Best IEM Under 300
Apr 8, 2020 at 3:16 AM Post #16 of 24
I'll throw in a recomendation for the Moondrop Blessing 2, it's just a tiny bit over your budget. I read your question from Sunday with the stuff about the Meze's. The Blessing 2 would be a good pair to get an extremely well detailed listen while retaining a natural feel.

It also seems like you like a very forward presentation judging by how you described it in that post. I haven't tried them, but I'd bet the Etymotics mentioned above will definitely get you there. I would just be wary of the bass response of the Etys.

I agree with the point above about stock though, but mostly because shipping times might be crazy.

Best of luck!
In fact the Etymotics (I think ER2XR would be the best match) would be prime candidates, except that their one big weakness is soundstage, which was mentioned by Gioachino as one of the main criteria.
Blessing 2 might be a bit bright and light in bass, even though it would maybe tick all the other boxes.
Apr 8, 2020 at 3:21 AM Post #17 of 24
The Audiosense AQ3 has been reviewed very well by portafi (youtube) and I think he is a very good and trustable reviewer.
Everything is reviewed very well by him, everything always sounds exactly according to it's price.
Maybe it's just because he is payed by manufactures and/or headphone shops?
Watch from 7.25m:

Bad Guy Good Audio sounds delusional sometimes, but at least he is honest.
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Apr 8, 2020 at 3:36 AM Post #18 of 24
In fact the Etymotics (I think ER2XR would be the best match) would be prime candidates, except that their one big weakness is soundstage, which was mentioned by Gioachino as one of the main criteria.
Blessing 2 might be a bit bright and light in bass, even though it would maybe tick all the other boxes.

I agree about the brightness, my preferences for sound leans a little brighter generally. I will say, I think the subbass of the Blessing 2 is fairly light but still present and tight, but bass's overall lends itself to be actually pretty punchy and substantial enough for hip hop. Not typical hybrid dynamic bass but certainly better and more natural than the BA's I've heard.

Edit: You may very well be right about the Ety's though, have to throw that in here. Can't just stan for something I personally like lol

I think, judging by Gioachino's posts from Sunday as well, was that he wants a wider soundstage but with a forward presentation. Also in that post he mentioned he liked the way the Meze 99 Classics sounded, but prefers the way an IEM has sound go directly to your ears. I haven't listened to the Meze's so I can't be too much help there but hopefully that helps with some reccomendations.

I personally need to try Etys so I can have a general standard to base reccomendations on, but I digress.
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Apr 10, 2020 at 10:41 PM Post #19 of 24
If u are ok to try some cheaper CHIFI, these are some cheap CHIFI (< $50 USD) that have good reviews on headfi and audio sites, that may suit your criteria and are quite all rounders:

1) KZ ZSX (Terminator)
2) CCA C12
3) TRN V90

These are all hybrids and they seem to be sidegrades of each other, just with slightly different tuning. CHIFI has come a really long way from before, now they are not too far away from some western brands in sound quality, for a fraction of the price, and would be a good place to start. I hope the others can give their advise too. Though of course read reviews and audition if u can before buying!

Are you planning to get any of the above 3? I can't decide which of the 3 to get. I am also considering Guideray GRi and Tin T3. How is your KBear? Thx.
Apr 10, 2020 at 10:51 PM Post #20 of 24
Apr 10, 2020 at 10:57 PM Post #21 of 24
Which KBEAR are u referring to? The KBEAR Diamond or KBEAR KB04?

I didn't hear two of the above, so maybe it is best u ask the others as this thread, some of em have all 3 to compare:

They're pretty helpful, so just ask away!
Sorry KBear Diamond. I have seen quite a few reviews on youtube about them already but I still can't decide. Most likely I am gonna go for the Tin T3.. Thanks for the link.
Apr 10, 2020 at 11:08 PM Post #22 of 24
Sorry KBear Diamond. I have seen quite a few reviews on youtube about them already but I still can't decide. Most likely I am gonna go for the Tin T3.. Thanks for the link.

KBEAR Diamond is sort of an upgraded BLON BL-03 (if u have the BLON). The Diamond is a single DD set that has excellent timbre and tonality. Slightly V shaped, with quite a prominent midbass hump. Technicalities very good for a single DD set, but some multi BA/hybrids will probably be better in this area. A weakness is that its soundstage is average and there is lack of sparkle in the treble, but it is very non fatiguing and a safe tuning.

A lot of reviewers and headfiers say the KBEAR Diamond and Moondrop Starfield are the best $100ish single DD sets and are sort of sidegrades of each other, the former is more bassy/V shaped, whereas the latter is more neutralish with lesser bass. The latter is $30 more though.

I wrote a small review on the KBEAR Diamond here ->
Haven't heard the Moondrop Starfield yet though. Also haven't heard the Tin T3, but all the best in your search friend!
Apr 11, 2020 at 1:40 AM Post #23 of 24
KBEAR Diamond is sort of an upgraded BLON BL-03 (if u have the BLON). The Diamond is a single DD set that has excellent timbre and tonality. Slightly V shaped, with quite a prominent midbass hump. Technicalities very good for a single DD set, but some multi BA/hybrids will probably be better in this area. A weakness is that its soundstage is average and there is lack of sparkle in the treble, but it is very non fatiguing and a safe tuning.

A lot of reviewers and headfiers say the KBEAR Diamond and Moondrop Starfield are the best $100ish single DD sets and are sort of sidegrades of each other, the former is more bassy/V shaped, whereas the latter is more neutralish with lesser bass. The latter is $30 more though.

I wrote a small review on the KBEAR Diamond here ->
Haven't heard the Moondrop Starfield yet though. Also haven't heard the Tin T3, but all the best in your search friend!
Thanks for the detailed post. Odd you haven't heard of the Tin T3, it's got good reviews everywhere. It's about $10 more than the other 3 iems. There are so many brands and models coming from China that it's difficult to keep track of them all.
Apr 12, 2020 at 10:06 PM Post #24 of 24
Best iem under 300, preference excellent detail and excellent soundstage, bass in the average .. What do you recommend? , listening from smartphone without any external dac, I hope to take one but not at the moment

I'm currently using the AKG N40s which we're, originally, $400 but now sell for $150 on the AKG website and $200 on Amazon. They aren't as popular and you'll struggle to find reviews on them, but I've loved them. Mids are forward and clear with tight bass and accurate highs, an overall warmer (and fun) sound signature. I'm thoroughly impressed with the sound stage on these - they've got a dual driver setup which I think helps.

Now, I only recommend these because I haven't enjoyed using them so much. You will want a better DAC/amp though to drive them. They don't require much power and have a good sensitivity, but they really benefit from more power. I'm a using a FiiO BTR5 (highly recommend that little guy) with a FiiO 2.5mm balanced cable. I did have to file the cable down slightly so it would plug in fully to the N40, but it's such a warm clear sound now I don't even care.

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