Best Cans For Gaming?
Sep 10, 2006 at 5:20 AM Post #17 of 26
Getting 650s or some other high end phones: honestly, I can tell you why not. High end phones require high end amplification. You simply won't hear all that they have to offer with lesser equipment. Add to that the fact that many games have gone to an mp3 format for all of their sounds, and you're throwing money some place where it will just not reap any rewards. Scale back a bit. There are honestly GREAT headphones for less than the top of the line. You can always save your bucks for a second (and third...and fourth) pair of headphones later.

I don't want to talk you out of Senns, because I dearly love my 600s, but just want to help you make a rational decision.

Good luck!
Sep 10, 2006 at 7:50 AM Post #18 of 26
well when it comes to the darth beyers. Im doing it once and RIGHT so I have to save up for those. I also am not buying anything for atleast a few weeks. Im getting a pair of the red magic hd 595s first i believe. those along with the go vibe should sound better then anything ive heard before. then ill probly get the darth beyers that i want (over $600) and a new amp and dac. So for now ill continue using my pc155s. i just am curious if i should get an emu sound card or the revolution. and if emu the 404 or the 1212? thanks
Sep 10, 2006 at 8:18 AM Post #19 of 26

Originally Posted by bhjazz
Getting 650s or some other high end phones: honestly, I can tell you why not. High end phones require high end amplification. You simply won't hear all that they have to offer with lesser equipment. Add to that the fact that many games have gone to an mp3 format for all of their sounds, and you're throwing money some place where it will just not reap any rewards. Scale back a bit. There are honestly GREAT headphones for less than the top of the line. You can always save your bucks for a second (and third...and fourth) pair of headphones later.

I don't want to talk you out of Senns, because I dearly love my 600s, but just want to help you make a rational decision.

Good luck!

I use an X-fi/1212M combo with an MG Head OTL amp/HD650's for gaming. I couldn't be happier. I think high end headphones are definately fun for gaming. You can hear the most minute details and by using a tube amp I am getting a more forgiving and laid-back sound that normally would be quite harsh on the ears (gunshots, etc.) And mp3's can be improved by using a tube amp. It is very atmospheric, great bass, everything is there and I feel totally immersed in the game! Currently playing COD 2.
Sep 10, 2006 at 10:32 AM Post #20 of 26
One question Jbucla2005:

Can x-fi or audigy 2 soundcards be used at the same time with a 1212m???
I asked a salesguy about it and he said its no good because both cards use creative drivers..
I have an audigy 2 zx now, if i could use both sound cards at the same time i would buy the 1212m at once.

Oh btw anybody, how do i quote?
Sep 10, 2006 at 10:42 AM Post #21 of 26

Originally Posted by Slem
One question Jbucla2005:

Can x-fi or audigy 2 soundcards be used at the same time with a 1212m???
I asked a salesguy about it and he said its no good because both cards use creative drivers..
I have an audigy 2 zx now, if i could use both sound cards at the same time i would buy the 1212m at once.

Oh btw anybody, how do i quote?

Yep, you can. I'm doing it now with the X-fi, and I've done it with an Audigy 2 also. The way to do it is quite simple, just install the E-mu first, disable it, then install the Audigy/X-fi, then enable the E-mu, and select between devices in the control panel. I am using the digital coaxial input/output on the cards to connect them, so the output goes from the X-fi through to the 1212M, which quite drastically improves the sound also (since the opamps on the X-fi are bypassed and the 1212M's opamps are used instead.)
Sep 10, 2006 at 11:22 AM Post #22 of 26
That is some pretty sweet info Jbucla2005

I didnt know it was true, and now i can upgrade to a 1212m card without the hassle i thought might accompany it.

Two more questions tho since ye appear quite knowledgable

1. Would my sound quality improve moving from the audigy 2 zx to a x-fi card?
(given i use the 1212m as output, curtesy of your tip)

2. Moving to a x-fi card, would i notice a quality difference in sound from a x-fi music vs. a x-fi elite pro?

The parts on the elite pro are supposed to be better (and cost ALOT more), but since i would be utilizing the output from the 1212m it is my reasoning this quality difference in parts wouldnt be hearable... Am i making silly arguments or is there some sentiment of truth in it?
Sep 10, 2006 at 12:35 PM Post #23 of 26

Originally Posted by Slem
That is some pretty sweet info Jbucla2005

I didnt know it was true, and now i can upgrade to a 1212m card without the hassle i thought might accompany it.

Two more questions tho since ye appear quite knowledgable

1. Would my sound quality improve moving from the audigy 2 zx to a x-fi card?
(given i use the 1212m as output, curtesy of your tip)

2. Moving to a x-fi card, would i notice a quality difference in sound from a x-fi music vs. a x-fi elite pro?

The parts on the elite pro are supposed to be better (and cost ALOT more), but since i would be utilizing the output from the 1212m it is my reasoning this quality difference in parts wouldnt be hearable... Am i making silly arguments or is there some sentiment of truth in it?

1. YES!!! The X-fi is amazing compared to the Audigy 2.

2. I actually don't know, can someone please tell us the answer? I am curious too, since I just read the elite pro has better DAC's. So quite possibly yes. .... just did a search and found this:

'Extreme Music: Basic X-Fi card, no addons.
Platinum: Base card plus a CD-ROM drive pay unit with more inputs and outputs. You can buy this seperatly and efficlively upgrade an Extreme Music.
Fatal1ty: Base card, but with 64MB of X-Ram on it. This can be used by games to store samples and speed things up. As a practical matter none do. Also comes with the bay like the Platinum.
Elite Pro: Enhanced card, has better electronics (better DACs, opamps, etc), also has X-Ram on it. The CD-ROM bay is replaced by a (very large) external breakout box with the same sorts of inputs, and a bunch of controls.

So in terms of sound quality, everything but the Elite Pro is the same thing. They all have the same electronics. Unfortunately, there's no way to get the enhanced card but with no breakout box. It's all or nothing.'
Sep 10, 2006 at 2:21 PM Post #24 of 26
Thanks for quick reply again

I think i will get the 1212m for now and wait with the x-fi elite pro.
I am a student for the moment and since i am not gaming much anymore I will wait till i land a job before i plunk down the cash for a x-fi elite pro.

It seems the best sound card combo for gaming is the x-fi elite pro paired with a 1212m.
Anyone disagrees with this?

For listening to music; best option is to utilize the 1212m card alone right?
(even tho both cards are installed, just disable x-fi in windows)

While for DVDs and gaming one would have to use the x-fi (pref. elite pro) paired with the 1212m...?

If this true i know what to get now and the upgrade path
Sep 11, 2006 at 8:05 AM Post #25 of 26
Sorry for hijack of thread DoYouRight

I'll spill my experiences with hd595 to try to alleviate for my rudeness.
Ive had the cans for about a year and yes they are my first good cans so take my thoughts for what they are worth.

I did a fair amount of research before buying them.
At the time of purchase it was either darth beyers or the sennheiser (now akg k601 or k701 would have been contenters as well), after being disgusted with the design of the darth beyers i immediatly fell in love with the sweet (imo) design of hd595.

People argued that because of the drivers being angled directly to your ear you get a more "frontrow" seat feeling when listening to music and gaming.
Im no articulate headfier, but i think i understand and agree to that description. I think this "frontrow" feeling helps with gaming, getting more in your face and makes you able to pinpoint the sounds (and later your return fire

I feel the cans to be very revealing and open, imo perfect for gaming.
Some people said, that had listened to the hd650 as well, that hd595 was the best cans for gaming. Price having no criteria.

If you feel you need lots of bass, the hd595 might not be for you. It is not its forte (people say hd650 excels in this area.)

I have yet to try the hd595 amped, but i will within 10 days when i get my head5 amp from Dr. Meier.
If ye gonna be using an amp, just ask me later how and if i think the cans have improved.
(other people say the combo of H5 and hd595 is a match made in heaven, hence i'm anxious to discover this myself.)

Lastly, they are VERY comfortable and look sweet. A friend of mine bought a pair after i recommended them. He is very happy with them and thanked me for my recomendation.
The price for them is hard to beat as well.
Sep 11, 2006 at 8:51 PM Post #26 of 26
After reseraching on the topic if the difference in quality in extrememusic (or plat. or fatality version for that matter) versus the elite pro to be hearable i came across this thread:

In this thread (it is quite long and have been running for some time) some people argue that the difference in quality is audible.
One guy said he owned a platinum version and an elite pro one. Swapping cards and keeping all other variables the same (i think) he heard a difference.
And he even said he was an old geezer.
Me being 25 years old i am confident money spent on an elite pro is worth it.

Too bad the card is so damn expensive, it costs $425 in Norway

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