while it is not as detailed as the Aiwa HP-D9, it has got a very wide and deep soundstage. It is a few steps above the Blox M2C, but since it is a vintage earbud, you'd have to pay over $200 if you find one.
Unlike IEM's, the market for high end earbuds nowadays is very small. I would say that the only high end earbuds sold today are the Sennheiser MX980, Yuin PK1 & OK1 and the Sunrise AS-Charm. The Yuins and the Sunrise require a portable amplifier, though...

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