Best headphones for Sigur Ros + dancing around with?
Jan 2, 2010 at 11:13 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


100+ Head-Fier
Nov 9, 2003
I really want a great pair of headphones. But I love to dance around to my music, and haven't found a good pair of headphones yet for this.

I just got some iGrados and a lot of stuff sounded great, but I put on Ara Batur off Sigur Ros's last album and it was COMPLETE DISAPPOINTMENT. Sounded terrrrrible.

On my ER-4P's it sounds pretty good, but I know it could be better.

So basically:

-Sounds amazing, significantly better than ER-4P, must play Ara Batur very well

-Can dance around with them, no uber long cords I guess, and other stuff is factored in... like on my Ety's you can hear the cable bump

-Would like to be driven with no amp, as I like portability and stuff, but wouldn't be averse to buying an amp if I had to. (Why I'm posting here... but wouldn't mind getting a full sized headphones either, as long as they fit good)

-Don't really like IEMs and don't think they're good for dancing around with, as there's no stability in how they stay on your head.

-Budget... let's say $800 or less? I'm flexible here though

I really appreciate the help from anyone... I've done a lot of searching around, hours and hours looking for a good phone. I really don't know, so I'm making this post now.

I used to have a pair of DT440s and really liked the soundstage on those and a lot of stuff sounded good... but somehow their sound was a bit fatiguing for me for my ears FSR. This was a while ago so it's hard to remember exactly why. I really really want like, eye poppingly good sound quality... I know headphones are capable and the music is certainly capable too...

My first phones were KSC-35, then KSC-75 later, and was really floored at how good headphones could sound when I first got them. Now I want MOARRRRRRRRR.

edit: I know this is kind of a ridiculous pipe dream post, but I'm hoping... but feel free to recommend a set of phones that could achieve everything I want with some mods... I would definitely be up for modding to achieve this!

edit 2: I have a rather large head. I think I wear like an 8, maybe 8 1/2 fitted cap.
Jan 2, 2010 at 12:13 PM Post #2 of 10
I think I found a winner: 32 ohm DT880... I had no idea this existed.

I really want to hear what others' opinions are though too so please reply! Only problem is these don't seem very portable in terms of size and whatnot, but I think they'll deliver the amazing sound I'm looking for, and perhaps with some modding might be quite good for dancing around in.
Jan 3, 2010 at 12:58 PM Post #4 of 10

Originally Posted by BaboonGuy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Don't really like IEMs and don't think they're good for dancing around with, as there's no stability in how they stay on your head.

Most singers and musicians wear IEMs on stage nowadays. Some of them dance around quite a lot.
Jan 3, 2010 at 4:34 PM Post #5 of 10
you dance around while listening to sigur ros? O.o
Jan 3, 2010 at 8:53 PM Post #7 of 10

Originally Posted by nhancakes /img/forum/go_quote.gif
you dance around while listening to sigur ros? O.o

lol sometimes... ara batur is usually a sit in my chair and be amazed kind of song, but at times i feel compelled to dance
Jan 3, 2010 at 8:58 PM Post #8 of 10

Originally Posted by james444 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Most singers and musicians wear IEMs on stage nowadays. Some of them dance around quite a lot.

Ah, good point, didn't think of that... tho, ime (er-4p) I don't think an IEM can compete with the soundstaging and presentation of an open-air headphone. Gonna order the DT880 somewhat soon, I think these will be good. I may have to figure a couple mods to get them perfect for dancing though!
Feb 5, 2010 at 11:34 PM Post #10 of 10

I bought the DT880 32 Ohm and it was ALRIGHT. It took too much volume to make some songs sound amazing so I returned them. Plus they clamp and were kind of heavy, can't really dance with those on.

I started liking my iGrados more and more, just had to know which songs to play and which not to play. Unfortunately, to fit my XL sized head, I ended up breaking the plastic neckband trying to stretch it out
That was very sad

Now I'm thinking of an IEM... but I desperately need zero or near zero microphonics, which I guess is not going to happen with an IEM.

Hopefully Grado will let me use the warranty on the broken ones... but even those are a bit uncomfortable. They do have great sound (mostly) and I have no problem going crazy dancing by myself with these, no chance they will fall off or obstruct my movements.

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