Best closed phones?
Nov 28, 2002 at 8:27 AM Post #2 of 53
With an amp - the 770pros for sure

Without an amp it's a little more difficult, some would recommend the Sony V6 but I personally don't think they hold a candle to the 770pro/amp combo... except they're a LOT cheaper.
Nov 28, 2002 at 12:32 PM Post #3 of 53
I have been quite happy with my Senn 280's, but for the types of music you like, the bass probably won't be pronuonced enough. For an inexpensive (relative to this forum anyway), the Sony MDR-7506/V6 may be a good option.
Nov 28, 2002 at 2:01 PM Post #4 of 53
I can easily second Snufkin's endorsement.

When powered by a potent amp, the DT770 is approximately "too kool for skool". :wink:

Nov 28, 2002 at 2:11 PM Post #5 of 53
You'll get many differing answers. Here's mine:

I've auditioned a well broken in pair of DT770 with MF X-Can V2 (a powerful enough amp, but perhaps not the best impedance wise). The result was very uneven balance with lots of thumping bass. I couldn't make out the bass line any more on the Mary J Blige track I was listening. Jurassic 5 on this was unbearable for me. In short, with that amp, I would not recommend DT770 unless you want really HUGE BASS which is mostly single note in frequency.

Ultrasone HFI-650 I've only listened to briefly and it's not yet broken in (using Corda Prehead from 0 ohm output). First impression say that this phone is more balanced, isolates sounds to and from outside better and it has more than one note in the bass, although not as much weight/impact. It's not a perfect phone either, but not bad by any means.

Which is better? For you? Buy the one that you can get a listen to before buying and buy only if you like it. If you can't get a demo, then consider buying blind.

Nov 28, 2002 at 2:14 PM Post #6 of 53
Look into the JVC HA-D990. I have owned both of them and I LIKE THE JVC. The dt770pro is an excellent phone, but its mid-range is to recessed for me; and it lacks punch compared to the jvc. You can get the jvc CHEAP, $16.99 plus shipping at Etronics.
Nov 28, 2002 at 2:44 PM Post #7 of 53
Halcyon - IMHO the X-Cans is definately not a good match for the DT770pro, it ends up sounding too muddy.

sacd - the dt770pro lacks punch??

That's the oddest things I've heard! recessed midrange is sometimes an issue, but lacking punch? Maybe unamped.. but definately not running from an amp!
Nov 28, 2002 at 3:57 PM Post #8 of 53
I didnt say the dt770pro didnt have any punch; I said the pro lacks punch in comparison to the jvc. I also said this in another thread comparing the 770 pro to my grados. The770s distant perspesctive and full bass presentation sound slow and lack impact to me. I very much enjoyed the 770s bass extension and richness, but I want more dynamic get up and go. While the 770 clearly can have bass impact, I had to turn the sound far to loud to get it with the 770s. I am not one to listen loudly and I can get this bass punch at much lower volume with both my grados and the jvc. Dynamics across the rest of the frequency spectrum are noticeably better with the jvc ; and better yet with my grados. I include speed when I REFER TO PUNCH, and for my choice of music, rock and blues, I want some drive. Hope this helps to clarify what I mean.
Nov 28, 2002 at 4:08 PM Post #10 of 53

can you guess what might be the problem with X-Can V2 and DT770 synergy?

It it just the output impedance of X-Cans?

I think X-Can V2 should have enough power to drive DT770.

I need to re-audition those phones with other amps I guess.

Nov 28, 2002 at 5:34 PM Post #11 of 53

Originally posted by SumB
Ill defined one note bass is the hallmark of the X-Cans.

The X-PSU helps. An upgraded tube set helps. And lastly, upgrading the op amps is also a nice tweak. My X-Can v2 has no problem driving the CD-3000 very deep and well defined.
Nov 28, 2002 at 9:02 PM Post #12 of 53
What's best? Best sound? Best isolation? Best price?
I'm thinking you mean all of the above. I would say from my point of view the best closed phone is the Audio-Technica ATH-A900. It's got a good clear sound without being as 'sharp' as the Grados I've tried, punchy bass, extremely comfortable, superb positioning or whatever you call it, build quality that blows similarly priced phones like the Sony MDR-7506, Beyer DT250-80 and the Senn HD280 clean away, good isolation and an affordable price tag (typically <>20,000 yen retail).
It's also easier to drive than any of the above and any of the phones mentioned previously, and the flexibility it gives you (you don't need an amp to drive it well, but an amp will stretch the phones to full potential) is second to none, except perhaps phones like the Sony high-end CD-XXXX ones.
So that's my vote.
But I also like the Sennheiser HD280 Pro which is a bit more harsh and perhaps lacking in bass but probably the best non-Japanese headphone under $200 for use without an amp I've heard.
Nov 29, 2002 at 12:40 AM Post #13 of 53

Originally posted by halcyon

can you guess what might be the problem with X-Can V2 and DT770 synergy?

It it just the output impedance of X-Cans?

I think X-Can V2 should have enough power to drive DT770.

I need to re-audition those phones with other amps I guess.


Yeah, I'm not really sure about the combo - I have a feeling the DT770pro sounds better with SS amps, thanks for sacd's clarification of what he meant by lacks punch, I agree that the DT770pro can sound slow with the wrong amp and IMHO the X-Cans is one of these wrong amps. I've also found that the DT770pro doesn't sound that great with my MGHead, but I'm using stock tubes so that may have something to do with it.

What I'd really like to try is the 770pro with the HA-1 or somesuch, I'm guessing it'd be a better match.
Nov 29, 2002 at 12:55 AM Post #14 of 53
ATH W2002 and *probably* the forthcoming W1000. ($400-$700)

Sony CD3000 ($400).

Sony R10 ($4000).


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