best headphones according to your experience

Jan 1, 2010 at 5:16 AM Post #16 of 30
My Edition8's - no doubt the best I've heard so far. A pair of open cans of equal calibre will make me complete.
Jan 1, 2010 at 11:39 AM Post #17 of 30
K1000, SR-007(BL), HE90, 4070 and JH-13 Pro.
Jan 1, 2010 at 8:45 PM Post #20 of 30
For the present, I must say that I surprise that k1000 is one of most voted, since they are very difficult to find, it of the grado it seems to me to be more normal, also I surprise them akg701 ó 702, I have akg702 and I do not like them too much.
Jan 1, 2010 at 8:53 PM Post #21 of 30
Grado RS1 and AKG K1000.......
Jan 1, 2010 at 9:39 PM Post #24 of 30
HD600 have just the right amount of treble detail without getting fatiguing, a nice midrange (when pair with the the right amp) and I like the bass as well. Right now I use these as my main can having replaced my AD900 with them and mostly do not miss the AD900 (much).

Having said that my AD900 were very nice as well just to fatiguing for me. Gave away my AD700 to my Mother at Christmas and miss those as well but the HD600 is not leaving me wanting to much.

I would like to find a closed can that makes me smile like the HD600 do,

I recently bought a apir of CKS70 IEM's that I really like for their bass but do find the lack of treble a bit offputting at times so I won't say they are my best IEM quite yet as I have one pair of TF10's coming in and if they don't float my boat I may spring for a used pair of IE8 or possibly try a pair of Cyclone PR2.

As you can see from my current round up I prefer warmer sounding IEM's compared to sparkly, this is due to issues with sibilance and ear fatigue.
Jan 1, 2010 at 9:46 PM Post #25 of 30
My current favourite is the K701.

Wide soundstage and open sound.

I hated it at first and nearly got rid of them, but slowly, I've grown to really appreciate them.

Jan 2, 2010 at 1:00 AM Post #26 of 30
At this moment my preference is:

1. Stax 4070 Monitors, everyday I love them more

2. Stax 007A
3. AKG K1000, I miss them but for my open can I prefer the 007's

and then in no order of preference, Ed.8's and JH13's
Jan 2, 2010 at 1:57 AM Post #28 of 30
I"m gonna vote for HD800. My first high-end dynamic cans currently in production and as it being my first $1400+ cans, I really can't make any complaints. Right now I'm pounding my fists on the ground trying to figure out why I got into head-fi this late otherwise I might just have been able to get new R10, 010, L3000 etc.

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